Thursday 26 July 2012


I think the term initiation
Need some explanation
For once through the spiritual gate
You go from grade to grade

It is a way of loneliness
But the highway of holiness
The unclean shall not pass         
For his vibration cannot last

Always there have been cases
Of mysteries in temples and holy places
Where the true could find what he needs to grow
As well as instruction as to which way to go

It is a way that leads from that which lies outside
To that which dwells inside
It reveals, step by step, the hidden life and tides
Which every form and symbol veils and hides

The aspirant works towards spiritual understanding
That brings inclusiveness and wisdom as to his brother’s standing
He passes from the stage of enquiry on the way
To that of straight knowledge of the day

He undergoes initiation after initiation
Where vision and hope give place to realisation
Leading nearer and neared to complete unity
On his way to divinity

Those who in the past thus worked, agonised and attained
Constitute a long chain that must be maintained
Reaching out of the remotest past into the present day
The initiates are still with us showing the way

Christ gave us a definite picture of the entire process
In His own life story as He made progress
Built around those major initiations
Which are our universal liberations  

Having prepared us by example and precept
Men are lifted step by step
To stand eventually before the initiator
Christ the Son, the first liberator



The first initiation is the birth
Of soul-influence over the physical body on earth
This influence over the personality
Is registered in the brain in clarity

Off all the newborn or spiritually infused man’s liberations  
This is the hardest and takes the longest of all initiations      
For the sins of the flesh
Must make way to start afresh

Gluttony, drink, and immorality on this way
Can no longer hold sway
The physical elemental will no longer hold  
Like in the days of old

Control over the body nature and captivations      
Must have killed all earthly temptations  
For the soul to endure
Nothing must lure                               

A general attitude of obedience to the soul
Must be the preferred way and goal  
And the willingness to obey
Must be very strong on the way

The channel between the higher and the lower is enlarged 
Energies between body and soul are no more camouflaged  
And the obedience of the flesh practically automatic
When animalism is no more problematic

The heart centre is the one usually vivified
And the disciple is no more mystified
He knows that through the work on the astral plain
More control and wisdom is to gain

And with effective control of the astral body
He can be of more service to everybody
When the need of his brother
Comes before everything other 

The rendering of greater service to humanity
Becomes his first priority
His work has begun
He follows the Son



The second initiation forms the crisis
In the control of the astral body through consensus
For all emotions and desires must go
Under the control of the soul or ego

The first initiation symbolises control of the physical body
And the second initiation symbolises control of the astral body
The sacrifice and death of desire has been
The goal of endeavour to be seen

Desire itself has been dominated by the soul
Except those which is for the good of the whole
In the life of the disciple no evil can grow
In line of the will of the Master or ego                    

The emotional body controlled by the soul
Has brought the astral elemental under control      
The waters are stilled or there is no more see
And no more reason for the lower nature to be

By this time the lower bodies has gone still   
For the ego has bend them to his will
Thus the aspiration and longing to serve,
To love and work without reserve 

Rapid development lays the foundation  
Where the second and third initiation
Can through hard work and strife
Follow each other in one single life.

 At this period of the world’s history
Where we face so much misery
More stimulus has been given to evolution
To bring about a solution

 At this initiation the throat centre is vivified.
Thus aspiring souls are getting qualified
To work with force and to work creatively
While sacrificing all in order to help productively

Through the baptism of water [emotions]
His service is of a higher order
His work has begun
He follows the Son



At the third initiation, the entire personality

Come face to face with reality

When it is illuminated or flooded with light

That shines then forever bright

From above by the light of the soul

Who is fulfilling its roll

As the builder in form and Christ aspect

To make the personality perfect

By now the heart is sufficiently pure and loving

And the intellect sufficiently stable to stand the strain of knowing

With a apprehension of the work to be done in the microcosm

As well as its share to be taken in the work of the macrocosm

Now the fully consecrated physical body

Can safely bear the vibrations of the spiritual body       

The personality has now reached a point where its vibration

Is of a high order and all three bodies ready for initiation

And it is apparent therefore, why it is only at the third initiation

That it is the Great Hierophant, Lord of the World and Creation

The Ancient of Days, who officiates

And for the first time contacts the initiates

A vision is accorded of what lies ahead

Membership of the Great White Lodge is to be had

By becoming a Master of Wisdom

And working in the spiritual kingdom

His psychic faculties are stimulated to perfection

By the vivification of the head centres through right action

Where the awakening of the spiritual intuition is the aim   

Of all development through more joy and pain

It is only after this initiation that the monad or spirit

Can start to guide the soul more every minute 

By pouring His divine life like manna

Through a prepared and cleansed channel, the Antahkarana

The Initiate now stands purified on three planes                                                   

With the ability to see and hear on all the planes

He knows what must be done

He works with Christ the Son




Before the fourth initiation the work of training is intensified
While the hunger for knowledge has to be rapidly satisfied
He has to grasp the laws of the three lower planes intellectually
And wield them to aid the scheme of evolution manually           

