Saturday, 18 October 2014


For eons humanity has always been under the control of some Being, Beings, God, Gods, Kings, Emperors, presidents, prime ministers, conquerors, religious leaders, popes, ”devils”, ”angels”, and so on. Some were benevolent and some were malevolent. Each had, and still has, its run and its part to play in this planetary life drama of the human beings captive on this planet. We know it is part of our evolutionary development and part of the clockwork of the Universe. Every tide and cycle has its time and destiny; its cause and effect in the greater circle of life.
In the beginning we had Godly Kings with the divine right of Kings that slowly made way for Earthly Kings and later elected and none elected officials that became more and more evil as we progressed and experimented on our own because as Hu-mans, or God-men, we had to learn to stand all by ourselves and eventually take charge of this planet. Evil was let loose so that the good can come out at a faster pace. The world has a Spiritual Hierarchy that has a White Lodge and a Dark Lodge and under their control is the evolutionary development of everything and everybody on this planet from the lowest atom to the most spiritually advanced human being.

The only reason why we have so much war and mayhem on this planet, accept of the obvious reasons for money power or materialism, is to either retard or enhance the spiritual evolution of humanity. Their methods and the results speak for themselves. Some methods and results may look evil but can have a benevolent effect in the long run for the greatest amount of people. In the end our bodies or the forms do not matter, only the spiritual evolution of our souls. Some forces though, are working to enhance the form with the intent to develop better bodies for more advanced souls as our evolution proceeds.  

As you realize by now, evil is part of the control system on this planet where Jews are playing a great role. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. They, the Jews, are being used to speed up the evolutionary development of humanity and it was always meant for them to take humanity to breaking point so that the good in us can come out. The Zionists leaders know this and are achieving this through carefully laid planes where the Protocols of Zion is their Bible and guidebook. Be prepared to believe anything bad and evil that you hear about them because evil has no boundaries or limitations [even human sacrifice and the drinking of the blood of babies] – everything bad goes and they have the power and freedom to do it. They have “God” [the Dark side, the Holy Spirit,] on their side at the moment – something that is hard to understand – but good and bad are just two sides of the same coin where good has no boundaries either. The thing is that the Zionists, the rulers of the Jews and humanity, have now come under the influence of Cosmic Evil [Inter-dimensional beings called Archons, Draconians or even Aliens] that was not part of the original game-plan. On the one side we have the Ten Commandments and on the other the Protocols of Zion. Between the two is humanity [under the guidance of Christ] struggling through evolution on its way to enlightenment. The system works but it is hard for any individual to see the big picture as long as his judgment is clouded by looking at it with the eyes of any religion because dogmatic believes do not allow for truth to cypher through to the narrow minded for it is part of the control system.  

We need Light to see and conquer the Darkness. Also remember there are two factions of the “illuminati” that we hear so often about, one for good and one for bad – the biggest problem is that we cannot distinguish between the two and their workings. Sometimes they even work together. On a higher level, the level of the “Gods”, they are actually one but our brains cannot fathom that.

Some of these Alien forces are working with the development of human bodies and their genetic manipulation so that the human souls have adequate bodies to carry on their evolution into the future; all part of the enhancement of our normal evolution. But it now looks as if something evil has crept in and is threatening to highjack the genetic manipulation projects of the benevolent Inter – dimensional beings or Aliens that was done in conjunction with human scientists. The Human Manipulators, the slaves or agents of this evil force, might even plan to take over the whole world for themselves. We might be in very deep danger but that is not our problem bat the problem of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as Master DK has pointed out.

The thing is the manipulation is going on at a fast pace now and many people all over the world are waking up. They are becoming aware of the manipulation and the manipulators but are not yet able to completely bring two and two together, thus the reason for all the conspiracy theories. They do not know the inner workings of the manipulators and their true agendas. Some of us are equipped with the necessary knowledge to find out but that is a long proses as far as the average person is concerned and it might even turn out to be a total waste of time and effort on our part. Need to know knowledge might be better in this case than useless information that we can do nothing with at this moment in our evolution accept a lot of harm. The system must stay in place as long as there is need for it to be doing whatever it is that it is doing. Some of us still need this system in place to guide us and misguide us till we wake up and reach the point where we realise we have been programed from birth and been manipulated all our lives. Only then can we set ourselves free.

