Monday, 30 January 2012


In himself, the aspirant repeats the racial unfoldment, and re-enacts the racial drama; and to comprehend this certain facts about that drama and the work of the Hierarchy should be grasped and I here enumerate them:
1. The movement for the spreading of the Secret Doctrine is eighteen million years old.
2. Only four of the original Instigators still remain with us.  The work (impulsive and controlling) lies now in the hands of three groups of lives, if it may be so expressed:
a)      In the hands of those of our Earth Humanity who have equipped themselves so as to serve.
b)      In the hands of certain Existences who have come into our earth scheme of evolution from other planetary schemes.
c)       In the hands of a large number of devas of superhuman evolution.
These in their aggregate, form the occult Hierarchy of the planet, working in three main divisions, and in seven groups as outlined in many Theosophical books and summarized in Initiation, Human and Solar.
3. In the very early stages, this Hierarchy was called by various names; among others it was called the Temple of Ibez.
4. Let us consider the founding of the Temple of Ibez.  To do this it will be necessary to consider the period of the coming of the White Brotherhood to earth and the immediate problem before Them; this will involve the recognition of certain facts that have never been adequately considered.  It is an acknowledged fact in occultism that for our earth humanity the advent of the occult Hierarchy was epochal; it brought about two things:
The definite crystallization of that group soul which is now called the fourth or human kingdom.
The arousing of manas or mind in animal man in a triple way.
a)      By the direct incarnation of certain members of the White Brotherhood, in which way They brought in the new and necessary factors by transmission to their children.
b)      By the definite implantation of what is called in the occult Scriptures "the spark of mind" in animal man.  This is simply a pictorial way of picturing the creation, by a direct act, of the necessary mental unit or mental apparatus of thought, within the causal or spiritual body.
c)       By the gradual stimulation of the mental faculty in animal man, and the steady vitalisation of the latent germ of mind until it flowered forth as manifested mind.
This covered a vast period of time, and though the Brotherhood made its headquarters at Shamballa and directed its activities from there, it was found necessary during the first sub-race of the Atlantean Root Race to make certain efforts, if the evolution of the race was to proceed according to plan.  Students of these mysteries need to remember that though Shamballa is spoken of as existing in physical matter and as occupying a definite location in space, the physical matter referred to is etheric, the Lord of the World and His assistants of the higher degrees occupying bodies formed of etheric matter.
5. It was decided about seventeen million years ago (the coming of the Hierarchy and the founding of Shamballa being about eighteen and a half million years ago) to have on the dense physical plane an organization and a headquarters for the mysteries, and to have a band of Adepts, and Chohans who would function in dense physical bodies and thus meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity.
6. The first outpost for the Shamballa Fraternity was the original temple of Ibez and it was located in the centre of South America, and one of its branches at a much later period was to be found in the ancient Maya institutions, and the basic worship of the sun as the source of life in the hearts of all men.  A second branch was later established in Asia, and of this branch the Himalayan and southern Indian adepts are the representatives, though the work is materially changed.  At a later date than the present, discoveries will be made, revealing the reality of the old form of hierarchical work; ancient records and monuments will be revealed, some above ground and many in subterranean fastnesses.  As the mysteries of central Asia in the land stretching from Chaldea and Babylon through Turkestan to Manchuria, including the Gobi desert, are opened up, it is planned that much of the early history of the Ibezhan workers will be revealed.
We might here note the fact that the word Ibez is literally in the nature of an acrostic veiling the true name of the planetary Logos of the earth, one of Whose principles is working in Sanat Kumara, making Him thus a direct incarnation of the planetary Logos and an expression of His divine consciousness.   These four letters are the first letters of the real names of the four Avatars on the four globes of our earth chain who have embodied four of the divine principles.   The letters I B E Z are not the true Sensar letters, if such an inaccurate expression can be used of an ideographic language, but are simply a Europeanized distortion.  The true meaning is only conveyed at the fourth initiation when the nature of the planetary Logos is revealed and His four Avatars are definitely contacted through the direct mediatory work of Sanat Kumara.
7. A word now as regards the work of the Ibezhan adepts and Their mysteries; it is necessary here to point  out that the whole trend of Their work was in a way different and necessarily so, to that of the adepts at this time.  Their objective was to stimulate mysticism and the stimulating of the kingdom of God within the human atom.  The nature of Their work is most difficult for the average man of this time to comprehend, owing to the different state of his consciousness.  The Ibezhan adepts had to deal with a humanity which was in its infancy, whose polarization was most unstable, and whose coordination was very imperfect.  There was very little mentality to be found and men were practically altogether astral; they functioned even more consciously on the astral plane than on the physical, and it was part of the work of these early adepts, working under instruction from Shamballa to develop the energy centres of the human unit, stimulate the brain and make him fully self-conscious on the physical plane.  Their objective was to bring about a realization of the kingdom of God within, and little attention was paid (in Their training of Their disciples) to the bringing about of the realization of God in nature or in other units.  It was necessary in those days to employ methods more definitely physical than are permissible now, and these methods of physical stimulation were employed and the laws of energy as they work through the various centres were taught until the time came when another big change was made in the hierarchical methods, and the door from the animal kingdom into the human was closed and the door of initiation was opened.  It was felt at that time that man was then self-centered enough and individualized enough to permit of a drastic change in method and practice.  All this took a vast period of time and it is the remnants of the earlier Temple practices which have come down to us in degraded phallic teaching, in Tantrik magic and the practices of Hatha Yogis.  The infant humanity of Lemurian and early Atlantean days had to be taught what they were by means of symbols and methods which to us would be crude, impossible and of a nature which the race should have transcended for many millions of years.
[From the works of AAB and DK.]


  1. Great wisdom from the "Treatise"...

    1. Thank you, I am glad to be of service.
      Love, Edward.

  2. Aspirants, read “A Treatise on white magic”. Read other books by Alice Bailey/ Dwaj K.
