Thursday 12 July 2012


More information  on the role of the Churches, the Masons, , the Masters of Wisdom,  the Christ and the externalisation of the Hierarchy for those who do not have access to the books of Alice A. bailey.


Introductory Statements — December 1919
Those thoughtforms which will materialise as the religion of the New Age already exist on the mental plane and are in process of precipitation upon the physical plane. Their lineaments can already be discerned. The wise Guides of the race, working under the Christ and having in view the need of the public for a form, seek at this time to hold just as much as may be of the old form and lineaments, as much, that is, as is consistent with evolution and progress. In the West, what the Great Ones seek to break is not the form of Christianity but the grip of the Churches on the minds of the masses. The old forms of thought and of interpretation are now too restricted and too tightening in their hold upon the imprisoned and struggling life. That life must break forth. It cannot be confined by the ancient restrictions. Yet at this time there does not exist the need for an utterly new venture or for an entirely new presentation of truth. Nature and evolution move with gentle gradations and not with breaks and uncorrelated manifestations in the world of forms. In all the progressing developments, the old outlines can be seen—enlarged, purified and more beautiful, yet recognisable as the old form on a higher turn of the spiral. It is not the freak cults, nor the widely divergent sects, nor the bands of advanced religious revolutionaries who can meet the crying need of the many enquirers today. What is required is the re-vivification of the old forms, and their infusion with fresh life; the old organisations must be awakened to the hour of opportunity and must change from static organisations to living organisms. The old rituals must be revived and brought up to date (in the esoteric sense of the word) and the religious students of the world must be graduated into a higher school, given the occult interpretations, and taught that, after all, the truth has been present all the time, but hidden and misinterpreted.
It is surely easier to swing the masses into step and give them the newer light of truth if that light is poured on to familiar ground. All must be given the chance to see and hear, and be offered the opportunity to weigh and judge the significance of reality. It is not just the two or three of supreme importance, or who have the nerve to take the needed forward steps, who must receive prime consideration, but the truth must be stepped down and adapted in such a way that the advanced minds, the enquiring minds, and the reactionary masses may have opportunity proffered them, to the measure of their receptivity. Did not the greatest of all the Great Ones do this Himself in the synagogue and with His disciples in Judean days?
The aspirants and disciples of the world must realise that the hour has struck, and that the forces of the Christ are being marshalled for a supreme endeavour. These forces include both the human and the angel evolutions. It might be of use if I were to give you some idea of the scheme of preparation for the transition period between the old age and the new as it is in process of completion in the Council Chamber of the Great Lord. Your acceptance and understanding of it and of its symbolic implications are dependent upon your capacity to assimilate truth, to use your intuition, and thus to assist in the work itself when the right time comes.
One event is already in process of manifesting. The Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom and the Great Companions, are approaching nearer to the physical plane. The work of mental preparation for that event, and the construction of the thoughtform of the advent or second Coming, has now been completed. There remains the precipitation of that event, its appearance on astral levels and its materialisation on the physical plane. I would ask all of you who read these words anent the second Coming, to reserve opinion as to the exact nature of that event. Keep the concept impersonal and link not that appearance to a personality or to an individual. If you make the mistake of attaching the meaning to an individual, you will limit your understanding and fail in right recognition of group purpose. The work of pouring out the principle of love (which is the Christ principle) and of lifting the masses in their consciousness to the pitch where they can understand and welcome that love-principle is the main work of the new age, and it will inaugurate the age of brotherhood and mould humanity into the likeness of the Christ. That the oriental peoples may call this great Official by another name than that of "The Christ" has no bearing on reality and alters not the fact of His influence and His esoteric coming.