He studied the cosmic planes and had to master the charts
He became versed in occult technicalities and all its parts
Developed fourth dimensional vision and worked with forces
Directing the activities of the building devas in their courses

By the time the fourth initiation is taken the initiate         
Has mastered the mental plane and can officiate
On the astral and mental plane
While mastering the spiritual plane

The life of the man, who takes the fourth initiation
Is usually of great sacrifice, suffering and tribulation
This is the Great Renunciation that has to be made
For on earth there must be no more debs to be paid

He has laid all, even his perfected personality
Upon the altar of sacrifice, the cross, and finally
All is renounced when friends, money, reputation
Family and even life has no more fascination

The Christ pictured for us and emphasised the fourth initiation
With its transition from the Fixed Cross to the Mount of Ascension
Like The Buddha, he desired nothing for himself and was forever   
Liberated from the three worlds of human endeavour

This is the Crucifixion or Great Renunciation
Symbol of pain and transition through initiation
When the building of the antahkarana is done
And personality and spirit becomes one

The soul body is relinquished and can no longer be
My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me
It connotes the ending of the personality life
Through many incarnations of suffering and strife

After this initiation he is linked with the Masters of Wisdom
With Whom he has worked consciously in the spiritual kingdom
Or he can tread further on the path of initiation
That leads to even Higher Evolution and liberation



After the fourth initiation not much remains to be done
For the personality and the monad has become one
In a relative short time the domination of the sixth sub-plane
Is achieved as well as the co-ordination of the buddhic plane

In the lodge he is admitted into closer fellowship
While his deva-contact become a working relationship
He is rapidly exhausting the resources of the Hall of Wisdom
While working with the Masters in the spiritual Kingdom

He is mastering the most intricate plans and charts for this round
And becomes adept in the significance of colour and sound
He can wield the law in the three lower planes
With free access to his Monad and the higher planes

 While in charge of large works for evolution
He has many pupils under his care and tuition
Gathering under him those who hope
To lead in the next solar system or globe

As far as this scheme goes the man is relieved
After the fifth initiation has been achieved
Though he may, if he will, take two further initiations
By way of the Higher Evolution and Initiations

Those who stay to help humanity on this earth
Will change the vibrations of the globe for a new birth
Into the finer vibrations of the spiritual realm
With the Masters of Wisdom and Christ at the helm

When the Christ achieved this initiation
He embodied in Himself a new principle in evolution
The divine principle of love, as humanity calls it
Or of pure reason, as the Hierarchy calls it

Thus Christ had risen, and proved by His Resurrection
That humanity had in it the seed of life and perfection
That there was no death for the man at any stage
Lo, I am with you always even until the end of the age

This is the resurrection of the personality-consciousness
Duly fused and blended with the spiritual-consciousness
This is finally carried to the point of solar perfection
At the sixth initiation called the Ascension

About the seventh Initiation, I have no revelation

Thursday 12 July 2012


Since the beginning this was a battle between the Black Brotherhood and the white Brotherhood.


