The seven rays are the sum total of the divine Consciousness
Of the universal Mind manifesting in all its enormousness
Seven intelligent entities through Whom the plan is
working out
Embodying divine purpose while creating everything about
They create the forms and are the forms through which
The divine ideas are being carried to complete and
They correspond to the ventricles of the brain
And to the seven centres within the brain
They are the seven Breaths, animating all forms created
by them
As the conscious executors of divine purpose and “mayhem”
Through Their advanced stage of development
They are impelled toward creation and fulfilment
Their purpose is such that it is idle for us to speculate
For our highest point of achievement is too low to locate
That which is the producers of all forms in the solar
As well as the sum total of all souls in the solar system
They wrestle with matter in order to subjugate it
To the divine purpose, and the goal, as we can sense it
Is to subject the material forms to the life aspect
Whose qualities will bring the will of God into
Through the seven rays, the life or spirit aspect flows
Cycling through every kingdom in nature as it grows
Producing all states of consciousness and entities
With different awareness and capabilities
Every human being is swept into manifestation
On the impulse of some ray that is in manifestation
And is coloured by that particular ray quality on earth
Which determines his form aspect since birth
Indicating to him the way to go in life first
Until he can sense the ray purpose and cooperates
This synthetic purpose of the seven rays in manifestation
He only begins to sense after the third initiation
Thus the human soul is a synthesis of material energy
Intelligent personality consciousness, and spiritual
Each qualified by one of the seven rays as his own ray
As is the physical, astral and mental body with his own ray
The purpose of Deity, the Creator, is totally
To all save the higher initiates who work on their own

But the purpose of each ray Life may be sensed and
Subject of course to the limitations of the human mind
Subject of course to the limitations of the human mind
All the Lords of the rays create a body of expression
Thus the seven sacred planets came into
The planned activity of every ray qualifies every form
Within his body which functioning as a dorm
The energies of these seven Lives are not confined
But sweep around the solar system as designed
Just like the life impulses of a human through the body
To fulfil the objective for which he created his body
Each of the seven kingdoms in nature reacts
To the energy of some particular Ray it attracts
The Laws of nature is the will of the seven Deities
As we develop and comprehend their capabilities
Making Their impressions upon substance without relent
In order to create and produce a specific intent
Through the method of the evolutionary process
In whose entire duration there is no recess
As part of the initial Plan, They swept into activity
And became the seven Builders through creativity
The seven Sources of life and the even Rishis
Of all the ancient scriptures to form the Rachis
They are the original psychic Entities
With the capacity to express love in dualities
The loved and the loving
The desired and the desiring
They produce in the human kingdom, self-consciousness
And in the superhuman world a synthetic
Where all human monads carried into manifestation
Is part of a Ray Lord’s body of manifestation
They express His quality and appear phenomenally
To express his quality in this world potentially
The work of the esotericist is just this very thing
Out of latency, the hidden quality to bring
This Life wills to love, and uses power in goodwill
The sun is regarded as the esoteric substitution
For the planet He uses as His body of manifestation
Special Virtues are: Strength, courage, steadfastness
And truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness
Power of ruling, capacity to grasp great questions
In a large-minded way, and of handling men and actions
Vices are: pride, obstinacy, anger ambition, and wilfulness
The desire to control others, arrogance, and hardness
Virtues to be acquired are: sympathy and tolerance
As well as Tenderness, humility and patience
Those on this ray have strong will power to be used
For evil, or for good when will is by wisdom fused
And made selfless by love in a governing ray
That can be used in a creative and benign way
The first ray man will always come to the front in his own line
He may be the burglar or the judge who give him a fine
But in either case he will be at the head of his profession
The born leader just waiting to come to expression
In every public career he’ll be the one on whom to depend
Fearless of consequences and indifferent to comment
The first ray man often has strong feeling and affection
But he does not readily bring it out into expression
He will love strong contrasts and masses of colour
But being an artist is not part of his valour
If modified by the fourth, sixth or seventh rays
He may be a great composer and never cease to amaze
As a first ray man his literary work will be strong and cutting
But he will care little for style or finish in his writing
In attempting the cure of disease his best method would be
To use the will power to send strength through the patient to be
His method of approaching the great Quest
Would be by sheer force of will and conquest
And such a man would, true to his form
Take the kingdom of heaven by storm
The Lord Vishnu, the Lord of Love-Wisdom
Is on the same ray as the Solar Deity of the Solar Kingdom
He installs the quality of love in his communication
Through the planet Jupiter, his body of manifestation
Special Virtues are: Calm, strength, and endurance
Love of truth, faithfulness, and clear intelligence
Also a serene temper, patience and the intuition
To bring all these qualities into execution
Vices are: Over-absorption in study and indifference to others
Also Coldness and contempt of mental limitations in others
Virtues to be acquired are: energy, unselfishness and compassion
And although he love the truth, he must bring love into expression
This is called the ray of wisdom from its characteristic
For pure knowledge and truth with no time for a liarCold and selfish, if without love or compassion
And inactive without power in expression
When both power and love are present and working
Then you have the ray of the Buddhas that is lurking
In all great teachers of humanity, who, have attained
Wisdom for the sake of others, but never acclaimed
He is ever unsatisfied with his highest attainments
No matter how great his knowledge or achievementsHis mind is always fixed and ready to respond
To Heights unscaled in the far beyond
The second ray man will have tact and foresight
Clear intelligence and wisdom to work on any heightHe will make an excellent ambassador with knowledge
Enough to be a first-rate teacher or head of a college
He will make a good business man, with accountabilities
While as a soldier he will plan wisely and foresee possibilities
The artist would always seek to teach through his art
Where his pictures would have a meaning and heart
The characteristic method of approaching the Path would be
By close and earnest study of the teachings to the degree
Where they become so much a part of the man's consciousness
That he will express intuition and wisdom with efficaciousness
Of the motivating impulse in the initial work of creation
He uses the planet Saturn [Satan] as His body of expression
While through matter He helps humanity into expression
Special Virtues are: Wide views on all abstract questions
Sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, caution and
patienceThe capacity for concentration on philosophic studies
With no tendency to worry himself over trivialities
Vices are: Intellectual pride, coldness and absent-mindedness
Vagueness, isolation, criticism, obstinacy and
selfishnessVirtues to be acquired are: Sympathy, tolerance, devotion
Also accuracy, common-sense, energy and emotion
This is the ray of the abstract thinker and inquirer
The metaphysician and the great philosopher
The man who delights in the higher mathematics
But hates the juggling of money and its acrobatics
While using his imaginative faculty to grasp the essence
He sees both sides of the coin when solving questions
He is a dreamer and a theorist that hates to be wrong
Thus his idealism will often be strong
As a soldier he will work out a problem in tactics
But is seldom great in the field with all its gymnastics
As an artist his technique is not fine or the clearest
But his subjects will be full of thought and interest
He will love music, but he will not produce it
And as a business man he would be a hitAlthough always full of ideas, round and about
He is often too impractical to carry them out
Can be unconventional to a degree, when in company
Unpunctual, regardless of appearances and slovenly His literary style is often vague and involved but when
Influenced by the fifth ray he will be a master of the pen
The method of approaching the great Quest for this ray type
Is by deep thinking on philosophical or metaphysical lines, when ripe
Till he is led to the realisation of the great Beyond
And of the importance of treading the Path in respond
The function of The Lord of Harmony, Beauty and Art
Through the free interplay of life and form, by all egos
Based on the plan as it exists in the mind of the solar
Special Virtues are: Strong affection
Quickness of intellect and perception
Also physical courage and sympathy
As well as devotion and generosity
Vices are: worrying, lack of moral courage and incorrectness
Indolence, extravagance strong passions and Self-centredness
Virtues to be acquired are: confidence, self-control and
Also unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance and
This is the "ray of struggle" for on this ray the qualities of activity
And inertia are so strangely equal in proportion, to combat
That the man is torn with their combat, and the outcome in
Till the Christ is born from the throes of constant pain and
Inertia induces love of ease and pleasure, a hatred of causing pain
Thus moral cowardice, indolence, procrastination, and no
Activity is fiery, impatient, ever urging to action with a
new plan
Thus life is one perpetual warfare and unrest for the fourth
ray man
These contrasting forces make the friction and confusion
But the experience gained thereby produces rapid evolution
It is the ray of the reckless cavalry leader who will
Reckless of risks to himself or his followers indeed
For in moments of excitement the man on this ray
Is entirely dominated by activity and ready to play
Easily overwhelmed by sorrow, failure and adversities
But as quickly recovering from all opposites and calamities
It is pre-eminently the ray of colour interaction
Where the artist can produce colour to perfection
Full of melody will the fourth ray compositions be
For the fourth ray man loves a tune when he’s free
The method of approaching the Path will be by self-control
Where equilibrium amongst the warring forces is the goal
The lower and extremely dangerous way is by Hatha Yoga
That will cut him off from higher forces like a black toga
