Thursday, 27 September 2012


Sign1: Your sleep patterns change, you feel restless but seem to have more energy.

Get used to it and don’t worry. Your body will adjust in time.


Sign 2: Shivers, crawling sensations, tingles on your scalp.

Feeling pressure on the crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger.
Flashes of great inspiration/creativity/thoughts.
Feeling vibration around the head and ears.
Don’t worry. This is the opening of the crown chakra and divine energy flowing in.


Sign 3: Sadden waves of emotion.

Feeling sad, lonely, happy, angry etc. for no reason.
This is a release of blocked emotions and can come from the heart chakra.
Don’t be hard on yourself. Acknowledge the feelings as they arise and let them go with love.


Sign 4: Old issues keep coming back and at times you feel very lost.

You’re never lost. Face any old issues that arise and deal with them
This is necessary and deeply cleansing.


Sign 5:  Your physical body can change. Your eating habits become more healthy.

Your whole body and mind is changing.
This will settle down as you deal with old issues.
Your vibration will rise as you surrender with unconditional love.


Sign 6: Your senses increase in their sensitivity. Your 6th sense opens up and you become much more aware of subtle energies.

You may begin to see sparkles of light, shadows, balls of energy, grids of light, movement from the corner of your eyes.
You may also hear your name being called, voices, humming in your ears, fleeting smells and become aware of ‘someone’ being close to you.
These are signs of spirit and your guides.
Never fear! Remember that you are always in charge and set down firm rules. Always practice discernment [judgement, discrimination] when dealing with spirit.


Sign 7:  You begin to see the world with new eyes. You feel loving and at one with everything.

Keep in the flow!
Be compassionate and loving as best you can and don’t be hard on yourself when you’re having a bad day.
Be gentle with yourself as your awareness expands.


Sign 8: You will desire more and more to break free of restrictive patterns and old habits that do not serve you anymore.

Have courage and do it!
Clear out the old to make room for the new.


Sign 9: You begin to notice more and more signs that speak directly to you on a very profound level.

They will have great meaning to you as your awareness blossoms.


Sign 10: Synchronicity flows faster.

These wonderful events flow when you are on the right path.
Meetings, people, numbers, pictures…
There are no limit to the ‘coincidences’ that come.
Try to feel the messages behind them and trust your intuition.

You can watch it here on YouTube:

Thursday, 20 September 2012

THE ANTAHKARANA [The Lost Word - OM, or The Rainbow Bridge] [a poem]

The antahkarana is the true science of the mind
Where you leaf all your previous achievements behind
And utilise mental substance for the bridging between the personality triad
And soul, and then between soul-infused personality, and the spiritual triad

First, the life thread comes directly from the Monad or the One
To be anchored in the heart, during incarnation, for everyone
It is the seat of life
During the time you are alive

Then, directly from the soul, comes the consciousness thread
Which, during incarnation, is anchored in the head
It is the seat of consciousness
That brings about your responsiveness

Thirdly, and initiated and constructed by the personality
And anchored in the throat, is the thread of creative activity
It is the seat of creativity, created through our conceptions
That now gives life and expression to our creations

The antahkarana [OM] is a fusion and combination to perfection
Of these three threads [the sutratma - AUM ] and their projection
Into the higher mental plane, until the abstract mind
Is related by a triple cable to the concrete mind

On the first great union on the path to reality
A rhythm [OM] is set up between Soul and Personality
This first step to liberation
Is completed at the third initiation

Thus the energies that animate the soul and the personality 
Are blended and fused into one, soul-infused personality
The three aspects of the soul in the spiritual world
And the three worlds of the personality become one world

After the bridging of the personality and the soul
Comes the bridging of the spiritual triad and the soul 
This personality, soul and spirit combination
Is completed at the fourth initiation

Before a man can tread the path himself
He has to become that path itself
By using these forces for self-unfoldment and unity       
And in the service of the Plan for humanity 