I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the release of atomic energy, as related in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in connection with the bombing of Japan.
Some years ago I told you that the new era would be ushered in by the scientists of the world and that the inauguration of the kingdom of God on Earth would be heralded by means of successful scientific investigation. By this first step in the releasing of the energy of the atom this has been accomplished, and my prophecy has been justified during this momentous year of our Lord 1945. Let me make one or two statements anent this discovery, leaving you to make your own application and deductions. Little as to the true nature of this happening is as yet known, and still less is understood. Certain ideas and suggested thoughts may be of real value here and enable you to see this stupendous event in better perspective.
1. It was the imminence of this "release" of energy which was one of the major subjective factors in the precipitation of this last phase of the war. This world war started in 1914, but its last and most important phase began in 1939. Up till then it was a world war. After that date, and because the forces of evil took advantage of the state of war and belligerency existing on the planet, the real war began, involving the entire three worlds of human evolution and a consequent activity of the Hierarchy. Man's attention is normally focussed on the externalities of living. Nevertheless, all great discoveries, such as those made in connection with astronomy or in relation to the laws of nature or involving such a revelation as that of radio-activity or the epoch-making event announced this week concerning the first steps taken in the harnessing of cosmic energy, are ever the result of inner pressure emanating from Forces and Lives found in high Places. Such inner pressures themselves function under the laws of the Spirit and not just under what you call natural laws; they are the result of the impelling work of certain great Lives, working in connection with the third aspect of divinity, that of active intelligence, and are concerned with the substance or matter aspect of manifestation. Such activities are motivated from Shamballa. This activity is set in motion by these Lives, working on Their high plane, and it gradually causes a reaction in the various departments of the Hierarchy, particularly those working under third, fifth and seventh ray Masters. Eventually, disciples upon the physical levels of activity become aware of the inner ferment, and this happens either consciously or unconsciously. They become "impressed," and the scientific work is then started and carried through into the stages of experimentation and final success.
One point should here be remembered, and that is that this phase applies to both the great White Lodge and the Black Lodge—the one dedicated to the beneficent task of purifying and aiding all lives in the three worlds of material evolution and to the release of the soul in form, and the other to the retardation of the evolutionary process and to the continuous crystallising of the material forms which hide and veil the anima mundi [Animal soul].  Both groups have been profoundly interested and implicated in this matter of the release of energy from the atom and the liberation of its inner aspect, but their motives and objectives were widely different.
2. The imminence of this release—inevitable and under direction—produced an enormous tension in hierarchical circles because (to express the idea colloquially) a race was on between the Dark Forces and the Forces of Light to acquire possession of the techniques necessary to bring about this liberation of needed energy. Had the Dark Forces triumphed, and had the Axis Powers obtained possession of the needed scientific formulas, it would have led to a major planetary disaster. The released energy would have been used first of all to bring about the complete destruction of all opposing the forces of evil, and then it would have been prostituted to the preservation of an increasingly materialistic and non-idealistic civilisation. Germany could not be trusted with this power, for all her motives were compelling wrong.
You might here fall back on the trite religious platitude that the innate good in humanity and mankind's inherent divinity would eventually have triumphed, because naught can finally overcome the universal trend to good. You are prone to forget that if the evil forces possess potencies which can destroy form in the three worlds on such a wide scale that the souls of advanced aspirants and disciples, and those of initiates seeking incarnation, cannot come into outer expression during a particular world crisis, then you have direfully affected the time-schedule of the evolutionary process; you will have greatly delayed (perhaps for millennia of years) the manifestation of the kingdom of God. The time had come for that manifestation, and hence the powerful activity of the dark forces.
This attempt to hinder the planned progress constituted a definite menace and indicated a supreme danger and problem. The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time; the plans for a closer contact with the evolutionary process in the three worlds and the effort to blend and fuse the two divine centres, the Hierarchy and Humanity, into one working, collaborating whole seemed doomed to destruction. Their fusion would have meant the appearance of the Kingdom of God on earth; the obstacles to this fusion, owing to the active tension of the dark forces, seemed at that time insuperable; we believed that man would go down to defeat, owing to his selfishness and his misuse of the principle of free will. We made all preparations to withdraw, and yet at the same time we struggled to get humanity to choose rightly and to see the issues clearly.
The necessity to withdraw was averted. I may not say in what manner, beyond telling you that the Lords of Liberation took certain unexpected steps. This They were led to do owing to the invocative powers of humanity, used consciously by all those upon the side of the will-to-good and unconsciously by all men of goodwill. Owing to these steps, the efforts of those fighting in the realm of science for the establishing of true knowledge and right human relations were aided. The trend of the power to know and to discover (a definite form of energy) was deflected away from the demanding evocative minds of those seeking to destroy the world of men, leading to a form of mental paralysis. Those seeking to emphasise the right values and to save humanity were simultaneously stimulated to the point of success.
In these very few words I have disposed of a stupendous world event, and in this brief paragraph I have summed up the working out of a specialised divine activity.
3. When the sun moved northward that year (1942), the great White Lodge knew that the battle had been won. Their preparations were halted and the Masters then organised for renewed effort (through Their disciples) to bring about those conditions wherein that which was new and that which was in line with loving divine purpose could freely move forward. The war was not won by the surrender of Germany.  That was only the outer result of inner happenings. The war was won by the Forces of Light when the mental potency of the forces of evil was overcome and the "energy of the future" was directed or impelled by Those Who were seeking the higher human values and the spiritual good of mankind. Four factors lie behind the momentous happening of the release of this form of atomic energy, through the medium of what is erroneously and unscientifically called the "splitting of the atom." There are other factors, but you may find the following four of real interest:
a. There was a clearly directed inflow of extra-planetary energy released by the Lords of Liberation, to Whom invocation had been successfully made; through the impact of this energy upon the atomic substance being dealt with by the investigating scientists, changes were brought about which enabled them to achieve success. The experiments being carried forward were therefore both subjective and objective.
b. A concerted effort was made by a number of disciples who were working in fifth and seventh ray ashrams, and this enabled them to impress lesser disciples in the scientific field and helped them to surmount the well-nigh insuperable difficulties with which they were confronted.
c. There was also a weakening of the tension which had hitherto successfully held the forces of evil together, and a growing inability of the evil group at the head of the Axis Powers to surmount the incidental war fatigue. This brought about, first of all, a steady deterioration of their minds, and then of their brains and nervous systems. None of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realise. It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, [Page 496] as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth rootrace quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect. This destruction ... and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. The first use of this released energy has been destructive, but I would remind you that it has been the destruction of forms and not the destruction of spiritual values and the death of the human spirit—as was the goal of the Axis effort.
Forget not that all success (both good and bad) is dependent upon the sustaining of the point of tension. This point of tension involves the dynamic focussing of all mental, emotional and physical energies at a central point of planned activity. This, by the way, is the objective of all true meditation work. It is in this act of tension that the German people failed. This cost them the war; their tension broke because the group of evil forces who were impressing the negative German people were unable to attain the point of tension which the Hierarchy could reach when it was reinforced through the action of the Lords of Liberation.
d. Another factor was the constant, invocative demand and the prayers (articulate and inarticulate) of humanity itself. Men, impelled largely by fear and the innate mobilising of the human spirit against slavery, reached such a pitch of demanding energy that a channel was created which greatly facilitated the work of the Hierarchy, under the direct influence of the Lords of Liberation.
4. The release of the energy of the atom is as yet in an extremely embryonic stage; humanity little knows the extent or the nature of the energies which have been tapped and released. There are many types of atoms, constituting the "world substance"; each can release its own type of force; this is one of the secrets which the new age will in time reveal, but a good and sound beginning has been made. I would call your attention to the words, "the liberation of energy." It is liberation which is the keynote of the new era, just as it has ever been the keynote of the spiritually oriented aspirant. This liberation has started by the release of an aspect of matter and the freeing of some of the soul forces within the atom. This has been, for matter itself, a great and potent initiation, paralleling those initiations which liberate or release the souls of men.
In this process of planetary initiation humanity has carried its work as the world saviour down into the world of substance, and has affected those primary units of life of which all forms are made.
5. You will now understand the meaning of the words used by so many of you in the second of the Great Invocations: The hour of service of the saving force has now arrived. This "saving force" is the energy which science has released into the world for the destruction, first of all, of those who continue (if they do) to defy the Forces of Light working through the United Nations. Then—as time goes on—this liberated energy will usher in the new civilisation, the new and better world and the finer, more spiritual conditions. The highest dreams of those who love their fellowmen can become practical possibilities through the right use of this liberated energy, if the real values are taught, emphasised and applied to daily living. This "saving force" has now been made available by science, and my earlier prophecy substantiated.*
Please read the rest at:


