Wednesday 14 December 2011


It should be remembered that even the Great Ones Themselves have to lay Their plans largely allowing for the lack of perception of those on the physical plane through whom They have to work. They are handicapped and dependent upon Their physical instruments and Their main trouble concerns the point of evolution reached by the mass of men in the occident, because the point reached at this time might be expressed as a swinging from the rank materialism of the past into a growing and profound realization of the unseen worlds without the balance that comes from self-acquired knowledge. The forces that have been set in motion by the thinkers, are gradually and steadily affecting the subtler bodies of humanity.
There objective is the preparing of an instrument for service in the inauguration of the New Age during the next two hundred years. The integration of a group of knowers and of mystics that can be the channel through which the Hierarchy can work, and through which the Great Ones can sent Their illuminating thought. Through it also They can work for the uplift [in the occult sense] of humanity and thus aid evolution on every plane. According to the response of disciples, of mystics and of knowers everywhere, so will be the rapid coming in of the New Age.
Therefore, the major objectives of the Masters at this time is:
1.            The development of the intuition of all disciples.
2.            The awakening of the discriminative faculty.
3.            The  development of the disciple’s ability to sense the higher vision. [The Plan]

4.            The enabling of the disciple to arrive at a higher spiritual consciousness.

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