Monday 21 May 2012


The strength, the power and the special energies which He received at that dramatic moment when He, the Buddha and the Lord of the World created a Triangle of Light at the time of the Wesak Festival, will be released by Him at the hour of the Full Moon of June. This Light has been concentrated upon the "centre which we call the race of men," but it has not yet been released. At the Full Moon it will be poured out all over the Earth. During the interim between reception and distribution, it has been transformed into the energy of goodwill and into that light which will illumine the minds of men. [EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY p642]


A.      Christ's Festival Talk
B.      Message from Master DK

A   Christ's Festival Talk

The text which follows was an address given by a member of the Headquarters staff of Lucis Trust at one of our public meetings. The purpose of these brief talks is to prepare and seed the group mind for the real work to be done--group meditation. This talk can be used by individuals and groups who wish to cooperate with this service.

Invocative Living

Tonight we celebrate the last of the three spiritual festivals of 2011 known as Christ‘s Festival. This always falls in the sign of Gemini and it has been described as "the force which produces the changes needed for the evolution of the Christ consciousness at any particular point in time and space." In Esoteric Astrology we learn that Gemini is one of the most important of all the twelve signs and that its influence lies behind every one of them. Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini, it emphasises how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth.
What better sign then for us to celebrate World Invocation Day – a day when people across the world have been consciously evoking an outpouring of divine love to "restore the Plan on Earth" with heartfelt, fiery aspiration and focused intention throughout the day. The power of invocation – generating an outpouring of divine love in times of pain and difficulty – creates a funnel of sound through alignment – a cry which is always answered from the place to where it is directed. There is an immense invocation on this day as the meditations and the heartfelt prayers of the many are directed towards the Christ on behalf of humanity, and are heard on the inner planes where the vibratory force is focused and used as a transmitting wave to respond with the needed power of will and love.
To invoke the Christ is not something we just do through meditation and use of The Great Invocation. To invoke is to use sound to call the Christ all day every day through a particular sound or resonance that we set up through the way we live our lives. There is a way of living in the immediate moment that produces a state of tension that emits a subtle, harmonic sound rather than the strident note that the personality usually emits. This sound is strong and pure and it naturally rises to the ears of those on the inner side of life. By living a purposeful life where our motives are pure and spiritual, we are naturally calling the Christ and it is something we can have at the back of our mind all the time. This sound we will notice emanates from the heart and intensifies our sense of purpose in the world. Purpose is not so much what we intend to physically or actively do – it is an alignment with the soul and, through the soul, with the Christ force or principle. The pure exalted sound of the approaching Christ keeps our spirits above the stormy waters of physical plane life, allowing us to lift and save those who are drowning in the ocean of matter.
To keep our inner ear attuned to the sound of the approaching Christ forms the bedrock of what could be called "Invocative living". It concerns the wise and economic invocation and evocation of spiritual energy. Just as a ceremonial ritual magnetises the environment through repetitive movement, chanting and the enunciation of sacred text such as occurs at the Wesak Festival, so in a lesser sense does living a simple rhythmic life focused on the essentials; just taking time to periodically sit in quietness swells the invocative sound that we are nurturing deep within to help construct the pathway of light for the descent of the Christ. In this noisy, restless world, we have to learn how to take time to be alone with the still quiet voice within rather than constantly running away from ourselves and hiding in the distractions and non-essential activities of life. As we live a purposeful and pure life, energy is not wasted and if we had sight on the subjective side of life, we would see that we are forming geometrical patterns and rhythms of energy that evoke higher, spiritual potencies. Using an analogy of a stringed instrument, living the invocative life in this way keeps the strings of consciousness taught, tuned and responsive to the touch of the master musician – the soul.
The habitual use of the Great Invocation is a way of keeping these strings taught and our minds and heart in tune with the sound of the Coming One. It also keeps us in alignment with "the centre where the will of God is known – "Shamballa" – touching a chord deep within our psyche that resounds to the divine chorus and grants us the power to keep serving with strength and fortitude. Enunciating the Great Invocation "As If" it is issuing forth from deep within our soul sees us take our stand in the chorus of souls that we call the spiritual Hierarchy, ensuring a direct and continuous inflow of the Will nature to restore the Plan on earth. The more we can attain a degree of group consciousness to sound the Great Invocation in this way, the more the synchronisation of the note of humanity with the note of the Hierarchy occurs and we are assured that there will come a dynamic and immediate response from Shamballa. The interplay of this demand-response pattern has the capacity to become one of the greatest liberating forces for humanity.
For us to have been entrusted with the use of this Invocation to bring forth the Will-to-Love is the greatest of privileges. It bestows tremendous responsibility on all of us who recognise its authenticity as a mantram ordained by the Christ and the Hierarchy. Through its correct use, we can rise to meet the challenge of subjectively presenting to humanity a fresh vision "of a compelling and conditioning nature". If a world-wide group can stand together with one united invocative spirit, results are inevitable as the law of invocation and evocation is simple – that which is evoked always responds and responds in proportion to the power of the invocation made.
Let us take a moment now to align ourselves with the higher planetary centres and then sound together the Great Invocation, the Christ‘s own mantram, with a united dynamic intention:

The main factor preventing a completely unimpeded sequence of impression from Shamballa right down into the mineral kingdom, via all the other kingdoms, is the factor of human freewill, resulting in karmic responsibility. When we look around the world what evidence do we see that humanity is clearing its karma and starting to work with the will nature in accordance with divine purpose? Perhaps the outstanding symbol is the United Nations whose world work continues despite the insuperable problems it has faced down the years. Its struggles are not surprising though as the General Assembly is like a huge clearing house for obstructing forces to the Plan. Virtually all of the world‘s nations gather here to try and resolve differences, and all nations are at different stages of development just as human beings are. With this in mind it is clear what an impressive organ of the will-to-good the UN is proving to be.
It is to the UN we should look primarily when thinking of the Christ‘s Festival as it is also the Festival of Humanity and of Goodwill. It represents the closest thing we have as a race to an alignment with the Will of God. When the UN convenes in councils, there is a sense of a higher power at work that often manages to achieve a measure of reconciliation despite seemingly insuperable forces arrayed against it. The UN represents reconstruction, consensus, and planning and through its ever broadening responsibilities and diversifications, it is instrumental in clearing the way for the future externalisation of the inner ashrams. Its mandate is to hear the cry of humanity and to respond. The UN is like a lotus flower with the central jewel energised by the Avatar of Synthesis. We are told that this great Life wields as much of His influence as allowed by human karma, overshadowing the General Assembly in the attempt to unite the nations of the world through the power of synthesis that is the natural expression of His life-force. We can glean from this that the Christ‘s mission is not about spreading a sweet and sentimental kind of love around the world. It will be far more impersonal and grand than the personal, comforting type of emotion that we often mistake for love. Furthermore, the Christ is coming this time round with the will aspect of love, the electric or dynamic aspect of love, and when we pause to consider this we can see how the UN more closely represents this force than we might at first think.
The UN has played a role in bringing about independence in more than 80 countries and there are currently more than a hundred thousand peace keepers in sixteen peace keeping operations round the world. Its work with human rights, health, education, the needs of women and children in the Least Developed Countries in particular, are all proof of a love backed by a will to heal, to right wrongs and to create a more harmonious world. Through its agencies, the many ngo‘s and serving groups worldwide, the UN is taking up humanity‘s "cup of karma" and, through conscious will, beginning to drink its bitter draught in the clear light of day. An ancient catechism explains that, on an individual basis, this cup is forcefully held to the lips of the dismayed Pilgrim by the Lords of Karma until the time comes when he wilfully lifts it from their hands to drink until the last drop is gone. The Four Lords of Karma then release the cup of Karma allowing the Lords of Cosmic Love to mix another, sweeter, cooling draught. The point is made that until the cup of karma has been drained, and the lessons of selfish behaviour learned, it cannot safely hold within the potencies of love and will that are later given.
Significantly in this sign of Gemini, which rules the opposites, we think of the UN‘s work in reconciling the opposites of East and West, North and South, rich and poor, and forging that Middle Path taught by the Christ‘s brother, the Buddha, to bring about a blending and fusing on a higher level of all the different nationalities and cultures of the world thereby making of the human kingdom one integrated centre of force within the body of the planetary Logos. Humanity is already beginning to live the invocative life through the agency of people of goodwill, who are demanding that right action and values are taken in local and national governance, in international relations and in economic fields. And through the communications systems, social networking sites and instant access to information, the "now" generation, as it is called expresses a greater sense of the "other" – a concern for the rights and well being of people in other lands that transcends national boundaries. The psychological distance between people is lessening and it is significant that, for so many people, physical barriers no longer form an obstacle to the identity of their common humanity.
This process is all part of the Science of Social Evolution – which in reality is the science of invocation and evocation as right relationships are brought about by mutual invocation, producing a responsive process which is one of evocation. This science can be applied as legitimately to groups, nations and humanity itself, as it can be applied to the individual aspirant on the path of return and we are told that it "lies behind all conscious awakening of the centres and their interre-lation; it lies behind the rapport between man and man, group and group, and eventually between nation and nation. It is this invocation, and the consequent evocation, which eventually relates soul and personality and soul and monad. It is the outstanding objective of humanity's appeal to God, to the Hierarchy and to the Spiritual Powers of the cosmos, no matter by what name you call them. The appeal goes forth. The invocation of humanity can and will and must evoke response from the spiritual Hierarchy and give the first demonstration upon a large scale of this new esoteric science – esoteric because it is based upon sound." (The Rays and the Initiations, p.470)
Having a goal in life is to live invocatively. A thoughtform of the desired goal has been constructed and through it energy pours in response to sustained aspiration. Therefore, one of the most important things we can do in service of the Plan is to bring energy into our lives by having a clear spiritual goal and by releases that which obscures our view of it. To do this we have to practise the art of relinquishment wholeheartedly so that spiritual quality replaces form as the main focus of our attention and becomes the aspect in people and our surroundings that we communicate with. As every manifesting form is destined for change and transmutation anyway, it is futile to identify with it, and painful too. Spiritual quality is the true constant in life that never dies, for it is the Christ force and only grows more beautiful and profound as the heart is steadily opened up to it. When we willingly acquiesce and lift our consciousness to the Christ, we find we are constantly charged with creative power and we can move with freedom, creatively weaving in and out of the life wave, in order to manifest aspects of the Plan.
We can visualise thousands of people all over the world coming together subjectively to do this as one on World Invocation Day which is, as its name suggests, the supreme moment of the year for invoking the energies of both the Christ and of Humanity. The sign of Gemini provides the force-field in which this magnetic tension can develop and right relationships can be established on earth. It is a sign that symbolises the fusion of higher and lower energies and the appearance of the path between the pairs of opposites. Gemini is sometimes called the "constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis." Governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, Gemini preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One. So let us finish by reflecting on an ancient stanza about the Path remembering that it is through invocative living that the path is built and also that the path is trodden.
"The path that is trodden by the Server is the path of fire that passes through his heart and leads to the head. It is not on the path of pleasure, nor on the path of pain that liberation may be taken or that wisdom comes. It is by the transcendence of the two, by the blending of pain with pleasure, that the goal is reached, that goal that lies ahead, like a point of light seen in the darkness of a winter's night. That point of light may call to mind the tiny candle in some attic drear, but—as the path that leads to that light is trodden through the blending of the pair of opposites—that pin point cold and flickering grows with steady radiance till the warm light of some blazing lamp comes to the mind of the wanderer by the way.
Pass on, O Pilgrim, with steady perseverance. No candle light is there nor earth lamp fed with oil. Ever the radiance grows till the path ends within a blaze of glory, and the wanderer through the night becomes the child of the sun, and enters within the portals of that radiant orb.
We go now into our meditation "Letting in the Light" using the conference and festival keynote: Let the Will-to-Love fire the entire world with the ‘spirit of relationship’.
Christ’s Festival in Gemini –
London- June 2011
Christine Morgan


B   Message from Master DK

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