By acting as if this stages have already been achieved
A shortcut to creating the antahkarana can be perceived 


Read more at:

Wednesday, 19 September 2012




Regina Meredith: We, once again, had the opportunity to catch up with Nick Begich for an update on some of the technologies on the horizon. In this interview Nick speaks further about the Verichip and what that means to our lives. He also shares information regarding Quantum Computing, a reality that he says is just around the corner. These two technologies not only will make us easy marks for influencing our consumer choices, but also have a much more insidious potential.
Regina Meredith: I think it is very appropriate to keep up the conversation about cell phones and really take it even deeper because it is becoming a big issue. I think all of us personally know multiple people now who have died of brain tumors.
Nick Begich: Right. In fact, this is an ongoing controversy. You know it started, if you remember, with the very first reports of brain tumors. It came out of Florida; Congress got involved; they got very excited; they got Motorola and the industry to actually fund a study that was over 25 million dollars, five years. They hired Dr. George Carlo, actually, to conduct that study. And the odd thing was—you normally think about scientific studies being hooked up to an engineering team or a scientific team—in this case they were connected to the chief lobbyist for the industry in Washington D.C.
Regina Meredith: That’s nice.
Nick Begich: Because it really wasn’t about science, it was about politics. So, what the industry did is he spend five years, hired the best people in the world, put together his report. Motorola and others came out with that report saying see, everything is safe; everything is wonderful. And, Dr. Carlo, who is one of my heroes, had the integrity to stand up and say, “No, that is not what I said.” And then he published a book called, Cell Phones: The Invisible Hazards. It actually lays out the framework for not just tumor formation, but the breakdown of the blood/brain barrier. He put together a very good model that would explain what we are seeing in the research regarding the wireless world, particularly cell phones. What we are going to see is something that goes far beyond what we saw in the Tobacco Industry in terms of potential litigation in the future, particularly Third-Party Litigation. This is where employers, as a condition of employment, require their employees to use these phones consistently and constantly during the day. Eventually that’s going to probably breed some of the biggest Worker’s Compensation cases, Third- Party Litigation because of the health effects that are being widely reported today.
Regina Meredith: This begs the question—there are technologies out there, and you have basically put your stamp of approval on a couple of them—that start knocking out some of those frequencies that certainly lessen the impact of cell phones. Why would these companies not start investing hugely in these technologies?
Nick Begich: This is a great question because it has been asked before, and actually right after Carlo came out with his report at the last count we found 12 U.S. Patents where the industry had, in fact, redesigned circuitry to be safer. Although, they still maintain their perfectly safe. The thing is if you acknowledge there has been a safety issue, then you open the door immediately to the liability of everything that has happened before. And, this is something that we, as a public, should get involved in, because we need to provide a framework where industry, when the research comes out, that they can come forward and acknowledge it. And, as long as they are acknowledging the research, we should limit their liability because they didn’t do it, unless it is in bad faith. Like what we saw with the Tobacco Industry where the science started to emerge and they suppressed that science. Now, in that case, I say bankrupt the industry if they hide that science. But, if they are open, and they are open and they are honest and they make those corrective moves, there are lots that we can do. But, it requires a different kind of regulatory environment that encourages industry to be honest, to be upfront, and to take advantage of the kinds of principles applied in Europe—the Precautionary Principle, where when the information first starts to arise we alert the public, we take the appropriate actions, and if we are wrong there is nothing lost in that; but, if we are right there is everything gained by that. In the 30 years plus that the Europeans have applied this principle in health and environmental issues, they have never once—never once been wrong.
Regina Meredith: Let’s talk a little bit about the Scandinavian Cell Study just to get a little more depth to the physical aspects.