More information  on the role of the Churches, the Masons, , the Masters of Wisdom,  the Christ and the externalisation of the Hierarchy for those who do not have access to the books of Alice A. bailey.


Introductory Statements — December 1919
Those thoughtforms which will materialise as the religion of the New Age already exist on the mental plane and are in process of precipitation upon the physical plane. Their lineaments can already be discerned. The wise Guides of the race, working under the Christ and having in view the need of the public for a form, seek at this time to hold just as much as may be of the old form and lineaments, as much, that is, as is consistent with evolution and progress. In the West, what the Great Ones seek to break is not the form of Christianity but the grip of the Churches on the minds of the masses. The old forms of thought and of interpretation are now too restricted and too tightening in their hold upon the imprisoned and struggling life. That life must break forth. It cannot be confined by the ancient restrictions. Yet at this time there does not exist the need for an utterly new venture or for an entirely new presentation of truth. Nature and evolution move with gentle gradations and not with breaks and uncorrelated manifestations in the world of forms. In all the progressing developments, the old outlines can be seen—enlarged, purified and more beautiful, yet recognisable as the old form on a higher turn of the spiral. It is not the freak cults, nor the widely divergent sects, nor the bands of advanced religious revolutionaries who can meet the crying need of the many enquirers today. What is required is the re-vivification of the old forms, and their infusion with fresh life; the old organisations must be awakened to the hour of opportunity and must change from static organisations to living organisms. The old rituals must be revived and brought up to date (in the esoteric sense of the word) and the religious students of the world must be graduated into a higher school, given the occult interpretations, and taught that, after all, the truth has been present all the time, but hidden and misinterpreted.
It is surely easier to swing the masses into step and give them the newer light of truth if that light is poured on to familiar ground. All must be given the chance to see and hear, and be offered the opportunity to weigh and judge the significance of reality. It is not just the two or three of supreme importance, or who have the nerve to take the needed forward steps, who must receive prime consideration, but the truth must be stepped down and adapted in such a way that the advanced minds, the enquiring minds, and the reactionary masses may have opportunity proffered them, to the measure of their receptivity. Did not the greatest of all the Great Ones do this Himself in the synagogue and with His disciples in Judean days?
The aspirants and disciples of the world must realise that the hour has struck, and that the forces of the Christ are being marshalled for a supreme endeavour. These forces include both the human and the angel evolutions. It might be of use if I were to give you some idea of the scheme of preparation for the transition period between the old age and the new as it is in process of completion in the Council Chamber of the Great Lord. Your acceptance and understanding of it and of its symbolic implications are dependent upon your capacity to assimilate truth, to use your intuition, and thus to assist in the work itself when the right time comes.
One event is already in process of manifesting. The Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom and the Great Companions, are approaching nearer to the physical plane. The work of mental preparation for that event, and the construction of the thoughtform of the advent or second Coming, has now been completed. There remains the precipitation of that event, its appearance on astral levels and its materialisation on the physical plane. I would ask all of you who read these words anent the second Coming, to reserve opinion as to the exact nature of that event. Keep the concept impersonal and link not that appearance to a personality or to an individual. If you make the mistake of attaching the meaning to an individual, you will limit your understanding and fail in right recognition of group purpose. The work of pouring out the principle of love (which is the Christ principle) and of lifting the masses in their consciousness to the pitch where they can understand and welcome that love-principle is the main work of the new age, and it will inaugurate the age of brotherhood and mould humanity into the likeness of the Christ. That the oriental peoples may call this great Official by another name than that of "The Christ" has no bearing on reality and alters not the fact of His influence and His esoteric coming.
Certain of the Masters have the work under Their control, and through Their grouped disciples are already actively engaged in the work of preparation. The Master Morya, the Master K.H. and the Master Jesus are the three working at this time in closest cooperation with the Christ. With them work the Master Hilarion, He Whom you call the Master D.K., and another Master Who is specially linked with the work of preparation in the sacred land of India. One of the English Masters is also exceptionally active, and the Master in America is laying His plans toward an active participation in the work. These consecrated Workers form a nucleus around the Christ and direct much of the preparatory work. It is not possible for me to tell you the lines of Their activity; I can but give you evidence which may later he demonstrated as true. These Masters are definitely preparing Themselves for the task of outer activity and are intensifying Their work on the astral plane. To this fact can be traced the interest people are now showing in occultism and in the work of the Masters; more and more people are becoming sensitive to and conscious of Their presence, and more and more are finding their way into the groups of disciples.
The Master Morya is at this time acting as the inspirer of the great national executives throughout the world. E'en those whose ideals coincide not with yours are being welded into the world plan, and much of their immediate work is organising the individual nations and welding them into an homogeneous whole, preparatory to their entrance into the great international thoughtform. All who work with far vision and all who hold before any seething and bewildered nation an ideal for the whole are under His wide inspiration. Internationalism is the aim of His endeavour. With Him works the great Angel or Deva of the spiritual plane, referred to in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire as the Lord Agni; He seeks to touch with the hidden spiritual fire the head centres of all intuitive statesmen. Three great groups of angels—the gold, the flame coloured and the white and gold—work on mental levels with those lesser angels or devas who vitalise thoughtforms and who keep alive the thoughts of the Guides of the race for the benefit of humanity.
The Master K.H., the Chohan on the teaching ray and He Who will be the next world teacher, is already active in His line of endeavour. He is attempting to transmute the thoughtform of religious dogma, to permeate the churches with the idea of the Coming, and bring to a sorrowing world the vision of the Great Helper, the Christ. He works with the rose devas and with the blue devas on astral levels, with the wise help of the great guardian Angel of that plane, called (in Hindu terminology) the Lord Varuna. The activity of the astral plane is being much intensified and the angels of devotion, in whom the aspect of divine love is pre-eminent, work with the astral bodies of all those who are ready to strengthen and redirect their spiritual aspiration and desire. They are the angels who guard the sanctuaries of all the churches, cathedrals, temples and mosques of the world. They are now increasing the momentum of their vibration for the raising of the consciousness of the attendant congregations. The Master K.H. works also with the prelates of the great Catholic Churches—Greek, Roman and Anglican—with the leaders of the Protestant communions, with the foremost workers in the field of education, and also through, and with, the dominant demagogues and organisers of the people. His interests lie with all those who, with unselfish intent, strive after the ideal, and who live for the helping of others.
