Monday 28 October 2013


Why so many conspiracy theories on the run
When in reality there is ultimately only one?
They all show a finger to the top of the Pyramid
But they all look with different eyes to that Pyramid

Not every theorist is standing at the same place
Thus each has a different light in his face
Some use binoculars from up high
While others can only use the eye

Not all are educated or from to the same faith
While quite a few are even without any faith
Not everyone is from the same race
Or the same time and space

Some only use the mind
And leg thus far behind
Others only use the heart
And thus feel only a part

We think humans are at the top controlling us
While they are only being used to lead us
The true and the false Illuminati are being controlled
So that our unstoppable evolution can unfold

We all know by now about the Holy trinity
The three creating forces through eternity
They work together where ever they can
To establish and develop God’s Plan      

One takes a positive and one a negative course
While the Christ Principle is the synthesising force
Each of the principles has its own disciples, tasked         
To work for causes that must still be unmasked

You are part of this plan and has a task
And the time has come for you to ask
What are they trying to prevent me from doing?
And where am I supposed to be going?

This is what the conspirators are trying to prevent
For this will lead to the ultimate event
Where enlightenment and liberation for earth
Will bring the end of their control, to birth

Unless you can see that we are in a spiritual war
You are still ignorant and just asking for more


See all my poems at:

RAY FIVE [of seven techniques of integration]

He stands amazed and in wonderment
And see nothing, but God’s garment
He penetrates the mysteries of form
But not the Mystery behind the form

Love of the form must never hide the Life
Of the one who brought the form to life
And preserves it for His use on earth
Whist giving spiritual forces a rebirth

He must cherish and know and understand
The nature of the veils of life, and make his stand
To investigate the Plan the source and the Mystery
Behind the creation of forms throughout history

He must detach himself from form
And make his personality conform
Then start to use the form which will neither veil
Nor hide the Self but will lead him to the Holy Grail

Revealing all the radiance of God
His power and magnetism, broad
Revealing all there is of form, and of life
Of beauty and the usefulness of the strife

Then the mind can reveal the One   
All form and life blended and fused like a Sun
“Thou art the One. Thou art the form.
Thou art the mind. Know this and conform.”

This alignment between soul and form
Will also unleash crises like a storm
For the balanced vision causes much difficulty
And the spirit path will ask for much loyalty

Ending of the joy-life and desire comes at a cost
That leads to aridness and a sense of lost
This balanced condition between self and not-self
Leads eventually to a crisis of choice by himself  

And to the major task of the disciple's life in form
For when the dual crisis is over, it is time for reform
Then the light streams forth through revelation
Of one form and soul vibration

Through detachment from the grip of form
I have managed myself to transform


RAY FOUR [of seven techniques of integration]

This ray is midway between all the rays
And can clearly see the two opposing ways
Seeking oneness while form divides
He finds war and separation on all sides

This is essentially a force of healing and correction
Which brings all forms to an ultimate perfection
Upon our planet, a bridging group
To bring about an at-one-ment coup 

Acting as a clearing house for divine energy on earth
Producing unity, harmony, beauty and rebirth
Of the individual that can merge with the whole  
While keeping personality under control

This is group fusion with a greater whole
And not individual fusion with the whole
And until this is experienced in person
He will newer comprehend this lesson

When this fourth ray alignment becomes an eventuality
There will be a crisis between soul and personality
The relation of soul energy and course
In relation with personality force

A sense of isolation it will produce
That might make him a recluse
Where a sense of despairing futility
Will make him question his own ability

A determination to stand in the midst
Not to admit defeat but give fate a twist
And a recognition of the warrior within
Will give his live a new spin

He relinquishes the fight in order to stand
In oneness with the enemy, hand in hand
In the breaking forth of the light of victory
The future and the Plan is no more contradictory

This development of spiritual adaptation
Will bring personality integration
And will make fusion sway
Between personality and soul ray

In steadfastness I work and stand
Whilst contemplating to play my hand

Monday 21 October 2013

RAY THREE [of seven techniques of integration]

With the third ray soul love of truth must dominate
While the love of his own thoughts he must terminate
Love of the ordered process must control
While the love of his own wild activity is not the goal

Enforced quiet will brings about the true alignment
Not of meditation but of living and self-confinement
From the glamorous forms with which he is surrounded
So that his personality can be grounded

Otherwise he will manage to get nowhere
Always be occupied with objective somewhere
Which may materialise in some dim and distant future
While failing the objective of the immediate future

The expression of wasted energy to be
Where futility is the result to see
When carefully laid plans
Cannot end their dance

To offset this, he must stand quiet at the centre
Thus allowing time for new visions to enter
And no longer make opportunities for himself on his way
But meet those opportunities which come his way

Thus through a very different activity as yet
He applies himself to the need to be met
From the angle of a glamoured third ray attitude
He will start to work from a higher altitude

Thus alignment is reached through stillness
But this will first lead to some mental illness
Like a deep distress over the uselessness of everything  
And his determination to stand as a spiritual being

This crisis evokes understanding and light
Revelation upon revelation, ever bright
He begins to work with the Plan as it is
And not as he thinks it is 

This process takes much time and stammer
Corresponding to those spent on glamour
But having done all this by filling his cart
The third ray man is ready to play his part

Enmeshed within my self-created glamour, no more 
Through stillness I am ready to go to war

Ray Two [of seven ways of integration ]