Nick Begich: This is interesting. Nokia was really a leader in the first, and they are a Finnish company; everybody thinks they are a Japanese firm because of the way it sounds, but it is Finnish company. So, the Scandinavians have the longest historical use. And you want to look at a population that has a reasonable number in the population across socioeconomic boundaries, rural, urban and for enough time. So, there they had at least five or six years of pretty intense cell phone use when this study was done. When this study was done it involved 15,000 people, which statistically is a very fine model; in fact, a very good model. And, in that they found that people that use the phones for over an hour a day, which is pretty routine these days, had a number of symptoms. The things they that were widely reported were heating behind the ears, first, short-term memory loss, appetite changes, sleep pattern disruptions, sex drive disruptions. Those were the widest reported kind of consequences. What they found in the study is it tended to be cumulative—the more you used it, the more susceptible to this you become, the more weakened your system becomes. There have been other studies more recently, in fact there is a study ongoing right now that is scheduled to end in 25 years, which will be a little late.
Regina Meredith: Yeah, a little late!
Nick Begich: Because by then this technology will have been replaced by who-knows-what in 25 years. I mean that’s almost like going back to the Telegraph. I mean it just doesn’t work. But this is how they design these in the U.S., and when you look at the things that are coming out more recently–in the last month we had the German Environmental Health Ministry came out and was giving warnings on WiFi, saying that they are not going into public schools because of the risks associate with them; they have given the warning to the public that these have potential risks, again, under the Precautionary Principle, which has never been wrong. Germans are not some slouch country. I mean they are very sophisticated.
Regina Meredith: They are not sloppy in research.
Nick Begich: And very thorough and precise in their research. When the Germans say there is a problem, we better all be paying attention. The Swiss actually acknowledge this problem. Swiss Reinsurance, one of the biggest insurance groups in the world in terms of making recommendations to the Insurance Industry so they avoid troubled waters, wrote a publication that is available on the Internet called, Electro smog. Electro smog is a concept, and what they said is don’t underwrite the risks of radiation or electromagnetic field effects; don’t underwrite those risks because they believe it would bankrupt the Insurance Industry globally.
Regina Meredith: So, in plain English for anybody listening that means they find them simply too dangerous to underwrite because it is going to be absolute that there is going to be one law suit after another.
Nick Begich: They are convinced of it, and even Lloyds of London, which will insure anything, won’t insure cell phone radiation risk. That should tell us something. If they won’t take the financial risk, why should we take the health risk? We need to look at the ways to utilize cell phones in a more sensible way, because we can. I mean they are not going away. But, the wireless component is something that is going to become increasingly intrusive. I think about my home environment. Within my home environment I have six wireless networks and none of them are mine. But they all intrude upon my property and upon my airspace and upon my home. Do I have a right to sue my neighbors for inflicting that on me? When the science is in I will, because it is an intrusion on my personal space and my life. When you think about Cell Phone Towers, and there has been research on this in Europe, within 1,500 meters of Cell Phone Towers they noted distinct changes in the genetic character of [developing] embryos. Now, this was done with animal species, but genetics are genetics. What we are talking about here is manipulating genetic material in a way that causes deformation. Now, when you start to think about cell phones, and cell phone use, it is not just the system you put on your head, it is the entire system of broadcasting that we need to be concerned with. Then that extends into the wireless world, and it also extends into the home portable phones, which people generally don’t even think about when they think about cell phone safety. But the portable phones tend to be even more poorly 3 designed and more poorly engineered so they end up using energy much more inefficiently, which means that the energy is transiting somewhere, and a lot of it is transiting directly into your head. The other thing that is important is with children. With an adult when you put it up to your head you have a skull thickness and you have tissue that offers some resistance to the signal transfer. With a five- year-old 400% more energy transfers into the brain because of skull thickness than an adult. With a ten- year-old 200 % percent more energy transits into the brain than an adult. So, when you think about cell phones being marketed to children, it is not done in Europe in most of the European countries. They don’t put Mickey Mouse characters on cell phones.
Regina Meredith: Right!