The Master Jesus works especially with the masses of the Christian people who inhabit the occidental countries, and who gather in the churches. He is distinctively a great leader, an organiser, and a wise general executive. A special group of devas work under His command, and His connection with all true church leaders and executives is very close. He acts ceaselessly on the inner esoteric council of the churches, and with Him the groups of violet angels cooperate. In church matters He Himself carries out the behests of the Christ, saving Him much and working as His intermediary. This will seem logical to you, for His destiny is closely interwoven with the Christian Church and it marks the culmination of His work for the West. No one knows or understands so fully and wisely as He the problems of the Western culture, nor the needs of the people who carry forward the destiny of Christianity.
The Master Hilarion is actively occupied in the field of America, stimulating the intuitive perception of its people. He has under observation all those who are true psychics, and who develop their powers for the good of the community. He controls and transmutes the great active movements which endeavour to strip the veil from the world of the unseen. He impresses the minds of those whose vision will justify His effort. And He has much to do with various psychical research movements throughout the world. With the aid of certain groups of angels, He works to open up the world of departed souls to the seeker, and much that has of late convinced the materialistic world of life beyond has emanated from Him.
He, Whom you call the Master D.K. [the writer of this article] works much with those who heal with pure altruism; He occupies Himself with those who are active in the laboratories of the world, with great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross, and with the rapidly developing welfare movements. His work also embraces teaching, and He does much at this time to train the various disciples of the world, taking the disciples of many of the Masters and so relieving Them temporarily, in this hour of crisis, from Their teaching responsibilities. Many of the healing angels, such as those referred to in the Bible, cooperate with Him.
The Master Who works in and for India labours with the minds of the politicians, educators and religious dreamers and idealists. He strengthens the efforts of all those who work for the liberation of the submerged masses, provided their methods are constructive and not destructive, and that the gains desired are not furthered at the expense of any part of the human family. He labours not to exalt one section of the populace at the expense of another, but works towards brotherhood and the right understanding of the requirements of all souls, be they far advanced along the path, or just starting upon their planetary pilgrimage under the Law of Rebirth.
One of the English Masters has in hand the definite guidance of the Anglo-Saxon peoples towards a joint destiny. The future for the Anglo-Saxon is great and not yet has the highest flow of the tide of its civilisation been reached. History holds much glory for England and America when they work together for world good, not supplanting each other or interfering with each other's empire but working in the fullest unison for the preservation of the peace of the world and the right handling of world problems in the field of economics and of education.
As the seventh Ray of Organisation and of ceremonial work is now coming into prominence and manifestation, the work of the Master on that ray is that of synthesising, on the physical plane, all parts of the plan. The Master Rakoczi takes of the general plan as it is outlined in the inner Council Chamber and approximates it to the possible. He might be regarded as acting as the General Manager for the carrying out of the plans of the executive council of the Christ.
It might be of interest here to point out that when He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the new age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case. The call has gone out for them again to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge unite their forces with those of the Christ and His disciples for the helping of the race. They have, for instance, much to communicate anent colour and sound, and the effect of these two forces on the etheric bodies of men and animals and flowers. When what they have to impart is apprehended by the race, physical ills and sickness will be offset. The group of violet angels or devas who work on the four etheric levels will be especially active and they will work in the four main groups of men who are in incarnation at any given time. Four rays dominate at any period, with one of the four more potent than the other three. You have this idea symbolised in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally throughout the planet.
These four groups of angels are a band of servers, pledged to the service of the Christ, and their work is to contact men and to teach them along certain lines.
a. They will teach humanity to see etherically, and this they will do by heightening human vibration by interaction with their own.
b. They will give instruction in the effect of colour in the healing of disease, and particularly the efficiency of violet light in lessening human ills and in curing those physical plane sicknesses which originate in the etheric body.
c. They will also demonstrate to the materialistic thinkers of the world the fact that the superconscious world exists and that angels and men who are out of incarnation and possess no physical bodies can be contacted and known.
d. They will train human beings in the knowledge of superhuman physics so that weight shall be for them transmuted. Motion will become more rapid, speed will be accompanied by noiselessness and smoothness, and hence fatigue will be eliminated. In the human control of etheric levels lies the overcoming of fatigue and the power to transcend time. Until this prophecy is a fact and recognised as such, the meaning of the above words will remain obscure.
e. They will teach humanity how rightly to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ethers the requisite food. Man will concentrate his attention upon the etheric body and the work and health of the physical body will become increasingly automatic.
f. They will also teach human beings as individuals and as a race to expand their consciousness to include the superphysical. In the accomplishment of this, the separating web (the veil of the temple) which divides the physical plane from the unseen world will be recognised as a fact in nature by the scientist. Its purpose will be acknowledged. Eventually it will be destroyed, by man discovering how to penetrate it. The date is imminent.
Through the increasing sensitivity of men and through the steady thinning of the separating veil, more and more during the coming years will the telepathic faculties of men and their power to respond to inner inspiration be developed and demonstrated. By the growth of intuitional telepathy and the increasing comprehension of the power of colour and sound will the work of the Christ and of the Great Ones be contacted and understood, and the peoples released from the thraldom of the past and enabled to enter into the liberty of the Kingdom of God.