Certain of the Masters have the work under Their control, and through Their grouped disciples are already actively engaged in the work of preparation. The Master Morya, the Master K.H. and the Master Jesus are the three working at this time in closest cooperation with the Christ. With them work the Master Hilarion, He Whom you call the Master D.K., and another Master Who is specially linked with the work of preparation in the sacred land of India. One of the English Masters is also exceptionally active, and the Master in America is laying His plans toward an active participation in the work. These consecrated Workers form a nucleus around the Christ and direct much of the preparatory work. It is not possible for me to tell you the lines of Their activity; I can but give you evidence which may later he demonstrated as true. These Masters are definitely preparing Themselves for the task of outer activity and are intensifying Their work on the astral plane. To this fact can be traced the interest people are now showing in occultism and in the work of the Masters; more and more people are becoming sensitive to and conscious of Their presence, and more and more are finding their way into the groups of disciples.
The Master Morya is at this time acting as the inspirer of the great national executives throughout the world. E'en those whose ideals coincide not with yours are being welded into the world plan, and much of their immediate work is organising the individual nations and welding them into an homogeneous whole, preparatory to their entrance into the great international thoughtform. All who work with far vision and all who hold before any seething and bewildered nation an ideal for the whole are under His wide inspiration. Internationalism is the aim of His endeavour. With Him works the great Angel or Deva of the spiritual plane, referred to in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire as the Lord Agni; He seeks to touch with the hidden spiritual fire the head centres of all intuitive statesmen. Three great groups of angels—the gold, the flame coloured and the white and gold—work on mental levels with those lesser angels or devas who vitalise thoughtforms and who keep alive the thoughts of the Guides of the race for the benefit of humanity.
The Master K.H., the Chohan on the teaching ray and He Who will be the next world teacher, is already active in His line of endeavour. He is attempting to transmute the thoughtform of religious dogma, to permeate the churches with the idea of the Coming, and bring to a sorrowing world the vision of the Great Helper, the Christ. He works with the rose devas and with the blue devas on astral levels, with the wise help of the great guardian Angel of that plane, called (in Hindu terminology) the Lord Varuna. The activity of the astral plane is being much intensified and the angels of devotion, in whom the aspect of divine love is pre-eminent, work with the astral bodies of all those who are ready to strengthen and redirect their spiritual aspiration and desire. They are the angels who guard the sanctuaries of all the churches, cathedrals, temples and mosques of the world. They are now increasing the momentum of their vibration for the raising of the consciousness of the attendant congregations. The Master K.H. works also with the prelates of the great Catholic Churches—Greek, Roman and Anglican—with the leaders of the Protestant communions, with the foremost workers in the field of education, and also through, and with, the dominant demagogues and organisers of the people. His interests lie with all those who, with unselfish intent, strive after the ideal, and who live for the helping of others.
The Master Jesus works especially with the masses of the Christian people who inhabit the occidental countries, and who gather in the churches. He is distinctively a great leader, an organiser, and a wise general executive. A special group of devas work under His command, and His connection with all true church leaders and executives is very close. He acts ceaselessly on the inner esoteric council of the churches, and with Him the groups of violet angels cooperate. In church matters He Himself carries out the behests of the Christ, saving Him much and working as His intermediary. This will seem logical to you, for His destiny is closely interwoven with the Christian Church and it marks the culmination of His work for the West. No one knows or understands so fully and wisely as He the problems of the Western culture, nor the needs of the people who carry forward the destiny of Christianity.
The Master Hilarion is actively occupied in the field of America, stimulating the intuitive perception of its people. He has under observation all those who are true psychics, and who develop their powers for the good of the community. He controls and transmutes the great active movements which endeavour to strip the veil from the world of the unseen. He impresses the minds of those whose vision will justify His effort. And He has much to do with various psychical research movements throughout the world. With the aid of certain groups of angels, He works to open up the world of departed souls to the seeker, and much that has of late convinced the materialistic world of life beyond has emanated from Him.
He, Whom you call the Master D.K. [the writer of this article] works much with those who heal with pure altruism; He occupies Himself with those who are active in the laboratories of the world, with great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross, and with the rapidly developing welfare movements. His work also embraces teaching, and He does much at this time to train the various disciples of the world, taking the disciples of many of the Masters and so relieving Them temporarily, in this hour of crisis, from Their teaching responsibilities. Many of the healing angels, such as those referred to in the Bible, cooperate with Him.