We must be able to see the negative forces and all their evil for what they are - a control system, and we have to be able one day to see the positive and good forces for what they are - a control system. When we see the game for what it is and we are no longer amused by it. Then we have reached the stage where we can say: “I see you for what you are and want no more part of you both. I take back my own space. I am no more, and I am no more that. At last, I am free, AND I AM WHAT I AM.”

In the end it comes down to:

1.       Recognising the wholeness of all

2.       our place in this wholeness

3.       our service to this wholeness

The following is a good video about the manipulation going on:

Let’s take a look at the philosophy of somebody who has taken back his space and has freed himself from the Controllers. He ended up making a complete mockery of the whole system created by man but he forces you to think for yourself.

Please read the rest at:

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


The partial Sealing of the Door where Evil dwells          


Just what do these words mean?  More than I can tell you or put into words, for the problem of evil is too difficult a one for the average man to grasp.  The problem of the Hierarchy (if I may put it both accurately and yet symbolically) is to liberate the good, free the beautiful, release the true and "immure in prison under seal" that which is not good, that which breeds ugliness and hate, and that which distorts the truth and lies about the future.  I have chosen all these words with care; their meaning is obvious, but there are significances far too deep and dangerous for you to grasp.

 It has been humanity—cumulatively and over millions of years—which has released evil into the world.  Thoughts of hate, deeds of cruelty, lying words, sadistic action, selfish intentions and the foulest kind of ambitious selfishness have created a pathway to the "door where evil dwells."  Evil is in reality of two kinds:  There is that innate tendency to selfishness and to separation which is inherent in the substance of our planet; of it all forms are made and our planetary Logos inherited it from the residue left over from a previous solar system.  That is something unavoidable and something that provides mankind with a needed opportunity and one which men are well equipped to handle and control.  There is that in them which can transmute and change it, and it is this that basically constitutes the Science of Redemption.

But humanity has not chosen to exert itself in this redemptive activity, and for thousands of years has been controlled by that which is material; it has thus constructed the "broad and easy way" which leads to the place where another kind of evil dwells—an evil which is not indigenous to our planet, an evil with which it was never intended that men should deal.  For untold aeons, the Hierarchy has stood like a shield, guarding humanity.  But with the coming of a greatly increased mental development, with the repudiation of the Hierarchy by the bulk of humanity, and by the prostitution of religion to material ends and narrow theological and mental tenets, the Hierarchy has been forced (much against its will) to withdraw some measure of its protecting power (though not all of it, fortunately for mankind).  The way to the door where evil dwells was unimpeded, and humanity opened wide the door.  The entrance for what might be regarded as cosmic evil was first opened in the decadent days of the Roman Empire (which was one reason why the Christ chose to manifest in those days), was opened wider under the corrupt regime of the Kings of France and, in our own day, has been opened still wider by evil men in every land.

Remember that the evil to which I refer here is not necessarily the foul and vile things about which people speak with bated breath.  These are largely curable and the processes of incarnation eventually purify them.  The true nature of cosmic evil finds its major expression in wrong thinking, false values and the supreme evil of materialistic selfishness and the sense of isolated separativeness.  These (to speak again in symbols) are the weights which keep the door of evil open and which precipitated upon the world the horrors of war, with all its attendant disasters.

The realisation of what was happening did more temporarily to unify the world and heal the cleavages among nations than any other thing.  The nations of the world allied themselves with the Forces of Light to a very large extent, and little by little, cosmic evil was forced back and the door which "conceals the place of endless death and hides the countenances of the Lords of wicked pride and hateful lust" was partially closed, but not entirely shut; its final closing and sealing is not yet accomplished.

There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach humanity.  What they are and where they are I do not intend to say.  I would point out, however, that Palestine should no longer be called the Holy Land; its sacred places are only the passing relics of three dead and gone religions.  The spirit has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring itself into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world religion.  To this form all that is true and right and good in the old forms will contribute, for the forces of right will withdraw that good, and incorporate it in the new form.  Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere.  Therefore, Jerusalem stands for nothing of importance today, except for that which has passed away and should pass away.  The "Holy Land" is no longer holy, but is desecrated by selfish interests, and by a basically separative and conquering nation.


