Saturday 17 December 2011


Labour, Capital and management are working together now so I presume there is already some form of synthesis in operation although selfish in nature. Their emphasis should be on seeing the whole picture for the whole of humanity as one.  Each should think about what he can do to make the whole economic system work better on a global scale for the benefit of the whole human race and not just for the shareholders or its members. This state can only be completely possible after all three sides have achieved a higher state of spiritual consciousness or enlightenment. This goes for humanity as a whole too. As long as we have one unenlightened person in a position of power the system will be used for selfish or materialistic ends. Till then, we must use our brains and be let by Spirit and help the Plan to bring this dream about. [Through white magic.] It is important that we realize that Spiritual ignorance is at the basis of so many of our problems, and that indeed our only limitations are spiritual ones. All acts, regardless of their seeing nature, are a part of a greater good. 
 Capital should put less demand on management, so that it is possible to manage businesses at a smaller growth and profit. If all businesses keep on growing, we are heading for an ultimate collapse of everything. We do not need a lot, few people realise how few fundamentals are needed to ensure safety, the needed comforts and certain cultural facilities.      
We are aware of the dark forces working through certain capitalist or individuals who cannot resist their own greed and will always put themselves and their families ahead of the rest of their brothers. This can only change as they get spiritualised or enlightened and learn to share. The same can be said of Management and Labour.  
We are back at the old fight between Spirit and Matter, good and evil. As long as there are people who need these experiences to learn certain lessons, so long will the lust for money and power be with us. This also goes for the fight between Capital, Management and Labour. This is the Plan or Evolution in Progress. Part of the plan is to solve this problem and form a workable agreement between Labour, Capital and Management as we spiritualise the planet. This will lead to a fear distribution of the wealth of the planet.
 Because the less spiritualised or unenlightened people of the word are in the majority, and because we are mostly ruled by a democracy, the destiny of the race and the power to make national and international decisions, affecting the whole of mankind, is passing into the hands of the masses, of the working classes and of the man in the street. In this way more and more people are learning the same lessons faster and on a larger scale and with bigger consequences. We should keep this in mind as we wrestle with this problem.
Because of our spiritual ignorance, our solution lies with the group in the middle, our Spiritual Thinkers in every group. We should learn to identify them, and then give them all our support.

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