Tuesday, 26 November 2013

THE MEEK [a poem]

Why are most rulers of people  
Treating us like sheeple?
We really have no say
While we live their way

The more civilised we become
The more they treat us like scum
And the more they decay  
The more we become the prey

As our spirituality increases          
Everything falls to pieces
Because evil finds no opposition
When spirit allows no competition

In order to save you lots of grief
I have to shatter your belief
If you have a good heart
You must learn to be smart

In our fight to survive each day
We cannot see the betray
Or the deviousness of their schemes 
That feed of our dreams

We trust without reserve 
While we fail to observe
That it takes a thief
To catch a thief

We all know what good people’s aims are
But do you know what evil people’s aims are? 
If somebody tries to inform the sheep 
Do you think they will come out of their sleep?

We must all learn to walk the fine line
And fight evil with the help of the divine
To prevent the enslavement of humanity
We must bring back some sanity 

So, let the Whistle-Blowers, blow
And make their misdeeds glow
Let’s put them in the light
While we prepare for the fight

“The meek shall inherit the earth”
But not inside evil’s girth



Sunday, 24 November 2013


“…By illumination I do not mean the light in the head. That is incidental and phenomenal, and many truly intuitive people are entirely unaware of the light. The light to which I refer is that which irradiates the Way.

It is "the light of the intellect", which really means that which illumines the mind, and which can reflect itself in that mental apparatus which is held "steady in the light".—Glamour: A World Problem, Pg 3

Illumination reveals first of all the existence of glamour; it provides the distressing contrasts with which all true aspirants wrestle, and then gradually it floods the life to such an extent, that eventually glamour completely vanishes. Men see things then as they are - a facade hiding the good, the beautiful and the true. The opposites are then resolved and consciousness is superseded by a condition of realisation of Being, for which we have no adequate term. The technique of light becomes a permanent condition.—Glamour: A World Problem, Pg 241   
With most of the advanced students at present, all that is felt is occasional flashes of illumination, but later will be felt a steady irradiation. —Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 211  

Through diligence, application, high endeavour, and the long and patient following of the rules laid down, there comes a time when the student is suddenly conscious - right within the physical brain - of certain unexpected events, an illumination or a seeing that has before been unknown. It is something that is so real, yet so momentarily surprising, that no amount of subsequent apparent disproving can take away from him the knowledge that he saw, he contacted, he felt. —Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 288 
 The world of meaning and of causes becomes gradually the world in which he finds happiness, and his selection of his major interests, and the use to which he decides to put his time and powers, are finally conditioned by the truer spiritual values. He then is on the path of illumination.—Esoteric Psychology, Vol. I, Pg 340  
 Read more about “Illumination” in
“Ponder On This”, pages 185-188


"One star shone forth within the dark blue vault of heaven. Then another and still another could be seen until around the star were many shining points. The circle of the stars revolved and kept its place and darkness was around on every hand. Each star within its tiny orbit kept its place and slow revolved. Its contacts with the circle's edge proved adequate.
"`There is but one great circle,' came a voice, `not many little spheres. Some stars are small and time must feed their flame. Some stars are suns and shed their light on every hand. Seek out a sun and feed its life. Shed forth your rays and live.'"
One hint I will here give you: Look not for those who are potential spiritually but who are not yet expressive, but look for those mature souls who do not need your help but who seek your collaboration as you seek theirs. You have sought for your collaborators among those you help, but there you will not find them.
It was this idea I had in mind when I told you in an earlier communication to "seek out a sun and feed its life." I gave you no suggestion to do more than let time take care of those stars whose size is small and their radiance limited. One of the difficult things for humble aspirants to grasp is that peculiar moment in their life history when they must shift into the realm of discriminating work. This fits them to work as we, the teachers upon the inner side, have learned to work. We work not with all who would demand our aid but leave the "lesser lights" to be handled by our disciples and the lesser teachers. We confine ourselves to training those stronger souls, those more potent people whose lives can be "focussed in radiance" and whose response and effort warrant our endeavour. There are many gathered around you, my brother, to whom you have given much strength and teaching and whose tendency is to confuse acquiescence in your teaching and acceptance of your strength for the more difficult task of achieving divine self-confidence and innate, not borrowed, strength. Let such people go and—standing as a radiant centre of magnetic force—draw to yourself cooperators in the Plan and not consumers of your energy. Go through the lists of those you have sought to help and relinquish them to their own souls. Mind not their criticism but dedicate yourself to more important work—a work  which will appear when you have freed yourself from the clinging hands of well-meaning but weak-minded aspirants. Then, around the star which is your soul will be many "shining points." There have been times when I have been hard put to it to find you because of the obscuration brought about by those who surround and well nigh smother you as they cling to you. Stand Free.... Having pointed this out, brother of old, go forward towards the goal and the vision with confidence, sure judgment and the knowledge that I, who for years (longer than you know) have watched over your progress, am standing by with understanding and with confidence in you. [Discipleship In The New Age, p151/55]

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Only the man who is the product
Of a long and fruitful life and good conduct
Will be able to safely build the bridge
Between highest and lowest ridge

Undertaken by ancient and proven rules
The building of the Antahkarana is not for fools
When these rules are correctly followed over time
A sequence of events will come to its prime