The task ahead of humanity is to close the door upon this worst and yet secondary evil and shut it in its own place.  There is enough for humanity to do in transmuting planetary evil without undertaking to battle with that which the Masters Themselves can only keep at bay, but cannot conquer.  The handling of this type of evil and its dissipation, and therefore the release of our planet from its danger, is the destined task of Those Who work and live in "the centre where the Will of God is known," at Shamballa; it is not the task of the Hierarchy or of humanity.  Remember this, but remember also that what man has loosed he can aid to imprison; this he can do by fostering right human relations, by spreading the news of the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy, and by preparing for the reappearance of the Christ.  Forget not also, the Christ is a Member of the Great Council at Shamballa and brings the highest spiritual energy with Him.  Humanity can also cease treading the path to the "door where evil dwells" and can remove itself and seek the Path which leads to light and to the Door of Initiation. THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS, p752/5


On page 681 Master DK put a name and a face to the evil forces that are in control of the world today:

The leaders of the Zionist movement of aggression constitute a real danger to world peace and human development and their activities have been endorsed by the expediency policy of the U.S.A. and, in a secondary degree, by Great Britain, under the influence of the U.S.A.  It is the Zionists who have defied the United Nations, lowered its prestige and made its position both negative and negligible to the world.  It is the Zionists who have perpetrated the major act of aggression since the formation of the United Nations, and who were clever enough to gain the endorsement of the United Nations, turning the original "recommendation" of the United Nations into an order.  The rule of force, of aggression and of territorial conquest by force of arms is demonstrated today by the Zionists in Palestine, as well as the demonstration of the power of money to purchase governments.  These activities run counter to all the plans of the spiritual Hierarchy and mark a point of triumph of the forces of evil.  I am emphasising the activities of these two countries because through the leaders of these groups of aggressive men the forces of evil—dammed back temporarily by the defeat of the evil group which Hitler gathered around him—have again organised their attack on the spiritual development of humanity.
The world today still remains divided into people of evil intention and great power and their victims, plus the negative reactions of the remaining nations.  There is no nation in the United Nations which has attempted to swing the tide of evil by ranging itself and other nations on the side of freedom.  There are only groups of unillumined men who seek to control national destinies.  There is still emotional reaction to situations and the emotional exploitation of individuals and nations by those who are in no way emotional but who are mentally convinced that certain lines of activity must be followed, leading to their own individual good but which—in the long run—are not good for the peoples involved. [DK]

As you realize by now, evil is part of the control system on this planet. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. They, the Jews, are being used to speed up the evolutionary development of humanity and it was always meant for them to take humanity to breaking point so that the good in us can come out. The Zionists leaders know this and are achieving this through carefully laid planes where the Protocols of Zion is their Bible and guidebook. Be prepared to believe anything bad and evil that you hear about them because evil has no boundaries or limitations [even human sacrifice and the drinking of the blood of babies] – everything bad goes and they have the power and freedom to do it. They have “God” [the Dark side, the Holy Spirit,] on their side at the moment – something that is hard to understand – but good and bad are just two sides of the same coin. The thing is that the Zionists, the rulers of the Jews and humanity, have now come under the influence of Cosmic Evil [Aliens, Dracos and  inter-dimensional beings] that was not part of the original game-plan. On the one side we have the Ten Commandments and on the other the Protocols of Zion. Between the two is humanity [under the guidance of Christ] struggling through evolution on its way to enlightenment. The system works but it is hard for any individual to see the big picture as long as his judgment is clouded by looking at it with the eyes of any religion because dogmatic believes do not allow for truth to cypher through to the narrow minded and it is part of the control system.  

In the light of the above information I have found the following article of great interest because I know without a doubt about the evil of the Zionist rulers of men and where their power comes from. I believe most of the following to be based on true facts and that there is a good change that everything mentioned might be true. Allowances must be made for the fact that the writer and researchers had no access to esoteric information like the above and the other articles on this website. I intend to bring the following article in line with our esoteric knowledge.

 You can find the following article at Veterans Today website below:

And you can follow it up here:

 I think this is a good compilation of current information that is available on the internet right now to tie the Zionist and the Aliens [cosmic evil] together. I had to copy it because you never know when it might be taken down. Apparently some good disclosures have been involved into bringing this information into the open for a very good reason.

Please exchange the word “Luciferians” with “Satanists” because the writer of this article is writing from the perspective of a person with a Christian background, no occult training, and has no information as to the true meaning of the word Lucifer, which means Light bearer and just the opposite of evil which is darkness. We need this Light to see and conquer the Darkness. Also remember there are two factions of the “illuminati” that we hear so often about, one for good and one for bad – the biggest problem is that we cannot distinguish between the two and their workings. Sometimes they even work together.