The second aspect of the technique of integration
Does not use destruction through crystallisation
But the reabsorption of form in the light
For he has become a bearer of light

When he loses taste for material possession
And the will for existence and expression
He is left with a sense of futility and emptiness
While his soul screams out in thirstiness 

What should now be the procedure and right use? 
Raja-Yoga will bring in different views
And an alert mental detachment
With a spiritual enrichment

This will produce the needed alignment
And build the antahkarana through refinement
This crisis usually persists for a long time
But eventually the light will break in sublime

Light reveals and brings a stage of revelation
Of faults that can prevent salvation
It reveals how the soul sees the personality
As well as its own individuality

It indicates the procedure next to be followed
And all the things that are not allowed
A vision of those who are travelling the same way
Of his soul, of his Angel and the Master of his Ray

The Master Himself is contacted through invocation 
When the disciple has done the needed integration
Thus the power to draw unto himself dominates
While love directs chooses and nominates

Integration, as the result of revelation, is the way
Of fusion of the personality ray, with the egoic ray
Where love-wisdom is in control
And of least resistance for a second ray soul

The first ray penetrates, pierces and produces
The line along which Light comes for many uses
The second ray is the "light-carrier" on the way
And supplements the work of the first ray 

Thus through centralisation
I have found my inspiration


Wednesday 9 October 2013


To build the New Word edifice
The heart must be invoked into service
In line with the Will of God as planned
So that our future can unfold and stand

In this great Service, caution and care
Must be used to build in the square
Where purity of heart is most essential
If we want a future with spiritual potential

When your service becomes creditable
Progress on the path will become inevitable
You make progress because you serve
Whilst leaving nothing in reserve

Those who enter the path of service to the Plan
Will always have enough reserve to go the span
The giving hand must be cherished
For it can never get impoverished

Each Spiritual Teaching ordains giving
Otherwise it cannot be receiving
Spiritual energy for the execution of the Plan
That flows inexhaustible to the serving man

Let each heart pour out spiritual gifts while living
For nothing refines the heart as spiritual giving
The magnet of the heart can attract multitudes
But only if it is a heart without attitudes

Fill the heart’s chalice with spiritual treasures
While forgetting earthly pleasures
The energy of service must be intensified
And the spiritual teachings specified

All benevolent strivings like mercy, pity and love
Are methods of connecting to the higher worlds above
This onward march must be understood as a service
To the Teachings of life as well as to the novice

This service will not be comprehended by selfish hearts
And those dabbling in the black arts
Their poison must be consumed amongst the blind
By serving hearts for the salvation of all mankind

Let the thought of service accompany each deed
And let the command of God become your creed


[Based on the Agni Yoga Teachings.]

See all my poems at:


We all know about the Illuminati conspiracies
Where everything in the world is part of their legacies
We do not want to go along with their fallacies
But are all caught up in their activities

This seems to be going on for centuries
Where in their search for their adversaries
They will crisscross all boundaries
While controlling all agencies

They instigate wars and finance armies
Even manipulate and control the authorities
While treading the rest of us like zombies   
Only there to bring in their bounties

They don’t give a dam about casualties
Or how many ends up in the cemeteries
Who cares about communities?
The only thing that counts are commodities

While they pretend to work for charities
And are busy with all their ceremonies
They take openly from all the countries
While the sheeple sit in the movies

But what lies behind all these conspiracies?
And how do they affect our liberties?
What about God’s Plan and the spiritual hierarchies?
Or is all this part of God’s mysteries?

These people are controlled by demonic entities
Through materialism and lust for more monopolies
Some claim to be atheist, with no fear for Deities
But what goes up, must come down or there are penalties

But the good forces also have their emissaries
And these dark disciples are their enemies
We are in a spiritual war throughout the galaxies
Of which we know nothing in mind or memories

How do we know what is good or bad for our families?
What act is good or bad for the people’s destinies?
Often we see crises dictate against our fancies 
In our development of spiritual properties

Spiritual development needs these atrocities
To deliver our souls to the Deities


See all my poems at:

Ray One [of seven ways of integration] [a poem]

With the first ray soul, the love of power must dominate
And those without power he must repudiate
First there must be not a circle, but a line
And as long as he works alone he feels fine

His ears are closed to other opinions
Even if they are in their millions
Emotion is not used in furthering of the Plan
Where he throws everything in a frying pan

Moving forward in his purposes undeviating
He knows nothing of negotiating
He destroys and tears down in order to rise
To greater heights upon the ruins of his devise

He rises by trampling on anyone
And upon the destinies of everyone
This man will express these qualities in every relation           
A destroying force at home, business or in the nation

His progress is by being in control
Thus keeping everything on the roll
But love must take the place of emotion
Thus keeping everything in motion

At first, his motive is that of selfishness
And achievement base on separateness
After failure to be satisfied, this solo man
Can become a server to the plan

The first ray man will become God's Destroying Angel
After working first as a dark angel
Of destruction for power and lust for form
To which he shall no longer conform

Power selfishly used exhausts its user
And evokes an antagonistic force to the abuser
Not being satisfied anymore, and alone
He will find that he cannot do it on his own

The one who travels on a line, returns upon his way
He mounts the cross with others and without delay
He starts to rebuild for the benefit of all mankind
A better structure than anything left behind

Thus by arresting his selfish efforts, he can
Start to work with aspects of the Plan


See all my poems at: