Wednesday, 11 January 2012


 This is the most difficult of the vehicles to tend, as is well known. No excessive emotion is permitted, though strong currents of love for all that breath are allowed to sweep through. Love, being the law of the system, is constructive and stabilising, and carries all on in line with the law. No fear or worry or care, shake the emotional body of the aspiring servant of all. He cultivates serenity, stability, and a sense of secure dependence on God’s law. A joyous confidence characterises his habitual attitude. He harbours no jealousy, no cloudy grey depression, and no greed or self-pity, but – realising that all men are brothers and that all that is exist for all – he proceeds calmly on his way.
In the control of the emotional body the server takes the attitude of elimination. His aim is so to train the emotional body that it becomes devoid of colour, has a still vibration, and is clear and white, limpid as a pool on a still summer’s day. This negative stillness of the emotional body makes it receptive to impression from above.

 In fitting the mental body for service the worker strives at the opposite of elimination; he seeks to build in information, to supply knowledge and facts, to train it intellectually and scientifically so that it may prove as time goes on a stable foundation for the divine wisdom. Wisdom supersedes knowledge, yet requires knowledge as a preliminary step. You must remember that the server passes through the Hall of Learning prior to entering the Hall of Wisdom. In training the mind body he seeks therefore orderly acquisition of knowledge, a supply of that which may be lacking, a sequential grasp of the innate mental faculty accumulated in previous   lives, and lastly, a steadying of the lower mind so that the higher may dominate and the creative faculty of thought may be projected through the stillness.
From the Silence of the Absolute was projected the Universe. From darkness issued light, from the subjective emanated the objective. The positive stillness of the mental body leads to the higher inspiration.
This will lead to an attitude of utter dispassion, utter self-forgetfulness, and utter occupation with the next step to be taken on the path of service.
To the above, I would like to add the following in connection of the stilling of the mind and the emotional body:
One of the basic laws in occult development and in spiritual unfoldment is given in the words “As a man thinketh, so is he,” and to it one can link the oriental truism “Energy follows thought” as an explanation. As a man changes his desires, so he changes himself; as he shifts his consciousness from one objective to another, so he alters himself, and this is true in all realms and states, higher or lower.
The effect of the transference of our conscious thinking state from a low objective to a high one produces a flow of energy of a vibratory quality to the higher objective. This produces a change or a mutation in the vestures of the thinking entity, and they become transmuted and brought to a condition where they are adequate to the thought or desire of the man. Carried to their conclusion, a transformation is produced, and the words of St. Paul becomes therefore clear: “Be ye therefore transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Change your line of thought and you will change your nature. Desire that which is true and right, pure and holy, and your consciousness of these things will create out of the old a new vehicle or new man, an “instrument ment for use”.
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