Some of these Alien forces are working with the development of human bodies and their genetic manipulation so that the human souls have adequate bodies to carry on their evolution into the future; all part of the enhancement of our normal evolution. But it now looks as if something evil has crept in and is threatening to highjack the genetic manipulation projects of the benevolent Aliens that was done in conjunction with human scientists. This evil force might even plan to take over the whole world. We might be in very deep danger. [EDGEBA]

 Here is the article:

Alien Agenda




Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Space War matters and Alien ET visitors.

If you have not examined all the evidence of such matters that was presented in previous Secret Space War articles, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this and it will seem like nonsense to you.

You are not allowed to know this information by the Powers That Be (PTB). They don’t really care what you believe as long as it is plausibly deniable, but they have gone to extreme limits by controlling the USG, the Judiciary, the Major Mass Media and the Educational System to make sure you cannot know these things for sure.

The particular Alien ET group which allegedly made this Ultimatum [explained below] in the first place which was communicated to this exclusive group by a spokesman is believed to be the Dracos [Draconians]. This Ultimatum was reported by an insider and corroborated by another. And it is believed by numerous insiders that these Dracos are represented by and aligned with the World Zionists (WZs) working out of the City of London Financial District and through their main Action-Agent Cutouts, Israel leaders and their Assets inside the American Establishment.
Please read the full article here:

Monday, 22 September 2014


If we think of responsibility from a soul or more spiritual angle, then we realise that we have spiritual as well as personal responsibilities. Meeting our personal responsibilities to family is, of course, most necessary and apart from the original instinct it is more prominent amongst the more developed of our brothers. Christ said: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added on to you” our personal responsibilities and duties can work out rightly when they are in or under the larger perspective of our group or soul responsibilities. 

This is where wisdom comes in and a realisation of dharma or duty. Responsibility is one of the key words that we all should reflect upon. It involves also the recognition of karma and relates to the right use of time.

One’s spiritual responsibility is, curiously enough, usually the last to be recognised, and action taken on that responsibility is usually slow. Yet, in the last analysis, it is by far the most important, for one’s spiritual influences can be lasting and can carry with it releasing power to those we love, whereas the other responsibilities, being those of personality relationship, always carry with them glamour and that which is not of the kingdom of spirit.

When the disciple starts to see the big picture and realises his role in it, his capacity for love, responsibility and duty starts to increase.

Man’s responsibility in life is determined by the degree of self-consciousness that has been achieved. There can be no responsibility when there is an absence of self-consciousness. Animals therefore cannot be held responsible, and though they suffer pain on the physical plane, they are free from karma on the subtler levels. Man, on the other hand, is self-conscious and therefore becomes responsible for his actions – both good and bad. But all men cannot be equally accountable, because they differ widely in mental development and therefore also in consciousness. Responsibility increases in direct ration to the expansion of intelligence and consciousness, and the undeveloped savage consequently does not carry nearly the same responsibility as the more advanced disciple. The latter is far better aware of the fact when he infringes the law of nature, or the ethical demands of social standards, than is the savage, and his responsibility towards his environment and his fellow human beings is therefore also increased to a corresponding degree. The result is, that for the same trespass, the evolved man will have to pay a much severer penalty than the unevolved, or in other words his negative karma will receive a heavier debit.

Man cannot be relieved of his liabilities by his brother – each individual must shoulder his own responsibilities and acquit himself of these obligations to the best of his ability, but at the same time he should refrain from interference in the responsibility of others. True love therefore sometimes has to stand aside with detachment, having to look on whilst others are learning life’s lessons – like in the way I am watching my children at the moment while they are starting their own families and careers. This at times, may be hard to accomplish, but may be mitigated by rendering moral support and the under-standing of a loving heart.

So, as we can see, responsibility is one of the most prominent characteristics of the soul, and as the soul takes hold of the personality, there consequently arrives the time when the disciple becomes aware of his spiritual responsibilities, which actually far outweigh the physical aspects, which only relate to personality issues. The effect of man’s spiritual influence will prove far more penetrating and of a more lasting nature, than the discharging of physical obligations.