The Master Who works in and for India labours with the minds of the politicians, educators and religious dreamers and idealists. He strengthens the efforts of all those who work for the liberation of the submerged masses, provided their methods are constructive and not destructive, and that the gains desired are not furthered at the expense of any part of the human family. He labours not to exalt one section of the populace at the expense of another, but works towards brotherhood and the right understanding of the requirements of all souls, be they far advanced along the path, or just starting upon their planetary pilgrimage under the Law of Rebirth.
One of the English Masters has in hand the definite guidance of the Anglo-Saxon peoples towards a joint destiny. The future for the Anglo-Saxon is great and not yet has the highest flow of the tide of its civilisation been reached. History holds much glory for England and America when they work together for world good, not supplanting each other or interfering with each other's empire but working in the fullest unison for the preservation of the peace of the world and the right handling of world problems in the field of economics and of education.
As the seventh Ray of Organisation and of ceremonial work is now coming into prominence and manifestation, the work of the Master on that ray is that of synthesising, on the physical plane, all parts of the plan. The Master Rakoczi takes of the general plan as it is outlined in the inner Council Chamber and approximates it to the possible. He might be regarded as acting as the General Manager for the carrying out of the plans of the executive council of the Christ.
It might be of interest here to point out that when He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the new age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case. The call has gone out for them again to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge unite their forces with those of the Christ and His disciples for the helping of the race. They have, for instance, much to communicate anent colour and sound, and the effect of these two forces on the etheric bodies of men and animals and flowers. When what they have to impart is apprehended by the race, physical ills and sickness will be offset. The group of violet angels or devas who work on the four etheric levels will be especially active and they will work in the four main groups of men who are in incarnation at any given time. Four rays dominate at any period, with one of the four more potent than the other three. You have this idea symbolised in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally throughout the planet.
These four groups of angels are a band of servers, pledged to the service of the Christ, and their work is to contact men and to teach them along certain lines.
a. They will teach humanity to see etherically, and this they will do by heightening human vibration by interaction with their own.
b. They will give instruction in the effect of colour in the healing of disease, and particularly the efficiency of violet light in lessening human ills and in curing those physical plane sicknesses which originate in the etheric body.
c. They will also demonstrate to the materialistic thinkers of the world the fact that the superconscious world exists and that angels and men who are out of incarnation and possess no physical bodies can be contacted and known.
d. They will train human beings in the knowledge of superhuman physics so that weight shall be for them transmuted. Motion will become more rapid, speed will be accompanied by noiselessness and smoothness, and hence fatigue will be eliminated. In the human control of etheric levels lies the overcoming of fatigue and the power to transcend time. Until this prophecy is a fact and recognised as such, the meaning of the above words will remain obscure.
e. They will teach humanity how rightly to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ethers the requisite food. Man will concentrate his attention upon the etheric body and the work and health of the physical body will become increasingly automatic.
f. They will also teach human beings as individuals and as a race to expand their consciousness to include the superphysical. In the accomplishment of this, the separating web (the veil of the temple) which divides the physical plane from the unseen world will be recognised as a fact in nature by the scientist. Its purpose will be acknowledged. Eventually it will be destroyed, by man discovering how to penetrate it. The date is imminent.
Through the increasing sensitivity of men and through the steady thinning of the separating veil, more and more during the coming years will the telepathic faculties of men and their power to respond to inner inspiration be developed and demonstrated. By the growth of intuitional telepathy and the increasing comprehension of the power of colour and sound will the work of the Christ and of the Great Ones be contacted and understood, and the peoples released from the thraldom of the past and enabled to enter into the liberty of the Kingdom of God.

Religious Organisations in the New Age

Let us now return to our consideration of the spread of the deepened religious ideals and the growth of the new religious organisms. In the process of transmuting the old form and so releasing the imprisoned life, there are two things which are steadily held in view by the Guides of our evolution:

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