Monday 27 January 2014


Yes, we know, “God is Great”
But, do we know, ‘how Great’?
My body have many sells but we are one
God’s body have many spirits and They are One

Your spirit is one of Them, as is all humanity
And so it will be for all eternity
Our body sells have a spark of consciousness
While God’s spirits have self-consciousness

There is spirit in every atom in the physical solar system
Each belonging to a spirit or deva in the spiritual solar system
The soul represents the spirit in every living body
While the spirit represents God in everybody

“Matter is spirit in its densest form
And spirit is matter in its finest form
Or matter is spirit in its lowest vibration
And spirit is matter in its highest vibration”

While Spirit is the first principle of the Holy Trinity
Matter is the third principle of the Holy Trinity
Christ the second principle as the son
Is the Force that binds the two into One

“I and my Father are One”
Are words destined for the lips of everyone
When we realise this as fact
While we go through the act

As your body has a Spirit
So does each planet have a Spirit
And so does the Sun have a Spirit
All answering to the one Spirit

The Spirit that uses the Sun as his body of manifestation
Is our highest God giving life to everything in His creation
While on earth our destinies and our evolution
Is controlled by God that uses Earth as His body for His evolution

Thus all spirits are on their way to the Sun
For “God is a consuming fire” the spirit of the Sun
So, as you can see, we truly are one
For God, in his Greatness, covers everything under the Sun

“Man know they self”
And become one with they Higher-self


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