Nick Begich: In fact, in Great Britain every year in August they warn families if your kids are under 16, try and avoid cell phones, before they go back to school. So, these aren’t going away, and at the same time there is gaining recognition that there is a problem here. Hopefully the regulatory bodies, at some point, will begin to address it.
Regina Meredith: To what degrees are those in the industry kind of preemptively beginning to modernize the technology to where it is less dangerous?
Nick Begich: There are several things that have happened. Again, it is a question of how much intensity? Just being here in this space we are being bombarded by electromagnetic fields that are affecting us— less so than placing something next to the head. When you place it next to the head, because of the way energy transfers, it spreads out; the density of that energy spreads out very rapidly with distance. So, if you can get it just a little ways away you dramatically. . .
Regina Meredith: Put it on speaker phone.
Nick Begich: Exactly! So many of them now have the speaker phone feature. We already hear half of the conversation; what do you care if we hear the other half? In fact, it makes it more interesting for the rest of us.
Regina Meredith: Right.
Nick Begich: So, you hold the phone a little bit further away; it makes a huge difference. Don’t put it next to your body where there is soft tissue and you get deeper penetration—you affect Kidneys, Liver, and so on. Get the phone away from you if you are carrying a purse, put it in the purse. If you are male try and figure out a way to not get it next to your body.
Regina Meredith: Carry a Man-bag.
Nick Begich: Carry a Man-bag, there you go!
Regina Meredith: So, we’re looking at some of the problems, and you were talking earlier about just the heating behind the ear. That sounds rather innocuous in and of itself, but it is not. It is the heating that is actually at issue, isn’t it?
Nick Begich: The heating what it does is breaks down the blood/brain barrier, because that heating also transfers into the brain. In fact, when you are using a cell phone—and I’ve seen the images where they actually show the heating. What happens is that heating moves through the skull into the brain, breaks down the blood/brain barrier and also slows the repair of DNA. This normal, natural repair process is slowed down. This is the mechanism that Carlo theoretically believes that this is the mechanism that is the trigger for tumor formation, which actually does make good sense.
Regina Meredith: Yeah.
Nick Begich: It also makes sense why it would confuse things like appetite, sleep rhythms and so on, because you are transferring toxins into the brain. Short-term memory loss gets explained; I mean a lot of this starts to make a lot more sense. The other interesting thing is when your friends start dying of tumors; look at which side they held their phone on. We traditionally hold the phone on one side or the other, and that is 4 where they show up. And, you are going to see the busiest people in the world—the Johnny Cochran’s of the world, who are busy and on that phone 6 or 8 hours a day—those are going to be the first fallen in this thing. It is going to be the people that actually we probably really need for their intellectual capacity because they tend to be the busiest people in the world. And, we really need to think about how we use our technology, and how better to utilize it so we can avoid some of the downfalls of these two-edged swords.
Regina Meredith: Looking at cell phone technology in terms of some of the more nefarious uses of it, yesterday I heard you talking about the Roving Wire Tap.
Nick Begich: Roving Wire Taps: There was a test case that actually went to the Supreme Court, and it was a case in New York, where they had taped conversations of Mafioso, and used it in prosecuting them, and they wanted that evidence thrown out. Because, the way the Roving Wire Taps works is, for instance, if you wanted to tap a conversation in a restaurant, you could literally go in from a distance, activate all of the cell phones within that restaurant by downloading just a bit of software to them remotely, activate them, and they act as a microphone in the room.
Regina Meredith: Even if they are turned off?
Nick Begich: Even if they are turned off. And they can pick up all of the conversations within a given space. So, even if these guys are smart enough to remove the battery, it’s the guy next to him at the table one over that has the phone laying on the table or sitting in their jacket. The idea is with a Roving Wire Tap when they first came out people thought well, what does that mean? They just kind of go through a neighborhood and randomly check phone lines? It was kind of confusing. And, then this law suit came out, and actually they won. The Mafia didn’t get the evidence thrown out; they went to jail because the evidence stayed in.
Regina Meredith: And no warrant of course, for any of this, or was there for this case.
