Wednesday 23 April 2014


When we want to create something we need to create that state of mind which is our fixed Intention to create – as a result – creating something of beauty in our surroundings. Purpose is the magnetised line along which the fire may travel. Along this line will travel the perceived and designated energies made magnetic by the fire of the mind, intentionally channelled into a point of focus. This concentration and focus of forces attracts the energy of the attentive soul. Thus a point of Tension is attained and is to be steadily sustained as facility in the work progresses.
Thus again, in our building of the Antahkarana we can see how right Intention leads to right Tension resulting in Fusion – individual and with the world in which we live. Keep this in mind and the whole of life will be irradiated for you, and you will become a centre of light and love in a world emerging into light.
If we go to a higher scale we can say that behind everything in life there is a purpose; even life itself has a purpose that is God’s intention and life itself is the tension to bring about this Intention of God. It has been hinted by Those Who know so much more than we, owing to their longer life cycle and experience, that some glimmering of that eternal and cosmic Intent is beginning to dawn in the consciousness of Those Who have taken some of the higher initiations.
The Tibetan Master gave us the following: What you call “the Plan” is the response of the Hierarchy to the inflowing purposeful will of the Lord of the World. Through Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days [as He is called in the Bible], flows the unknown energy of which the three divine Aspects are the expression. He is Custodian of the will of the Great White Lodge on Sirius, and the burden of this “COSMIC INTENTION” is shared by the Buddhas of Activity and those Members of the Great Council Who are of so elevated a consciousness and vibration that only once a year [through Their emissary, the Buddha] is it safe for Them to contact the Hierarchy…….
A new type of energy becomes available – the energy of life itself, imbued with purpose and actuated by intention…… It is this living realisation of Being and of identification with the divine intention of God Himself, the Father, the lord of the World upon levels of awareness of which we know nothing [as yet] which constituted the unfolding awareness of the Christ upon the Way of the Higher Evolution…..He knew, in a sense hitherto unknown to Him, what God intended and what human destiny meant, and the part that He had to play in the working out of that Destiny. 
It was the dawning of this significance of the will of God upon the consciousness of the Christ which led Him to certain great decisions, and which forced Him to cry out: “Father, not my will but Thine be done.” These words definitely indicate conflict and do not indicate the synchronisation of the two will; they indicate the determination on the part of the Christ that there should be no opposition between His will and that of God. Suddenly, he received a vision of the emerging, divine intention for humanity and – through humanity – for the planet as a whole.
On the level of humanity, the Master went on: The balance is slowly, very slowly, swinging over to the side of the spirit aspect of the duality; it has not yet swung, even in intention, completely over, but the issues are becoming increasingly clearer in men’s minds and the indications are that man will eventually decide correctly, will attain a point of balance or equilibrium, and will finally throw the weight of public opinion on the side of spiritual values, thus leading to a collective renunciation of materialism, particularly in its grosser and physical forms……..
Intension and effort are considered by us of prime importance, and are the two main requisites for all disciples, initiate and masters, plus the power of persistence. [tension]
When there are a sufficient number of people who are in conscious touch with their souls, then the sheer weight of their numbers, plus the clarity of their intentions and their widespread distribution over the face of the earth, must necessary become effective. [Thus leading to right creation by humanity as a whole.]
Based on the works of AAB/DK.

Read the full article on building the Antahkarana here:

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