I think once a person realises this, he will think twice in the case of suicide where some people go and take the easy way out to escape from their felt but unrealised spiritual responsibilities. This will give us the reason to motivate some of us to hold on to the end – till there is nothing more left to give to our fellow men.
Thus, we can say that our sense of responsibility develops as we develop our conscience; as we come under soul control. It get expressed first in the way we interact with the members of our family and then works through our progress through religions, schools, colleges, universities, as members of the workforce  and as a functioning community. Always helping us to say and do the right thing at the right time to help those around us who are in need or willing to be helped.
There are many ways to accept our responsibility in life and help others without having physical contact with anybody. Just by writing a poem or a book, creating a beautiful piece of music or a painting, you can influence millions, without ever knowing them, for many years after your own death. This is why the artist has no free will, but more a responsibility to do his art and to see to it that, that art, once it was created, gets exposed to the public; it must not be kept hidden somewhere but must be shared with all humanity. The art must give out the vibration that it was created for. This way it helps to make the world a better place and to build the world vibration or thoughtform.
 This is also the reason why we who know, have the responsibility, and must, speak out when we see something being done in the world that does not conform to our spiritual values.
 Please read the rest here:

Wednesday, 27 August 2014


Let’s just take a look again at the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of the western governments. They have financed and organised wars and revolutions in countries like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Syria where they went out of their way to destroy not only the infrastructure but also the culture of the people without putting in place anything that can help the people to rebuild a new country or a new culture. No honest politicians, no good police force or army to protect the people and to supply stability in the country. No education, new religion, law or descent industry. They destroy, and leave a mess behind. As soon as something gets rebuild or some honest politicians want to better the situation for the people and not for himself and his friends or the corporations, they move in and destroys again. By now the people in the world who can think for themselves have realised the games they play. These people do not bring anything better to the countries whose governments they overthrow or destroy.  Their actions remind me of the following story I came across:

Let's say you live in a village.  In this village, the only source of water is the community well.  However, the well is going dry and your fellow villagers are quite concerned.  Now let's say that, one day, you go out for a walk and you decide to go climb a hill that, for whatever reason, no one has ever climbed before.  On the other side of the hill, you find a natural spring with pure clean water - more than your village could ever want.
Now, we want to look at two possible scenarios for how you could handle this discovery.  One scenario we will call "The Natural Way" and the second scenario we will call "The American Way":
In this scenario, you scoop up some water and go back to the village and call all the people and tell them,  "Our water problems are solved!  Just over that hill is a natural spring with more water than we will ever need and it even tastes better than the water from the old well.  Here, I brought some back.  Try it!
Everyone is thrilled and you begin to discuss some plan to maybe make some pipe or something so that you will not need to climb the hill to get the water and stuff like that.
This is the "Natural Way"
In this scenario, you scoop up some water and go back to the village and call the people and tell them, "Look what I have here - fresh clean water - try some."
And they are all happy and ask, "Where is the water so we can use it to save our village?"  But then you say, "That information is classified and a trade secret.  What I gave you was a free sample, however, I am now 'the water company' and, if you want water so you can continue to live, you must pay me - in advance."
So now the people of the village are giving you money.  With that money, you can hire some of the people to go get water and bring it back for the desperate villagers.  However, your "trade secret" is fragile because, if anyone learns about the spring on the other side of the hill, the people will go get their water for free and you will be out of business - and that may well be the least of your trouble.  So, you must carefully choose people for your "company" and make sure they are sworn to secrecy.  You can offer your faithful employees incentives to keep quiet like free water for them and their families and even extra water just to waste.
As your profits increase, you can afford to spend more money on security.  First, you will want to use psychological techniques to make sure that no regular people from the village ever get the notion to climb the hill.  You will want to start rumors that some monster lives on the other side of the hill and that anyone who goes there will be gobbled up and never return.  Now, just in case someone does not believe you, you will need to hire some snipers to hide close to the top of the hill.  If anyone looks like they are getting close to discovering your "trade secret", the snipers are to kill them and throw them in a hole on the other side of the hill - people will be told that "the monster must have got them".
As time goes on and your profits grow, now that you have more money than you will ever need, you look to other neat things you can do.  With your money, you can take over the press and the education system.  People will be instructed that you are now "the god of water" and that you have always existed and see all and know all, etc.  The school books will be rewritten so that kids will be taught this.  If you encounter dissent, well there is always the hole on the other side of the hill and the "monster story" to explain disappearances.
You can also now afford to do nice things every once and a while to make people like you such as giving free water to starving poor people who can't afford to pay you - but just enough to barely keep them alive.
Also, you may want to consider your faithful employees.  Of course, you will have trained security people to watch them and make sure they remain faithful.  However, a better way to cultivate loyalty is with special perks others do not have.  In the village, water is precious to the desperate people because they do not know the truth.  However, you could not care less about water because you have more than you will ever need.  So, why not be totally decadent!
You can construct a "recreation center" for your employees with a swimming pool and spa so that they can have fun and waste all the water they want.  Later, you can expand this to a "secret village" located on your side of the hill where those loyal to you will enjoy every luxury while the regular people in the original village will suffer and beg for mercy as you consistently raise the price of your water.
This is the "American Way"
This is the way of the people that are controlling the wold today.