Nick Begich: Well it was a warrant for the wire tap, but it was just an unusual mechanism for utilizing it. We always think of a bug, and you can go in and do a bug sweep. But, when you are doing a bug sweep and you are looking at the frequency bands and you see that your cell phone band width assigned by the Department of Commerce. You look at it and you go well, those are just cell phones, so you ignore it.
Regina Meredith: Yeah.
Nick Begich: And, the microphones are still there. You have heard about it with On Star on your car. That is another example of this. The voice you call—you call them up—well, how do you know they didn’t turn it off? Who do you know has activating that system? Do you really want every move you make tracked? I, personally, find that offensive.
Regina Meredith: Yeah!
Nick Begich: The whole idea of the convenience in trading for your safety and security—and this is always the content of the argument: Don’t you want to be safe? Don’t you want to be secure? They use fear to motivate you to accept a lowering, and lowering of your standards of what is acceptable in a civil society. These are just small examples of it. But, I think a lot of it has to do with the general convenience of the device people will let that other stuff go, because all of us know it is built in now. Most of us just don’t think about it.
Regina Meredith: Yeah. Well, not only that there is the conversion over from land lines. As you were also stating yesterday, some 20% of people don’t bother with land lines anymore. So, some conversion had to be made if you were going to continue to be intrusive.
Nick Begich: Right. Land lines are interesting because the dropping of land lines, generally, and going to the cell phone offers a lot of things from a marketing and from a political prospective because now you have a unique identifier that is connect to a unique individual. I mean Radio Shack, in our community, won’t charge up phones unless you do it on a card. They won’t take cash, and they won’t take checks, because they also want to know who charged that phone up, who is paying for the phone use. 5
Regina Meredith: Interesting.
Nick Begich: Which is an interesting thing because, again, why isn’t U.S. currency good at a Radio Shack for cell phone minutes?
Regina Meredith: No kidding! Talk about more insidious data mining.
Nick Begich: Exactly, and so you start to look at it, and you say ok, 20% of the population—as children grow up they are not going to get land lines; they are going to look at it like my son when I tried to explain what a typewriter was, and I said, “It is a computer keyboard without a screen.” and he said, “That’ll never work!” you know. And, land lines are going the same way in relationship to cell phones. When you think about the call phone, it identifies you when you travel around because it has built in features. Every time you make a call where you were is also recorded, not just where you were and who called and what time it was, but where you physically were is stored, because it is triangulated between the Cell Phone Towers. So, your movements are traced, as well. And, when you start to think about this—one of the things that is forecasted because the cell phone is unique enough to you so that as data mining occurs, where lots of information is collated about individuals, and then you walk by the electronic billboard down the street, and the billboard recognizes you, personally, because of that cell phone, and then based upon your entire profile starts pitching advertising messages that you are most likely to respond to.
Regina Meredith: How far away is that?
Nick Begich: We are very close; I’d say within the next three to five years you are going to see some of this technology commercially applied.
Regina Meredith: You are going to be more stimulated as you walk through life because you are going to be pitched with exactly what your desires [are], right?
Nick Begich: Right Now, the other part of this is from a political perspective when you think about tailored messages based on data mining, what is really important about this is you could have a political candidate that has ten major issues; nine of them you are 100% against; one of them you are 100% for. He is going to isolate which of those issues you are in favor of, and those are the only messages you are ever going to get from that candidate, directly, either by mail or by the push polls, or whatever mechanisms. So that they can manipulate you into believing that this person resonates with your same belief system, when 90% of their agenda is something you would fight vigorously against. That is the manipulation that occurs with data mining, whether it is for political purposes; the same thing can be used commercially when you isolate where a person’s general pattern of existence is. And, you can narrow it down when you start to look at larger, and larger populations you can draw some very important analysis from that from a marketing perspective. That’s why Google is becoming so important, because they are collecting all of that data, which is allowing for a honing of marketing—the idea of all of the interconnections, and how a person views the world can be deduced from these kinds of engines. All that data is stored because it’s the data that is valuable. Even though we may not have the capacity, today, to sort all that data, that’s coming and it is coming extremely rapidly. Storing it is relatively easy, and because it is so cheap to store vast amounts of data, virtually all data is stored on line.
