The reasons for the present world unrest are lying way back
into humanities past. Many of them are based upon causes which lie in so remote
a past that history knows nothing of them, and they appear meaningless to us
because we have no clear idea of the nature of early humanity. Some are related
to our future development as a race and of that we also know nothing. In short,
our problems are part of our evolution and spiritual unfoldment. Some grasp of the essential situation will be of
value if we are to follow development in the future intelligently.
AAB/DK told us that until we have reached the highest point
possible in our spiritual development, we will not be able to enter the world
of causes. “Until the limitations – the necessary limitations – of the three worlds
have been surmounted and man can function as a free soul in the spiritual
kingdom, that which lies beyond that kingdom must remain hid to man just as the
human state of being and awareness remains a sealed book to the animal.”
Thus, the ignorance about the problems of humanity and the
world today. We do not know why we do the mistakes, we are doing, over and over;
and until the illuminated mind and the power of intuitional response are
developed in the human family, it is not possible for us to grasp the basic
concepts which are to be found in the mind of God Himself.
The following six poems, based on my study of the work of AAB/DK, are the first bunch of a series of
poems that will attempt to shed some light on the esoteric causes of the
Problems of Humanity as well as the Problems in general:
Running all through human history is a triple thread
And in its interplay, the story of evolution can be read
It is not about the history of conquerors or nations
But our developing consciousness and human relations
One thread guides the thoughts of man through the bends
Of the developing form aspect and racial trends
And it shows how the forms of nature have kept pace
With the needs of the emerging human race
The second thread leads us to an understanding
Of the growth of consciousness and it’s blending
From the instinctual stage into that of intellectual awareness
And on to intuitional illumination, the goal of consciousness
The third thread concerns the Plan itself and the goal
As yet totally unrealised except by the highest soul
Unless on the highest point of initiation you can stand
It is not possible to vision this Promised Land
The errors and mistakes of past centuries as unfurled
Culminating in wars and our present problems in the world
Are the joint errors and mistakes of humanity as a whole
As we overcome materialism to reach our goal
This recognition will lead to the establishing on day
Of the principle of sharing, so needed in the world today
Goodwill fosters the manifestation of the principle of co-operation
The enemy of competition and the secret in every human relation
Through the blood relationship between men, we can relate
To dissolves all barriers and end all separativeness and hate
The peace and happiness of each is the concern of all
To develop the principle of responsibility overall
Thus, occult work is the contacting of the Plan
And the desire to co-operate with the Plan
The work of thought-form building and the confining
Of the attention to the mental plane while designing
Also direction of the thought-form from the mental plain
With all the concentration you can gain
Knowing that right thought and right orientation
Lead to correct functioning and not into temptation
Are necessarily the only correct ones to behold
Thus the presence of goodwill in all our thinking
Is fundamental to our ideas for linking
Humanity’s problems, which can only be solved by goodwill
Must be solved by humanity itself and by its free willAccording to our emphasis, speech, attitude and way of living
We can increase or solve the problems with no misgiving
We are not unaware of the problems we and humanity are faced
And we are not futile or helpless to solve them when braced The fruits of clear thinking will inevitably present themselves
Through right speech, clear thinking and controlling ourselves
A partisan attitude with its consequent distorted loyalties
And a prejudiced spirit will end in casualtiesAnd any fixed idea with its crystallising effects
Is a handicap to clear thinking of all subjects
Goodwill acts as a clarifier and as an illuminating source
To put us en rapport with humanity’s difficult course
Where goodwill and intelligence cause a reaction
A useful server will emerge onto constructive action
Maybe none of the world’s problems today
Can be solved by any of us on our way
But we can arrive at a better understanding
Of past mistakes for our present and future planning
Thus we can find the school of thought preferable
Which seems to us the most constructive and practical
We can train ourselves to accept a new spiritual effort
That will demand sacrifice and discomfort
But it will prove fruitful and rewording
Bringing expansion of consciousness while evoking
Compassion and comprehension of the difficulties
Of struggling humanity with its undeveloped faculties
It will put us in touch with the Spiritual Hierarchy
And help us see our problems from the point of Hierarchy
To help us solve our problems is the main task of Hierarchy
And as a group of souls, we are an integral part of
All problems and conflicts on earth are screaming for a solution
Of the eternal conflict between spirit and matter through evolution
We must find solutions based on truer spiritual values and sanity
And on the concept of ONE WORLD and ONE HUMANITY
We must see what we can DO in our role as saviour
Beginning with our own attitudes, thoughts, and behaviour
And so learn to make our approach practical
And individual but nevertheless inclusive and diplomatical
To gain a better grasp of world affairs must be our goal
Through a more inclusive approach to humanity as a whole
Thus we all will be better informed as the observer
Becoming a more useful world citizen and world server
It is essential to approach these problems as the occultist
Working from and in the realm of causes and not be a cultist
You will need to penetrate into the world of meaning in this role
And transmit the lighted understanding and direction of the soul
The Hierarchal objective is to raise or expand through the Adepts
The human consciousness and to sit in motion ideas and concepts
Which will lead to the steady evolution of human civilisation
And culture without the thread or evil of crystallisation
That they have been successful in this endeavour
History proves from the caveman to whatever
And the fact of war is no exception, for war is to humanity
As a whole, like the conflict between soul and personality
War has a secondary conflict between the Black and White forces