Religious Organisations in the New Age

Let us now return to our consideration of the spread of the deepened religious ideals and the growth of the new religious organisms. In the process of transmuting the old form and so releasing the imprisoned life, there are two things which are steadily held in view by the Guides of our evolution:



The reappearance of Christ is just another way of referring to the externalisation of the Hierarchy, [the Hierarchy of Masters of which Christ is in charge off], from the spiritual worlds into the physical world. That has become more and more necessary because we, humans, have reached the stage where, as a result of evolution, we are starting to go into the subtler worlds or where we are affecting them through our actions. [e.g. radio waves and the exploding of bombs] This is why the coming of Christ has always been an inevitable fact as part of the evolutionary development of the coming together of the physical and spiritual worlds on earth.  We are spiritual beings and will later live in both these worlds simultaneously and with full consciousness as the animals do and as our ancestors did. The work of the Christ and Hierarchy is to prepare us for this process that awaits us all, as our birth rite, no matter what church or religion or not. This time around we have more brains and this is what is going to make the whole process more dangerous, thus the necessity for the Christ to come in person to help control or fight the dark forces that can then come in from the other side [e.g. demons] and become out of control if we are not prepared. [He comes to fight the “devil” as it says in the Bible] that is why we must all become white magicians to fight the black magicians and materialists in the world.
Alice A. Bailey and the Master DK wrote a book, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy”.  Anyway, the truth is the truth. Christ and Hierarchy are in charge of all religions, each has its purpose and cater for one stage of development on the Path, the main religion, The Ageless Wisdom teachings. [In our triangles, we are off course helping with all this and part of the externalisation. [Edgeba]