Regina Meredith: Processing it is becoming, also, another game that is increasing very rapidly.
Nick Begich: Oh yes. This is very important because it is the quantum computing area.
Regina Meredith: Yes.
Nick Begich: We have talked about that in the past. Quantum computing and I’ll use this analogy because it is a good one, and it was in an article discussing the Super Computer that had just broke the record in 2006 for speed, and it was 280 teraflops, which doesn’t mean anything to most people in the world. But, it is the equivalent of 6.6 billion people with a hand calculator, each of them every five seconds doing a calculation for 60 hours, and all those 6.6 billion calculators, every five seconds for 60 hours equal what a Supercomputer today does in one second!
Regina Meredith: That’s amazing!
Nick Begich: Now, that’s an amazing thing, when you think about it. But, a neuron-firing chain in the Human brain requires a three-dimensional MRI that requires three Super Computers tied together just to get one Neuron firing in the brain. Now, wrapping your head around that for a minute, and then think about that Super Computer of today running for a trillion years, ok. I just told you what it does in a second; in a trillion years of operating a Quantum Computer in one hour will do what a trillion years of today’s Super Computer will do. Now, quantum computing is the idea on an atomic level, on a very small level. The thing about it is on that level the operator influences the outcome. You know this idea in physics, the observer influences whether it is a particle or a wave. Well, this is a problem in quantum computing that was resolved earlier this year, because they figured out a way to electromagnetically shield a Quantum Computer so you could develop this technology. So, from this point forward we are going to see accelerated advances. And the other thing that we have seen in speeds are things like Optical Microcircuits that work on light rather than electrons, which is a much, much faster medium. But, when you start to think about Light Circuits that’s another major area that will probably be a step in between the quantum computing step, but these things are coming. Superconductivity feeds into this, as well, because when you reduce the resistance down to zero, then you have these incredible speeds of transmitting information and computing that information. So, it is sort of this coalescing of technologies taking place right now. Quantum computing is going to be here in the next couple of years, and the day it arrives—whoever gets there first—every security system in the world is then vulnerable to hacking. You know with enough persistence you hack through them all?
Regina Meredith: Right.
Nick Begich: Well, imagine that Super Computer of tomorrow, that Quantum Computer being able to hack through. Now, the interesting thing is every human brain is a Quantum Computer. We already have that capacity; we just haven’t figured out how to fully access it. And, it is kind of like Man always trying to replicate what the Creator has already done. We always do it with a big hammer, and we only need a feather, and we don’t quite figure that out.
Regina Meredith: Right!
Nick Begich: But, nonetheless, the human brain is capable of doing much more than we think, and that is where I believe that the real action will come. Because as these other technologies emerge on one side materially, the human consciousness also changes materially.
Regina Meredith: It is interesting because the Quantum Computer you are talking about and its capabilities, they were written about by Michio Kaku in his book, Visions, about ten years ago. But, it seems to me we are way ahead of schedule. Because, I think he had projected that for something like 2050, when this would become a useful reality.
Nick Begich: Sure. You know that’s not unusual to see those predictions far into the future. There was one on Space cast 2020 making predictions about being able to send voice information into someone’s head, and actually that was done at MIT; the Lemelson was awarded to Woody Norris, who did that in 2005, 15 years ahead of schedule.
Regina Meredith: Right.
Nick Begich: These schedules are really irrelevant, because [this is] what happens as computing power increases: Back in the 1980’s we were doubling our knowledge base from the invention of the wheel to where we are today about every five years; back at the beginning of this Century, around 2000 it was about every nine to ten months; now it is about every seven to six months, and getting shorter, and shorter, and shorter. We will double the knowledge of human beings almost every day with quantum computing. At that rate there is not way to analyze the implications of any of those changes; we will just be in this rush. And, the thing about quantum computing is the machines will be incredible. They will almost be miraculous, because of their predictive capacity—to predict future event based upon huge bodies of input. 7 We will begin to rely on them significantly in making decisions. The problem with quantum computing is it will never absolutely be perfect. So, you get a butterfly effect in the programming that over time they become less and less reliable.