Brought about by what is to us, unknown or hidden courses
Owing to the synchronisation of the two conflicts
It can have sad human repercussions with no quick fix
The black Lodge has been defeated during the last war
But has crept up again as strong as ever, asking for more
The human conflict still persists and humanity
Is well on the way to a solution through Christ-tianity
The Hierarchy makes a constant and progressive study
Of human affairs and problems that can be muddy
They watch all human trends and human planning
And are aware of all good and bad forces in their scanning
Evolution is the proses which unfolds the life of all units
The developing urge which eventually merges all units
And all groups, until you have that sumtotal of manifestation
Which can be called nature, or God and His Creation
Evolution is the unfolding of an increasing power to respond
The aggregate of all the states of consciousness and beyond
It is also cyclic development where nature repeats continuously
Until certain defined ends have been reached as previously
Or till certain concrete results have been brought about
And certain responses made to vibrations from without
Through discrimination or intelligent choice illustrated
This purpose of the indwelling Existence can be demonstrated
Evolution is also ordered change and constant mutation
The ceaseless activity of the unit or the atom’s vibration
The interaction between groups and you and your brother
And the endless play of one force or energy upon another
Evolution, whether of matter, spirit, consciousness or intelligence
Is an increasing power to respond to vibration with diligence
It progresses through constant change trough discrimination
And by the method of cyclic development or repetition
We must become aware of these esoteric studies ultimately
And its connections to the conflicts and trails of humanity
Bringing together practical and sympathetic relations
Between humanity and Hierarchy, and races and nations
The attitude and effort of thousands of sincere people today
To find a solution to humanity’s problems come what may
Will provide a “bridging vehicle” subjectively over time
Between humanity and its spiritual Leaders sublime
They will be enabled to give divine guidance in the form
Of intuitive suggestion in an effort to reform
Which should serve to bring into focus all things
That has been clouded and obscure for human beings
Those who have been the “have nots” for ages
Must become the “haves” and turn the pages
In order to work through the necessary experiences
In the realm of physical treasures and imbalances
Thus enabling them to judge comparative values
In terms of right human relations and virtues
We must learn something about the energies and forces involved
If the present world problems are to be resolvedThe complex problems with which the UN are confronted
And the rest of humanity been haunted
All history is the record of the effects of these rays
Energies or radiations working on humanity in different
waysThrough its varying stages of evolutionary development
From primeval humanity to our modern advancement
All that has happened is the result of these energies
Pouring cyclically through nature and human activitiesExpressing themselves through successive civilisations
And cultures while fashioning the many races and nations
This in no way infringes upon man’s free will on his
For these forces have both their higher and their lower
aspects And men respond to them according to their mental
And spiritual development without being judgemental
Because nations and races as a whole are doing the same
Through participating in this great evolutionary gameHumanity has reached a point in its development today
To response to that which is higher and better on the way
That certain potencies are coming into play, is
Thus we must see the lines of development which are inevitableCertain forces are becoming increasingly active
Whilst others are steadily becoming inactive
There are usually five dominant energies active at any
As they play upon the planet, they evoke response,
big-timeProducing turmoil and chaos, the good and the bad
The warring and healing forces, the happy and the sad
They, therefore, account in their totality for all that
we see
Happening around us at this time, whatever it may beThus we must penetrate into the distant world of causes
And see past and present in their true perspective, as forces
These effects which are producing so much fear
Foreboding and concern will eventually clear And will give place to love motivated by wisdom
In cooperation with intelligence, to gain freedom
First the point reached by humanity itself through evolution
Is one of the major and primary causes of our malfunctio
We have reached a stage which necessitates drastic modifications
In man’s entire attitude to life and to all his world relations
His intelligence has reached the stage where we can acknowledge
The fact that nothing can arrest his progress into knowledge
Which would be dangerously misused for selfish ends
If nothing were done to safeguard his friends
He must be taught to react to a higher and better sense
of values
Even to the cost of temporary pain on his way to develop
virtuesMillions of human beings are now at the point of integration
And the hastening of this proses brings another complication
Certain people are standing forth above their fellows
Expressing their potency of achieved integration like
rainbows Seeking to mould the racial thought and life to a certain pattern
According to their inclination and type and ray of their lantern
Their motives are good but they are unexperienced in many
Thus they make mistakes and are side-tracked in dangerous
waysLeading people into error, trouble and atrociousness
But the result will be awakening of the public consciousness
Second, the
emerging of a new racial type in every land
But primarily in those where the Caucasians are in
commandIt will bring intuitive understanding from above
As well as transmutation of desire into group love
Third, the
ending of the Piscean Age, through crystallisation
Of all Piscean ideals that were in organisation They have done a great and needed work
And have served their purpose as the framework
Fourth, the coming into manifestation of the Aquarian Age
With new incoming influences to condition the future age
The consciousness of universal relationship and
And proven and experienced unity will be the next
The individual will subordinate his personality to the good of the whole
they will take the new ideals and the emerging ideas as
their goal
And in group activity materialise them where they can
And not as some person’s determined and imposed plan
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