Thursday 12 July 2012



The reappearance of Christ is just another way of referring to the externalisation of the Hierarchy, [the Hierarchy of Masters of which Christ is in charge off], from the spiritual worlds into the physical world. That has become more and more necessary because we, humans, have reached the stage where, as a result of evolution, we are starting to go into the subtler worlds or where we are affecting them through our actions. [e.g. radio waves and the exploding of bombs] This is why the coming of Christ has always been an inevitable fact as part of the evolutionary development of the coming together of the physical and spiritual worlds on earth.  We are spiritual beings and will later live in both these worlds simultaneously and with full consciousness as the animals do and as our ancestors did. The work of the Christ and Hierarchy is to prepare us for this process that awaits us all, as our birth rite, no matter what church or religion or not. This time around we have more brains and this is what is going to make the whole process more dangerous, thus the necessity for the Christ to come in person to help control or fight the dark forces that can then come in from the other side [e.g. demons] and become out of control if we are not prepared. [He comes to fight the “devil” as it says in the Bible] that is why we must all become white magicians to fight the black magicians and materialists in the world.
Alice A. Bailey and the Master DK wrote a book, “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy”.  Anyway, the truth is the truth. Christ and Hierarchy are in charge of all religions, each has its purpose and cater for one stage of development on the Path, the main religion, The Ageless Wisdom teachings. [In our triangles, we are off course helping with all this and part of the externalisation. [Edgeba]


Written in May 1947 by Master DK.
Year after year I have written you (and all who care to listen) a message which has often been prophetic, always related to the fundamental spiritual union of the East and the West, of the Buddha and the Christ, and which has consistently laid emphasis upon the immediate spiritual opportunity. Every year I have prepared these messages with great care, and in their synthesis there emerges (if you have read them in order and intelligently) a picture of the spiritual life of the world. It is a picture which involves the knowable past, which concerns the immediate present, and carries forward into a future of spiritual unfoldment, transcending in expression all that has hitherto been known, because it has ever been based on the reality, on the fact of God Immanent.
God Transcendent, greater, vaster and more inclusive than His created world, is universally recognised and has been generally emphasised; all faiths can say with Shri Krishna (speaking as God, the Creator) that "having pervaded the whole universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain." This God Transcendent has dominated the religious thinking of millions of simple and spiritually-minded people down the centuries which have elapsed since humanity began to press forward towards divinity.
Slowly, there is dawning upon the awakening consciousness of humanity, the great paralleling truth of God Immanent—divinely "pervading" all forms, conditioning from within all kingdoms in nature, expressing innate divinity through human beings and—two thousand years ago—portraying the nature of that divine Immanence in the Person of the Christ. Today, as an outcome of this unfolding divine Presence, there is entering into the minds of men everywhere a new concept: that of Christ in us, the hope of Glory. There is a growing and developing belief that Christ is in us, as He was in the Master Jesus, and this belief will alter world affairs and mankind's entire attitude to life.
The wonder of that Life lived two thousand years ago is still with us and has lost none of its freshness; it is an eternal inspiration, hope, encouragement and example. The love He demonstrated still holds the thinking world in thrall, even though relatively few have really attempted to demonstrate the same quality of love as He did—a love that leads unerringly to world service, to complete self-forgetfulness and to radiant, magnetic living. The words He spoke were few and simple, and all men can understand them, but their significance has largely been lost in the intricate legalities and discussions of St. Paul, and the lengthy disputations of theological commentators since He lived and left us—or apparently left us.
Yet—today Christ is nearer to humanity than at any other time in human history; He is closer than the most aspiring and hopeful disciple knows, and can draw closer still if what I here propose to write is understood and brought to the attention of men everywhere. For Christ belongs to humanity, to the world of men, and not only to the churches and faiths throughout the world.