Regina Meredith: When we have this capacity already, innately!
Nick Begich: Absolutely. And this is where the parallel is in my view—as we learn more about the brain, as we learn more about the mind, and we begin to open up our own potentials we are going to look back on this period 100 years from now and be laughing about what we were doing, in the same way that we look back 100 years ago at the thoughts and science then. It is not going to be any different. I think the biggest concern is from my perspective is you look at the mind and you look at the brain and what’s emerging in the whole area of Neuroscience, the biggest challenges for civil liberties are at stake. Because the domain of the mind is the connection to whatever you believe the Soul to be connected to, whatever you believe. It is our control station for this [the body], and our link to what else is out there. And, the fact that anyone believes that they should be able to manipulate activity within our brains for any other purpose—PBS just did a piece called the 22nd Century, and their opening segment was, “The Worldwide Mind,” where they believe, like we had the Internet of the 1990’s, that we will have a network where every human brain on the planet will be connected. Now, I don’t like that because, first of all, artificially doing this means that the manipulation of all of those human brains is also possible. Being able to project propaganda into those brains is also possible in lots of different ways. PBS is suggesting that this is where it is headed. In my view we already have this capacity; we are already connected in this way; we just don’t recognize that connection. The science is beginning to show this. What we don’t need is an artificial that there is an operator on that has the determinative ability to influence the human mind, human behavior. When you think about reliance on electronics, you know, everyone—the generation coming up now—are so different from you and I in terms of how they view the world. It’s the gadgetry. But, when you look at the world across the world, and you look at who is the most powerful on the planet; it is those with the highest capacity to control and command technologies. Within Democratic Republics like ours it means that we have to have at least a working conceptual knowledge. We don’t all have to know how to put the stuff together, but we ought to know what it does; we ought to consider the ethical and moral implications of it and have an opportunity to debate that within the public forum, and make sure that technologies serve Human Kinds interests rather than work against them.
Regina Meredith: Perfectly put. I wouldn’t say this is off topic, but we might need to find a segway here. Naomi Watts wrote an article recently. I think it was called, “The Tears of Americans,” or something. As she is out speaking she is noticing that people are coming up to her saying My God, what can we do? I’d love to be able to speak up; I’d love to defend what I think is right, but I am so afraid They are Watching Me! Well, now we know it is not plausible to watch every human being. But, on the other hand, the people who are aware of all of this are becoming deeply emotionally depressed over the loss of their autonomy and being able to speak out. Any thoughts on this because, valid or not, it is mass.
Nick Begich: I see it, too, in a lot of my travels. The injection of fear into populations is one of the routes to control the populations; it always has been. Because what happens, if you look at the brain in an EEG, where you are actually measuring brain activity, and you look people experiencing fear, you get incoherent brain patterns; they are all over the map, and they tend to be in the higher Beta ranges and above. They are the kind of signals that don’t allow for intellectual, higher-ordered thinking. What you need is to slow the brain down, to relax. Often what happens with activists, and I see this all the time: hey see the issue; they see the goal, but instead of recognizing their immediate spheres of influence, which is where we should start, they stretch beyond it. When they do they are in an unstable position, because they are not able to carry the message forward. We all have a part to play; we all have a different part to play. Work within your spheres of influence; do what you absolutely know that you can accomplish. Do that. Don’t do what you don’t believe in; don’t do what you don’t believe you can achieve, because it will only create fear and anxiety. Do what you can do, and it may be as simple as talking to your neighbor. Once you have done that the next thing will reveal itself, and your level of confidence and your knowledge of following your own truth will allow you to propel yourself forward. Yeah, you’ll have times. I, myself do. I’ve been doing this a long time, where 8 you get overwhelmed. And it is usually the other things in life for me; it is not the work that we are doing, it is just five kids, a big family, a lot of stuff going on.
