Monday 12 December 2011

Discipleship and the NGWS

The World has passed the stage where a disciple used to sit at the feet of a Master or Guru to get instruction. A greater need in the world and the intellectual development in the world today have given rise to a new and better way of training for discipleship. The material for discipleship with which the Master have to deal and the type of person which has to be developed and led on towards illumination is of a higher quality and grade. The experiment of changing the methods [of training] and of implementing the new technique of group work [New age], has to be carried out in the midst of the stress and strain of Western civilisation.
It is very difficult for the disciple in the new age to live simultaneously the acutely sensitive inner life of the Pilgrim upon the path of live; of a human being in the world of human events; to live the group life of the pledged disciple; and the mass life of humanity; to fulfil his own spiritual destiny through the medium of a controlled personality and, at the same time, to participate fully in the life of humanity upon earth. This is no easy task.
The Master DK has stated that in the New Age, the field of training for the disciple is in the New Group of World Servers. [NGWS]
This group would act as liaison officers, interpreters between the inner active Hierarchy and the thinkers of the world, and also serve as agents in every country and in every group. Thus all groups which were animated by any desire to serve, and which were [in spite of errors in technique and method] of any usefulness in aiding their fellow men, were swept into a current of spiritual stimulation with the intent to increase their effectiveness.

There is a Plan for humanity and that Plan has always existed. Today there are a sufficient number of men and women in the world adequately developed so that they can contact It and work in connection with It. They are in every country and are definitely upon the Path of Discipleship and are all serving the race. They form part of the NGWS and with them it is more a matter of group recognition than of intuitive revelation. They have similarity of objectives, ideals and methods to be seen in their work which is found in all fields of human enterprise – economic, political, social and religious.
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