The Way of the Disciple is:
        a)      The Way of Release. Detachment is the keynote.
        b)      The way of Loneliness. It leads to and through the “dark night of the soul.”
        c)       The Way that leads to the Mountain Top of Isolation – a cutting loose from all form and all that   
                 hold the disciple to the world.
        d)      The Way that leads to the place of Initiation.
        e)      The Way of Purification that leads to the removal of all worldly desire and all hate.

These are the “Five Ways” that the disciples of the Lord of the world must go. They are those strong souls who consciously and knowingly enter into the realms of spiritual force and take thence that which they need and that which they choose [working intelligently], so that there may be a subsequent wise distribution of force within a chosen area of service.
Strict adherence to the “Five Ways”, above mentioned, that represent a scientific formula, will definitely change the serious disciple in ways that will equip him to be of tremendous service in the world work of the Hierarchy and the New Group of World Servers.  
let’s take a look at them and see how the one leads to the other to form one path:
The Way of Purification and the Way of Release:
Here the keynote, after cleaning the physical body, is Detachment to clean out the emotional body. Detachment helped me to see reality. I went to a very tough emotional experience in my life that made me see that all the things in my life up to then, did not mean a thing and that I can easily give everything up. I do not need anything accept the most basic things in live that I need to live day to day.



We are not only attached to things physically
But also things psychologically
It can be a thing or a person or a place
Your self-image, belief system or your race

This can block out all new truths and reality
Where analysis becomes a distorted actuality
Seen through your own historical perspective 
And an imagination that stays ineffective

The emotional body develops likes and dislikes at random    
Some come easily and are easy to abandon
Other attachments become central to one’s life
And are not easily relinquished through strive

Attachment is related to form and create      
A non-fluidic, non-growing, static state
Where evil works against evolution
And detachment becomes the solution

Detachment is related to consciousness.
And moving away from a distorted mindfulness
Through separation from form 
To where better judgement is the norm

In the first condition above we have an emotional focus
That is corrected most often through a mental focus
Where mental clarity is the hammer
To smash emotional glamour

In the second condition we have an attachment totality
Of the physical-emotional-mental bodies of personality
That is rectified through soul focus
That knows the real from the bogus

This is not the detachment of self-isolation
Aloofness or self- fortification  
But soul detachment which works from higher perspective
That makes everything in life more attractive   

Seeing everything in life and the goal
Through the light which streams from the soul
Regarding everything from the standpoint of eternity
And related to the Holy Trinity

When the disciple reach the point where nothing hols him in this life, what is he Living for? ……He is living to be of service…..that is his main driving force and motivation in life, accept the need and will for self-betterment and development to be eventually of even better service.

The way of Loneliness:
This works mostly on the mental body and it leads to and through the “dark night of the soul” towards liberation.
Loneliness in my case as it worked out for me helped me to dedicate all my time to service and to try and better myself while I still can. I have nobody and nothing in life that glamours for my attention or that might become a hindrance on my path. Sometimes I feel the loneliness when I think of lost family members but I know that it is all for the better and time moves on. In my case now all that remains is service. I am happy alone and in spirit, and out there in nature, I am never alone. I would not be able to do what I am doing now if I was not alone. For me it is a blessing and I can appreciate the following words of Master DK in his writings:

·         Nothing is left to him but to become his own guide and find his own way home alone.  In the loneliness which is the lot of every true disciple are born that self-knowledge and self-reliance which will fit him in his turn to be a Master.  This loneliness is not due to any separative spirit but to the conditions of the Way itself.  Aspirants must carefully bear this distinction in mind.