Around Him—in that High Place on Earth where He has His abiding place—are gathered today all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and all Those liberated Sons of God Who, down the ages, have passed from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real, and from death to Immortality; They stand ready to carry out His bidding and to obey the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of Angels and of men. The Exponents and the Representatives of all the world faiths are there waiting—under His guidance—to reveal to all those who today struggle in the maelstrom of world affairs, and who seek to solve the world crisis, that they are not alone. God Transcendent is working through the Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy to bring relief; God Immanent in all men is standing on the verge of certain stupendous Recognitions.
The great Apostolic Succession of the Knowers of God is poised today for renewed activity—a Succession of Those Who have lived on earth, accepted the fact of God Transcendent, discovered the reality of God Immanent, portrayed in Their Own lives the divine characteristics of the Christ life and (because They lived on earth as He did and does) have "entered for us within the veil, leaving us an example that we too should follow His steps," and Theirs. We too belong eventually in that great Succession.
You may wonder why, at this hour of the Festival of the Buddha, I am writing to you anent His great Brother, the Christ. I am doing it with deliberation because the eyes of all spiritual Knowers are fixed upon Him, because the Buddha Himself is standing behind Him in humble recognition of the divine task which He is on the verge of consummating, and because of the imminence of that spiritual accomplishment. I write thus because not only are all those who are functioning consciously in the Kingdom of God aware of His plans, but because those great spiritual Beings Who live and dwell in the "Father's House," in the "centre where the Will of God is known," are also mobilised and organised to assist His work. The spiritual line of succession from the throne of the Ancient of Days down to the humblest disciple (gathered with others at the feet of the Christ) is today focussed on the task of helping humanity.
The great moment for which He has so patiently waited has almost arrived; the "end of the age" to which He referred when speaking to His small group of disciples—"Lo! I am with you all the days even unto the end of the age"—has come and today He stands and waits, knowing that the hour has come when He will "see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied." May I repeat: Right through the spiritual succession of the Sons of God there is naught to be seen and felt but expectancy and preparation.
From the Father's House (the Shamballa of the esotericist) the fiat has gone forth: "The hour has come." From the kingdom of God where reigns the Christ, the answer has been flung back: "Father, Thy will be done"; down in our struggling, bewildered, unhappy world of men, the cry is ceaselessly rising: "May Christ return to Earth." Thus in the three great spiritual centres—the Father's House, the Kingdom of God, and awakening Humanity—there is but one Purpose, one idea and one united expectancy....
I write here in no fanatical or adventist spirit; I speak not as a speculative theologian or an exponent of one phase of religious wishful thinking. I speak because the time is ripe and because the appeal of simple faithful hearts has penetrated to the highest spiritual sphere and set in motion energies and forces which cannot now be stopped; I speak because the invocative cry of distressed humanity is today of such a volume and sound that—united to the wisdom and the knowledge of the spiritual Hierarchy—it has given rise to certain activities in the Father's House. These will result in the glory of God, in the transformation of the divine will-to-good into human goodwill and resultant peace on Earth.
A new chapter in the great book of spiritual living is about to be written; a new expansion of consciousness is an imminent happening; a fresh recognition of divine attentiveness is now possible to humanity, and a revealing expectancy will prove the accuracy of the Biblical statement, "every eye shall see Him." The religious livingness or spiritual history of mankind can be summarised for us by a series of recognitions—recognition of Those Who, down the ages, have constituted the Apostolic Succession, culminating for us in the great religious leaders who have come out among us since 700 B.C. and founded the great modern world faiths, and—above all else—in the Christ Himself Who embodied the perfection of God Immanent, plus awareness of God Transcendent; recognition of those major spiritual concepts of love, life and relationship which have hovered ever in the background of man's thinking and which are now on the verge of right expression; recognition of the true brotherhood of man, based on the one divine life, working through the one soul and expressing itself through the one humanity; recognition, therefore, of relationship both to the divine life throughout the world and to mankind itself. It is this developing spiritual attitude which will lead to right human relations and eventual world peace.

Today another recognition is becoming possible. It is the recognition everywhere of the imminent return of Christ (if such a phrase can be true of One Who has never left us) and of the new spiritual opportunities which this event will make possible.