Written in May 1947 by Master DK.
Year after year I have written you (and all who care to listen) a message which has often been prophetic, always related to the fundamental spiritual union of the East and the West, of the Buddha and the Christ, and which has consistently laid emphasis upon the immediate spiritual opportunity. Every year I have prepared these messages with great care, and in their synthesis there emerges (if you have read them in order and intelligently) a picture of the spiritual life of the world. It is a picture which involves the knowable past, which concerns the immediate present, and carries forward into a future of spiritual unfoldment, transcending in expression all that has hitherto been known, because it has ever been based on the reality, on the fact of God Immanent.
God Transcendent, greater, vaster and more inclusive than His created world, is universally recognised and has been generally emphasised; all faiths can say with Shri Krishna (speaking as God, the Creator) that "having pervaded the whole universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain." This God Transcendent has dominated the religious thinking of millions of simple and spiritually-minded people down the centuries which have elapsed since humanity began to press forward towards divinity.
Slowly, there is dawning upon the awakening consciousness of humanity, the great paralleling truth of God Immanent—divinely "pervading" all forms, conditioning from within all kingdoms in nature, expressing innate divinity through human beings and—two thousand years ago—portraying the nature of that divine Immanence in the Person of the Christ. Today, as an outcome of this unfolding divine Presence, there is entering into the minds of men everywhere a new concept: that of Christ in us, the hope of Glory. There is a growing and developing belief that Christ is in us, as He was in the Master Jesus, and this belief will alter world affairs and mankind's entire attitude to life.
The wonder of that Life lived two thousand years ago is still with us and has lost none of its freshness; it is an eternal inspiration, hope, encouragement and example. The love He demonstrated still holds the thinking world in thrall, even though relatively few have really attempted to demonstrate the same quality of love as He did—a love that leads unerringly to world service, to complete self-forgetfulness and to radiant, magnetic living. The words He spoke were few and simple, and all men can understand them, but their significance has largely been lost in the intricate legalities and discussions of St. Paul, and the lengthy disputations of theological commentators since He lived and left us—or apparently left us.
Yet—today Christ is nearer to humanity than at any other time in human history; He is closer than the most aspiring and hopeful disciple knows, and can draw closer still if what I here propose to write is understood and brought to the attention of men everywhere. For Christ belongs to humanity, to the world of men, and not only to the churches and faiths throughout the world.
Around Him—in that High Place on Earth where He has His abiding place—are gathered today all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and all Those liberated Sons of God Who, down the ages, have passed from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real, and from death to Immortality; They stand ready to carry out His bidding and to obey the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of Angels and of men. The Exponents and the Representatives of all the world faiths are there waiting—under His guidance—to reveal to all those who today struggle in the maelstrom of world affairs, and who seek to solve the world crisis, that they are not alone. God Transcendent is working through the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy to bring relief; God Immanent in all men is standing on the verge of certain stupendous Recognitions.
The great Apostolic Succession of the Knowers of God is poised today for renewed activity—a Succession of Those Who have lived on earth, accepted the fact of God Transcendent, discovered the reality of God Immanent, portrayed in Their Own lives the divine characteristics of the Christ life and (because They lived on earth as He did and does) have "entered for us within the veil, leaving us an example that we too should follow His steps," and Theirs. We too belong eventually in that great Succession.
You may wonder why, at this hour of the Festival of the Buddha, I am writing to you anent His great Brother, the Christ. I am doing it with deliberation because the eyes of all spiritual Knowers are fixed upon Him, because the Buddha Himself is standing behind Him in humble recognition of the divine task which He is on the verge of consummating, and because of the imminence of that spiritual accomplishment. I write thus because not only are all those who are functioning consciously in the Kingdom of God aware of His plans, but because those great spiritual Beings Who live and dwell in the "Father's House," in the "centre where the Will of God is known," are also mobilised and organised to assist His work. The spiritual line of succession from the throne of the Ancient of Days down to the humblest disciple (gathered with others at the feet of the Christ) is today focussed on the task of helping humanity.
The great moment for which He has so patiently waited has almost arrived; the "end of the age" to which He referred when speaking to His small group of disciples—"Lo! I am with you all the days even unto the end of the age"—has come and today He stands and waits, knowing that the hour has come when He will "see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied." May I repeat: Right through the spiritual succession of the Sons of God there is naught to be seen and felt but expectancy and preparation.
From the Father's House (the Shamballa of the esotericist) the fiat has gone forth: "The hour has come." From the kingdom of God where reigns the Christ, the answer has been flung back: "Father, Thy will be done"; down in our struggling, bewildered, unhappy world of men, the cry is ceaselessly rising: "May Christ return to Earth." Thus in the three great spiritual centres—the Father's House, the Kingdom of God, and awakening Humanity—there is but one Purpose, one idea and one united expectancy....
I write here in no fanatical or adventist spirit; I speak not as a speculative theologian or an exponent of one phase of religious wishful thinking. I speak because the time is ripe and because the appeal of simple faithful hearts has penetrated to the highest spiritual sphere and set in motion energies and forces which cannot now be stopped; I speak because the invocative cry of distressed humanity is today of such a volume and sound that—united to the wisdom and the knowledge of the spiritual Hierarchy—it has given rise to certain activities in the Father's House. These will result in the glory of God, in the transformation of the divine will-to-good into human goodwill and resultant peace on Earth.
A new chapter in the great book of spiritual living is about to be written; a new expansion of consciousness is an imminent happening; a fresh recognition of divine attentiveness is now possible to humanity, and a revealing expectancy will prove the accuracy of the Biblical statement, "every eye shall see Him." The religious livingness or spiritual history of mankind can be summarised for us by a series of recognitions—recognition of Those Who, down the ages, have constituted the Apostolic Succession, culminating for us in the great religious leaders who have come out among us since 700 B.C. and founded the great modern world faiths, and—above all else—in the Christ Himself Who embodied the perfection of God Immanent, plus awareness of God Transcendent; recognition of those major spiritual concepts of love, life and relationship which have hovered ever in the background of man's thinking and which are now on the verge of right expression; recognition of the true brotherhood of man, based on the one divine life, working through the one soul and expressing itself through the one humanity; recognition, therefore, of relationship both to the divine life throughout the world and to mankind itself. It is this developing spiritual attitude which will lead to right human relations and eventual world peace.