As we build the Antahkarana
On our way to Nirvana
Man the Trinity
Becomes a duality

A fully conscious soul on the physical plane
When fully registered in the physical brain
The divine intermediary or soul
Has reached the end of its goal

The body of the soul is destroyed
As the fire of the Monad is deployed
We than have perfect alignment
For body and spiritual refinement

The veil of the temple is rent in twain
And doomed to never appear again
The forth initiation is passed
The crucifixion is surpassed

The bridge between monad and personality
At last leads to liberation and immortality
With a line of light between father and Mother
That brings revelation of the Father

Spirit has mounted on the shoulders of matter
To the place from whence it came to shatter
With knowledge gained and experience worth
The Son has finished its work on earth

The task of Saviour has come to an end
And now at last, is the time to ascend
The unity of all things is known
There is nothing more he can be shown

Thus the battle against evil has been won
And he can say: “I and my Father are One”


See all my poems at:


RAY SEVEN [of seven techniques of integration]

The seventh ray disciple wants to integrate the two
Where lay the emphasis and what shell he do?
At his hand are form, activity substance and desire
Where shall he send his thoughts to bring the fire?

At the centre he stands, the worker in the field of magic
He knows the Temple of the lord and its rituals of magic
He loves to see the forms emerge, created by his mind
And do their work, but he is still working blind

Learn not to love the work, but the Plan
And let it control your life if you can
Work to bring unity and purpose to birth
And help to establish it on earth

He must see himself as a relating agent in life
The one who stands in the midst of the strife
Attending to his portion of the task
With the effect of producing alignment at last

The moment that this alignment is achieved
Inflow of power from both sides will be perceived
This fact will always evokes a seventh ray crisis
That will lead to the beginning of true gnosis

If he is material minded and selfishly inflated      
The personality nature will be stimulated
And he will be waring furiously with all
Behind an instinctual and intellectual wall

He is glamoured by the beauty of his motive
And deceived by his strong personality emotive
Caught in a maelstrom of lower magical work
Where sex magic and black magic lurk

If warned of all the dangers that might win
He will stand steady at the centre within
And there suffer until the light in the East
Rises upon his darkness to kill the beast

Then comes the revelation of the Plan
Ever the motivating power of this man  
He works upon the outer plane of manifestation
Constructing forms for divine will penetration                         

This seventh ray is now coming into manifestation
Thus he must work with care and trepidation


Monday, 4 November 2013


Spirit is in a spiritual war with dark forces on earth
That wants to retard human evolution on earth
Spirit works for spiritual unity and oneness
While they work for material unity and oneness 

They have control over the treasures in the ground
While controlling governments with the pound
They keep the rest of us in ignorance
By controlling the media and all utterance

They control and deal in arms and finance terrorism
While orchestrating wars to drag us back into animalism
They turn nations on each other to kill millions
Trying to bring the population down by billions

They also use religion as a tool
Presuming everybody is a fool
For as long as we fight each other
We would not want to help one another

They also have germ and biological programs
Their chemtrails and fluoride poison our dams
They use science for mind control and retardation
While their control over commodities brings starvation

Why would they be so stupid to do all this
And work to drag us all into an abyss?
This may sounds like fiction from a sick mind 
But if you think this you are still amongst the blind

It is all about the retardation of your evolution
For the dark forces work for devolution
While your soul works to overcome materialism
Their work is to promote and support materialism 

By killing humans or stopping their development
They are promoting their own establishment
On earth they are committing a total heist
To prevent the reappearance of Christ

Everything spirit instigates for the whole
Quickly ends up under demonic control
We know their time is running out
For new spiritual forces are coming about

How far God is willing to let them go
Is only for Him to know

RAY SIX [of seven techniques of integration]

The sixth ray devotee, is lost in his devotion 
Which can usually cause quite a commotion
He, the idealist, runs blindly after his Master
Causing his work and activities to end in disaster

Losing himself in the chaos of his uncontrolled aspirations
And the glamour of his own thoughts without foundations
He is all the time occupied with himself and his work
Lost in a world of his chosen ideal and visions murk

He must divorce himself from the thraldom of form
And go and stand quietly at the centre, to reform
Just as the third ray disciple has to learn to do
And there align himself with visions true

Breadth of all visions and a right sense of proportion
Of all forms of truth, dreams and reality without distortion
Will help him find God in every man     
Thuds earning the right to work with the Plan

This alignment will also produce a crisis at this station
For it will leave him destitute of incentive and motivation
And of appreciation by others and the purpose of life
A state where sensations and questions are rife

His fanatic, devotional driving of himself and others
His lack of understanding of the point of view of others
The idea of "my truth, my master, my idea, my way"
Leaves him and he has nothing to make him sway

Swept by futility, his world rocks under him 
While the light of the soul goes dim
Let him stand still at the centre, eyes on the soul
Until the light breaks in, illuminating the goal

He learns to express that inclusive love
Which is his major requirement for this shove
And to let go his narrow, one-pointed attitude
By welcoming all visions with gratitude

If they serve to lift and comfort his brothers
He welcomes all truths and revelations for others
He welcomes all dreams if they can act as incentives
To his fellow men and help them with their objectives

"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me."
No longer the cry to be