Monday 28 October 2013


Why so many conspiracy theories on the run
When in reality there is ultimately only one?
They all show a finger to the top of the Pyramid
But they all look with different eyes to that Pyramid

Not every theorist is standing at the same place
Thus each has a different light in his face
Some use binoculars from up high
While others can only use the eye

Not all are educated or from to the same faith
While quite a few are even without any faith
Not everyone is from the same race
Or the same time and space

Some only use the mind
And leg thus far behind
Others only use the heart
And thus feel only a part

We think humans are at the top controlling us
While they are only being used to lead us
The true and the false Illuminati are being controlled
So that our unstoppable evolution can unfold

We all know by now about the Holy trinity
The three creating forces through eternity
They work together where ever they can
To establish and develop God’s Plan      

One takes a positive and one a negative course
While the Christ Principle is the synthesising force
Each of the principles has its own disciples, tasked         
To work for causes that must still be unmasked

You are part of this plan and has a task
And the time has come for you to ask
What are they trying to prevent me from doing?
And where am I supposed to be going?

This is what the conspirators are trying to prevent
For this will lead to the ultimate event
Where enlightenment and liberation for earth
Will bring the end of their control, to birth

Unless you can see that we are in a spiritual war
You are still ignorant and just asking for more


See all my poems at:

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