Today another recognition is becoming possible. It is the recognition everywhere of the imminent return of Christ (if such a phrase can be true of One Who has never left us) and of the new spiritual opportunities which this event will make possible.
The basis for this recognition lies in the deep-seated conviction, innate in the human consciousness, that some great Teacher, some Saviour, Revealer, Lawgiver or divine Representative must come forth from the world of spiritual realities, because of human need and human demand. Always, down the centuries, at the hour of man's greatest need and in response to his voiced demand, a divine Son of God has come forth and under many different names. Then the Christ came and apparently left us, with His work unfinished and His vision for mankind not yet consummated. For two thousand years it has seemed as if all His work had been blocked, frustrated, and of no avail—for the growth of the churches during the centuries is no guarantee of the spiritual success at which He aimed. It needed more than theological interpretations and the numerical growth of the world religions (including Christianity and Buddhism) to prove His world mission successfully carried forward. It all seemed impossible, necessitating three conditions; in these a test of His work could be attempted; today these three conditions are proven facts.
First: a general planetary situation which has (unfortunately owing to man's selfishness) proved to be so catastrophic in nature that humanity has been forced to recognise the cause and source of the disaster; secondly, a spiritual awakening which would have its impulse in the deepest depths of man's consciousness, and such is the case today as a result of the world war (1914-1945); thirdly, a steadily mounting invocative cry, prayer or demand, directed toward high spiritual sources, no matter by what names such sources may be called.
Today, all these three conditions have been fulfilled and humanity faces renewed opportunity. The disaster which has overtaken mankind is universal and widespread; no one has escaped, and all men are involved in some way or another—physically, economically and socially. The spiritual awakening of men everywhere (within or without the world faiths, and largely outside of them) is general and complete, and a turning to God is to be seen on every hand. Finally, these two causes have aroused—as never before—the invocative cry of humanity; it is clearer, purer and more selfless than at any other time in human history, because it is based on clearer thinking and common distress. True religion is again emerging in the hearts of men in every land; this recognition of a divine hope and background may possibly take people back into the churches and world faiths, but it will most certainly take them back to God.
Religion is the name, surely, which we give to the invocative appeal of humanity which leads to the evocative response of the Spirit of God. This Spirit works in every human heart and in all groups. It works through the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet; it impels the Head of the Hierarchy, the Christ, to take action, and the action which He is taking will lead to His return, with His disciples.
I wonder if you appreciate the import of what I have just said? The idea of the return of Christ is a most familiar one, and the concept of a returning Son of God in response to human need has its place in the teaching of the majority of the world faiths. Ever since He apparently departed to the sphere where the faithful have put Him, little groups of these people have reasoned themselves into the belief that on such and such a date He will come back, and ever their prophecies and expectancies have been doomed to failure. He has not come. Such people have been laughed at by the crowd and rebuked by the intelligent. Their eyes have not seen Him and there has been no tangible indication of His Presence. Today, I tell you that He will come; that plans for His coming are already set on foot, but I set no date or hour. The time is known only to the two or three, but "in such an hour as ye think not, He will come." (Matt. XXIV. 44)
I tell you, first of all, a truth hard for the orthodox thinker of any faith to accept: He cannot return because He has always been here upon our Earth, watching over the spiritual destiny of humanity; He has never left us, but in physical body and securely concealed (though not hidden), He has guided the affairs of the spiritual Hierarchy, of His disciples and workers who are unitedly pledged with Him to Earth Service. He can only reappear. It is a spiritual fact that those who have passed from the cave of the tomb into the fullness of the resurrection life can be seen, and at the same time evade the vision of the believer; seeing and recognition are two very different things, and one of the great recognitions of mankind in the near future is the recognition that always He has been with us and shared with us the familiar usefulness and peculiar characteristics of our civilisation and its many gifts to man.
The early signs of His approach with His disciples can already be discerned by those who note and rightly interpret the signs of the times. There is (among these signs) the coming together spiritually of those who love their fellowmen. This is in reality the organising of the outer physical army of the Lord—an army which has no weapons but those of love, of right speech and right human relations. This unknown organisation has proceeded with phenomenal speed during the aftermath of war, because humanity is sick of hate and of controversy.