The basis for this recognition lies in the deep-seated conviction, innate in the human consciousness, that some great Teacher, some Saviour, Revealer, Lawgiver or divine Representative must come forth from the world of spiritual realities, because of human need and human demand. Always, down the centuries, at the hour of man's greatest need and in response to his voiced demand, a divine Son of God has come forth and under many different names. Then the Christ came and apparently left us, with His work unfinished and His vision for mankind not yet consummated. For two thousand years it has seemed as if all His work had been blocked, frustrated, and of no avail—for the growth of the churches during the centuries is no guarantee of the spiritual success at which He aimed. It needed more than theological interpretations and the numerical growth of the world religions (including Christianity and Buddhism) to prove His world mission successfully carried forward. It all seemed impossible, necessitating three conditions; in these a test of His work could be attempted; today these three conditions are proven facts.
First: a general planetary situation which has (unfortunately owing to man's selfishness) proved to be so catastrophic in nature that humanity has been forced to recognise the cause and source of the disaster; secondly, a spiritual awakening which would have its impulse in the deepest depths of man's consciousness, and such is the case today as a result of the world war (1914-1945); thirdly, a steadily mounting invocative cry, prayer or demand, directed toward high spiritual sources, no matter by what names such sources may be called.
Today, all these three conditions have been fulfilled and humanity faces renewed opportunity. The disaster which has overtaken mankind is universal and widespread; no one has escaped, and all men are involved in some way or another—physically, economically and socially. The spiritual awakening of men everywhere (within or without the world faiths, and largely outside of them) is general and complete, and a turning to God is to be seen on every hand. Finally, these two causes have aroused—as never before—the invocative cry of humanity; it is clearer, purer and more selfless than at any other time in human history, because it is based on clearer thinking and common distress. True religion is again emerging in the hearts of men in every land; this recognition of a divine hope and background may possibly take people back into the churches and world faiths, but it will most certainly take them back to God.
Religion is the name, surely, which we give to the invocative appeal of humanity which leads to the evocative response of the Spirit of God. This Spirit works in every human heart and in all groups. It works through the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet; it impels the Head of the Hierarchy, the Christ, to take action, and the action which He is taking will lead to His return, with His disciples.
I wonder if you appreciate the import of what I have just said? The idea of the return of Christ is a most familiar one, and the concept of a returning Son of God in response to human need has its place in the teaching of the majority of the world faiths. Ever since He apparently departed to the sphere where the faithful have put Him, little groups of these people have reasoned themselves into the belief that on such and such a date He will come back, and ever their prophecies and expectancies have been doomed to failure. He has not come. Such people have been laughed at by the crowd and rebuked by the intelligent. Their eyes have not seen Him and there has been no tangible indication of His Presence. Today, I tell you that He will come; that plans for His coming are already set on foot, but I set no date or hour. The time is known only to the two or three, but "in such an hour as ye think not, He will come." (Matt. XXIV. 44)
I tell you, first of all, a truth hard for the orthodox thinker of any faith to accept: He cannot return because He has always been here upon our Earth, watching over the spiritual destiny of humanity; He has never left us, but in physical body and securely concealed (though not hidden), He has guided the affairs of the spiritual Hierarchy, of His disciples and workers who are unitedly pledged with Him to Earth Service. He can only reappear. It is a spiritual fact that those who have passed from the cave of the tomb into the fullness of the resurrection life can be seen, and at the same time evade the vision of the believer; seeing and recognition are two very different things, and one of the great recognitions of mankind in the near future is the recognition that always He has been with us and shared with us the familiar usefulness and peculiar characteristics of our civilisation and its many gifts to man.
The early signs of His approach with His disciples can already be discerned by those who note and rightly interpret the signs of the times. There is (among these signs) the coming together spiritually of those who love their fellowmen. This is in reality the organising of the outer physical army of the Lord—an army which has no weapons but those of love, of right speech and right human relations. This unknown organisation has proceeded with phenomenal speed during the aftermath of war, because humanity is sick of hate and of controversy.

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