The heresy of separation is the major sin upon our planet due to our ignorance and immaturity. Once a person finds out, or once somebody has explained to him, the fact that all men are equal in origin, goal and opportunity, and he understands it, the whole thing of separation makes more sense and he can figure the rest out for himself. I shall also add the fact that all men are equal when it comes to the potential of ultimate achievement in this world.

It is a sad fact that we are not equal in this world today because common sense dictates to the person who can think for himself that we are not all on the same level of evolutionary development on this planet. Our souls and spirits are not on the same levels even in the spiritual worlds, but there is the fact that we all will eventually succeed to the same level and achieve the same vibration and light.

Even the Christian Church that I grew up in did not preach or explained this to us where I grew up in South Africa. We grew up where and when it made a lot of sense to believe that Black People were inferior to White People. It took me many years to realise that it was all more a case of mental and spiritual development than political and religious propaganda, manipulation and ignorance, even if the manipulators are meaning good while blinded by their own believes and upbringings.

Only by overcoming your own ignorance and entering on the path of spiritual enquiry and development will you become aware of the above mentioned facts and will you be able to overcome separation. This was how it was with me and how I learned to see reality in a world of inequalities, where materialistic leaders are either ignorant of these facts or will try everything in their power to withhold these facts from the people. They are using the differences in racial, political and religious development  as a tool for power and material gain.

I am now retired and living in Australia but I wrote the following poem about my Country, South Africa, where I was a Policeman for three and a half years.



South Africa is a country in pain
With the Black Knights in charge, insane
And mostly working for self-gain
With very little for the people to gain

Here the white man brought civilisation
That ended up in stagnation
Not standing up to the expectation
Of giving everybody an occupation

The evolutionary government is worse
In every aspect proving to be a curse
While draining the purse
Instead of writing a new verse

Since minerals were discovered in the ground
There was no peace to be found
For the people who fought on the battle ground
The politicians deceived in every round

A way must be instigated soon
To distribute the mineral wealth in tune
With the needs of everybody in the commune
Instead of going to the overseas tycoon

The State should run it for the people
Who should not be treated like “sheeple”
Banks and all other assets should be the steeple
That guides, upholds and protects the laypeople

On the top it was about black and white
And separatism that is not right
But deep down a materialistic plight
That turned everything into a fight

Ill-informed people went blind
Pushed by politicians from behind
That sold out their own kind
With corporate paybacks in mind

Can all this be set right
Without another fight?
Who will be our White Knight
That will restore the light?

There never was, or will be, such a man
But if we all stand together, WE CAN

I believe that materialism, ignorance or lack of mental development and a lack of spiritual development or awakening are the roots of all evil. Where you find ignorance amongst the developing nations and people in the world, you will find separation and even hatred towards those who have more or those who belong to another faith. Here we find our religious fanatics and materialistic inspired revolutionaries that are in most cases just being used by other powers with a hidden agenda.

Read the rest at:

Sunday, 24 August 2014

When You and I Were Young, Maggie

We all love a good sad love story, here is one:

Learn the story behind the song

It was first published as a song in 1866. The lyrics tell of
he tragic love story of Maggie Clarke and George Johnson who,
in the early 1860s, courted in Canada near Hamilton Ontario.
They were married in 1864, but Maggie died less than a year
after. Her husband immortalized their short life together in a poem which he published in a book of verse entitled 'Maple leaves'.
A young Englishman by the name of James Butterfield was so touched by the poem that he set it to music. Traces of the old mill can still be seen at Albions Falls near Hamilton.


When You and I Were Young, Maggie

I wandered today to the hill, Maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and the rusty old mill, Maggie
Where we sat in the long, long ago.

The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie
Where first the daisies sprung
The old rusty mill is still, Maggie
Since you and I were young.

A city so silent and lone, Maggie
Where the young and the gay and the best
In polished white mansion of stone, Maggie
Have each found a place of rest

Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie
And join in the songs that were sung
For we sang just as gay as they, Maggie
When you and I were young.

They say I am feeble with age, Maggie
My steps are less sprightly than then
My face is a well written page, Maggie
But time alone was the pen.

They say we are aged and grey, Maggie
As spray by the white breakers flung
But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie
When you and I were young.

And now we are aged and grey, Maggie
The trials of life nearly done
Let us sing of the days that are gone, Maggie
When you and I were young.