Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Three Rays of Aspect [Will, Love, Active Intelligence]

The tree great rays are the rays of aspect because:
 First, they are, in their totality, the manifestation of Deity, the Word in incarnation. They are the expression of the creative purpose, and the synthesis of life, quality and appearance.
Secondly, they are active in every form in every kingdom, and they determine the broad general characteristics which govern the energy, the quality, and the kingdom in question.
Through them [Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.] the differentiated forms come into being, the specialised lives express themselves, and the diversity of divine agents fulfil their destiny in the plane of existence allocated to them. Along these three streams of qualified life-force the creative agencies of God makes their presence powerfully felt, and through their activity every form is imbued with the inner evolutionary attribute which must eventually sweep it into line with divine purpose, inevitably produce that type of consciousness which will enable the phenomenal unit to react to its surroundings and thus fulfil its destiny as a corporate part of the whole.
If we take a look at each ray individually, we get the following:
[1]. First Ray: The Lord of Power or Will. This life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of divine beneficence. For His body of manifestation, He uses that planet for which the Sun is regarded as the esoteric substitute. The objective of the work here is the development and the establishment of an international consciousness.
[2]. Second Ray: The Lord of Love-wisdom. He is the embodiment of pure love and instils into all forms the quality of love, with its more material manifestation of desire, and is the attractive principle in nature and the custodian of the law of attraction, which is the life-demonstration of pure Being. He is on the same cosmic ray as the solar Deity and uses Jupiter as his body of manifestation. The aim before His department is to establish a universal understanding of the nature of reality, and to foster the growth of the spiritual consciousness to form the brotherhood of religion.
[3]. Third Ray: The Lord of active intelligence. His work is more closely linked to matter and He is the motivating impulse in the initial work of creation. Saturn is his body of expression and He provides humanity with a vast field of experiment and experience. The workers along this line have definitely set themselves the goal of expanding man’s consciousness and so widening his horizon that a synthesis of the tangible and the intangible will take place. This will bring about the entrance of mankind into a new and subjective realm and his apprehension of new states of awareness, through the fields of education, of science, and of psychology.
Each human being [Solar Angel] has come forth on one line or other from the seven ray forces. The nature of his soul is qualified by the ray Life which breathed him forth, and his form nature is coloured by the ray [personality ray] Life which- in its cyclic appearance on the physical plane at any particular time- sets the quality of the race life and of the forms in the kingdoms of nature. The personality ray changes from life to life.
A ray confers, through its energy, peculiar physical conditions, and determines the quality of the astral-emotional nature; it colours the mind body; it controls the distribution of energy, for the rays are of differing rates of vibration, and govern a particular centre in the body [differing with each ray] through which that distribution is made. Each ray works through one centre primarily, and through the remaining six in a specific order. The ray predisposes a man to certain strengths and weaknesses, and constitutes his principle of limitation, as well as endowing him with capacity. It governs the method of his relations to other human types, and is responsible for his reactions in form to other forms. It gives him his colouring and quality, his general tone on the three planes of the personality, and it moulds his physical appearance. Certain attitudes of mind are easy for one ray type, and difficult for another, and hence the changing personality shifts from ray to ray, from life to life, until all the qualities are developed and expressed. Certain souls, by their ray destiny, are found in certain fields of activity, and a particular field of endeavour remains relatively the same for many life expressions. When a man is two-thirds of the way along the evolutionary path, his soul ray type begins to dominate the personality ray type, and will therefore govern the trend of his expression on earth for the better.  
The seven Planetary Rays work in on the human being through his etheric body which is part of the planetary etheric body. They affect him in different ways, according to his ray aspect and the quality of his unfoldment or development through evolution. Each of the great rays has a form of teaching truth to humanity which is its unique contribution, and in this way develops man by a system or technique which is qualified by the ray quality and is therefore unique. The action and results of the ray activities, or their effect on the evolution of consciousness in man, works according to the law of cause and effect. As the cause, each ray produce an effect that has a higher expression, or a lower expression, depending on the development of the person involved.

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