Thursday 29 December 2011


If you take a child that is in school, say in year one or year two, to a lecture on mathematics or any other subject, in a University, do you think that he would understand and make any sense of the information and will it be of any use to him? Of course not. He will only be ready for it after twelve years of preparation through a school education. If God speaks to you now, would you be able to understand him? Of course not. We are like that child and we need to prepare for the contact with the Master or with our Souls. When the pupil is ready, the ………
This development of consciousness, to be ready for contact with the Master/Soul or later the Monad, is what the Plan is all about. Life itself in all the kingdoms, the whole of evolution, is geared up with this in mind. Just by being alive, your consciousness is developing or expanding through the use of your senses and the survival instinct that keeps you, and everything else, alive. Through emotions you want something, so you have to do something to get it. But first you have to learn to do that something and so the chain-reaction starts that puts you on the path of evolution and consciousness development. The integration process was started and more and more you start to become part of the whole as this consciousness expands. So, integration [into the whole] leads to the expansion of consciousness and this will probably be the objective of the next major changes which humanity must initiate in line with the Plan. Globalisation will have to play a big role in this.
 I was watching the television series ‘The World at War’, that I found in the Library, last week and did a lot of thinking about the good and bad things that befalls humanity. Things that seem to be happening all on its own and over which we humans, seem to have no control. The War was under the department of the Manu and/or the Department of the Lord of Civilisation [not the Christ] and had a Purpose of its own. Remember, we do not understand when God speaks or acts, although we form part of it. Whatever happens in this world, good or bad, has a purpose and we always learn something. The war helped the world to make a great leap in evolution, mental development, emotional development, science and technological development and political awareness and development, medical, education…. The list goes on. The more bad things in our lives, the faster we learn, although we do not like it and always try to take the easy way out and live a mundane and useless live.
My dad left South Africa in 1939 to fight in World War 2. He fought the Italians in Abyssinia, Rommel in North Africa as part of the 8th Army under Montgomery then up through Italy. In 1990 he took me and his grandchildren back to the town, Oudshoorn, in South Africa, where he grew up. In the street where he used to live we found an old man who recognised my dad, after 50 years, sitting on a stoop.  He said, “hi, Eddie, is that you?.” It appears that that man never left the town or village where he was born. What a waste of a life, I thought to myself….if it wasn’t for the World Wars, a lot of people would have been left sitting on stoops in little villages all over the world. Developing your consciousness through conflict is better than living in ignorance all your life.
 So, bring on the warlords, the bad, stupid and corrupt politicians and let us learn some more because if we have peace on earth and everybody live in harmony it will be all over and nobody would be here because there will be no need for it. As soon as we stagnate in our bad ways without change for the better for the greatest good for everybody or as soon as we neglect our duty towards somebody, some nation or race of people, unrest will set in and we will be forced to do the right thing in the end that will lead to more good for the whole and more development of consciousness. Most people must find harmony through conflict and chaos, not by living in harmony. What will be the good of a harmonious life on Earth or anywhere else in the Cosmos? So, we cannot really make any mistakes or mess anything up, it is all part of the right thing in the making. Life or evolution itself will drag us kicking and screaming through to perfection.
 It seems that life consist of jumping from one bad thing to another, every time fixing it before tackling the next bad thing that needs fixing. We should think of ourselves as trouble-shooters and fix it before it happens. Maybe in that way it is possible to live in harmony, always one step ahead of catastrophe. Bud, sadly, we have not developed that ability yet and neither have any of our leaders.
 So, it looks like we should enjoy the journey and not the end of it. If you think of it, the journey never ends, but goes from one integration, to another. Even our Gods are being integrated. Yes, it is going to be a long and interesting journey. I just wish I had continuity of consciousness. This is the biggest objective for some of us that might be ready to undertake the journey consciously instead of through the evolutionary forces that control the rest of humanity and the other kingdoms in nature. It is here where the process of conscious integration will help us to become conscious workers of the Plan through service to humanity. We need leaders with spiritual vision.
Some of us will distinguish their lives by dedicating their energies to inclusion, redemption, and transformation. Others will follow the powerful forces of ambition and acquisition; and some will remain in the paralysing fog of indecision. Yet, all are vital and necessary links in the Great Plan.
The best example of planetary process of integration right now is Globalisation and our attitude towards animals that is also now and then in the news. The barbaric Slaughtering methods of Australian cattle in Indonesia and the whaling question with japan. The whole world is now in a process of integration. The world is changing fast. Global identification is currently experiencing structural shifts of such scale and size that they can only be understood in the light of a planetary spiritual recalibration. For centuries Western, industrialised nations have dominated the entire globe. During these same centuries, a steadily growing band of workers [of the Plan] has strived diligently to plant seed thoughts of synthesis, restoration, and human unification. Now, in less than a generation East will surpass West in higher education, economic development, and environmental sustainability. Then, the racial and cultural biases of yesteryear will rapidly become politically impractical. It is hoped that co-operation would prevent booms and slums and help countries in financial difficulties. When you bind economies and make them economically interdependent it is much more difficult for war to break out. This and the unification of Europe are a partial expression of the massive redistribution of wealth and the developing of global and human unity. Most of these changes are being brought about through circumstances out of the control of the majority of us. In some countries, the fear of war, greed and bad politics are being used instead of wars.
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