The Fifth Ray is The Lord of Concrete Knowledge and Science
And with the mind of the creative Deity he is in
Science is a psychological unfoldment due to this ray
Whose influence is great and growing by the day
Special Virtues are: Strictly accurate deliberation
And justice without taking mercy in Consideration
Also keen intellect and independence
Vices are: prejudice, criticism, narrowness and arrogance
Also unforgiving temper, lack of sympathy and reverence
Virtues to be acquired are: love and admiration
Also wide-mindedness, sympathy and dedication
This is the ray of science, research and investigation
The man with keen intellect but prone to
Who will trace the smallest facts to its source
And verify every theory on every force
He will generally be extremely truthful
His lucid explanation of facts very colourful
In receiving favours or flattery he will have a dislike
But he will be orderly, punctual and business-like
It is the ray of the great chemist, the practical electrician
The first-rate engineer or the great operating physician
As a statesman, the fifth ray man would be narrow in his
But as the head of a technical department he will infuse
As a soldier, he would turn to artillery and engineering
While the artist on this ray is rare without persevering
His creations, although technically correct in form
Will be dull, lifeless, uninteresting and not be worm
His style in writing or speaking will be clearness itself
But he will lack fire and take time to explain himself
Thus he will often be long-winded, but correct
From his desire to say everything on his subject
For the fifth ray, the method of approaching the Path
Is by scientific research of the scriptures on the path
Pushing it to ultimate conclusions, and implications
Followed by the acceptance of their interpretations
This Lord of Devotion and Idealism is of the same quality
That is a characteristic expression of our solar Deity
A divine sincerity and a one-pointed or blind dedication
Are the qualities of all that is found within His
Special Virtues are: love, devotion and tenderness

Also loyalty, reverence, intuition and single-mindedness
Virtues to be acquired are: common sense, truth and
Also Serenity, Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, and
Vices of Ray are: Selfish and jealous love without clarity
Over-leaning on others, fiery anger and partiality
Also sectarianism, prejudice and superstition
Prone to over-rapid conclusions and self-deception
This is called the ray of idealism and devotion
The man is filed with religious instinct and notion
With Intense personal feelings and passion
Where likes and dislikes are the fashion
Everything is either perfect or intolerable
His friends are angels, and honourable
His enemies are very much the reverse
And made to live under a curse
Although he must have a personal God offcourse
His devotion can be to a person or a cause
Whether these be concrete or abstract
It all depends how he sees the fact
The best type of this ray makes the saint
The worst, the fanatic that cannot be constraint
The typical martyr or the typical inquisitor is he
The originator of all religious wars and crusades to
He is often of a gentle nature with even sadness
But he can always flame into fury and fiery madness
Laying down his life for the objects of his devotion
He will have no mercy for those of a different notion
Never a great statesman or a good business man
But he may be a great preacher or orator if he can
His way of the Path would be by prayer and meditation
Aiming at God, spirit, soul and body unification
And is surely making His pressure felt by the hour
His influence is most potent upon the physical plane
A numerical interrelation between seventh ray and plane
Special Virtues are: Strength, courage and self-reliance
His influence is most potent upon the physical plane
A numerical interrelation between seventh ray and plane
Special Virtues are: Strength, courage and self-reliance
Courtesy, extreme care in details and perseverance
Virtues to be acquired are: love and realisation of unity
Wide-mindedness, gentleness, Tolerance and humility
Vices of Ray are: a strong attachment to external forms
With strict adherence to traditional or prescribed norms
Also, bigotry, pride, self-opinionated and over-indulgent
Narrow-mindedness and prone to superficial judgment
This is the ceremonial ray which makes a man delight
In all things done decently, in order and right
Always according to rule and precedent
Where nothing can happen by accident
It is the ray of the high priest who wants to officiate
And the soldier who does everything to consolidate
Of the ideal commissary general who will not delay
To dress and feed the troops in the best possible way
The seventh ray man will often be sectarian or dogmatic
Where to say and do the right thing is automatic
He will delight in fixed ceremonials and observances
In great processions, shows, and performances
It is the ray of the perfect nurse for the sick
Careful in the smallest detail and ready with a
To try and grind them in the iron mill of routine
Where everybody becomes part of the machine
Also of the sculptor or designer who see it as his duty
To always produces and design forms of beauty
Or where his fluency in writing and speech can be
To make the literary work of the seventh ray man
He can be superstitious and take interest in predictions
In occult practices, spiritual phenomena and
He will approach the Path through practice and ritual
Where the control of elemental forces will be habitual
EDGEBA - Based on the work of AAB and DK.
See all my poems at:
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