Regina Meredith: Life, finances, all of it. (Laughing)
Nick Begich: All the stuff that happens in life. But the thing that we need to remember is it is in the calmness of the center of our Soul, where the good things happen. We can’t do it in an agitated state. Our government wants to blow Red Alerts and Orange Alerts. Forget all of that; recognize that we have one alert, and it is Green. It means go forward in what you know to be right and true, and follow that. At the end of the day the fear will dissipate.
Regina Meredith: In terms of counter-technology, as it were, that can kind of block and shield, and so forth, is there any technology you know of outside of what we are beginning to re-discover in really ancient technologies that can, in essence, kind of do a smog-bust on these frequencies in your domain?
Nick Begich: It is difficult because the carriers are so different. You would have to develop systems toblock each and every potential. Now, the other way to kind of—you look at that side; how to you counterall the signals coming in—and, the other way to look at it is can I create a signal within my Near Field that will be strong enough that my body will lock onto it and ignore the rest? That’s the better approach.
Regina Meredith: That’s better. Now what—so, how do you.
Nick Begich: There are some things out there. There are some Electromagnetic Field Generators. I can’t give you a brand name, or anything, but they are out there. They create an electromagnetic pulse in, say, the 7.83 hertz range, which is the Human’s resonance. These things exist. They create an electromagnetic field pulse that the body will couple with; you will lock onto, but it is a pulse rate that correlates to the higher states of consciousness, correlates to the planet, itself, and is a healthful thing. So, what happens is you lock onto that—you are zeroed in on that, and all of these other signals coming in tend to be weak, so you ignore them like background noise in a crowded room. That is exactly how it works. So, strong systems are the better systems. When you look at depressed systems—I’m talking about Human Beings around the country, the level of Depression related to stress, which drives the system down, which weakens the Immune System, which weakens your own signal strength in terms of how you act as a transceiver and transducer of energy. All of that changes when your system is crushed by stress. Stress is really the root of a lot of this. Fear drives stress; a lot of other things do, as well. So, looking for techniques, simple breathing can reduce stress. We’ve demonstrated a lot of things in the past, certain methods of Biofeedback can be used. But just some basic meditation techniques. We’re not talking about in a religious connotation here. I’m just talking about basic techniques for slowing the brain activity down; getting your body back in sync, and providing your body with the right nutrients, which is something else that we don’t do in this country sufficiently. You need the right building blocks within the body to build a strong system, and then you need to look at stress as one of the things that breaks that system down. Try and find ways to mitigate against the stresses of life. A lot of that happens by taking your own control of your own power, again. See, when you know you need to do something and you don’t do it, your stress level actually increases. If you take a step in the direction of what you know to be right and true, you regain your own control, your own empowerment—you recognize you are creative. If you believe this, and I do—you are created in the image of a Creator. It is not how we look; it is what our capacity is. Don’t insult the creation itself by limiting your own possibilities.

You can also see this interview here:

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

DEATH [a poem]

What is there to fear about death?
That I can say to you with my last breath?
Like every life I had before this day
I shall leave this one today

For death, if we could but realise its qualities  
Is one of our most practised activities 
Death on one plain is birth on another plain
And this will happen again and again

Just as long as we are identified with the form aspect
Death will hold for us its ancient terror and respect
But as soon as we know ourselves to be souls in incarnation
We shall no longer know death or its fabrication

For it is not the cataclysmic end, involving the termination
Of all human relations, physical activity, love and sensation 
And the passage into the unknown cold and dark night                                                           
Dreaded, alone and terror stricken without a light

Daily sleep and occasional dying are nearly identical
In sleep the magnetic thread is preserved and stays integral
Ensuring the path of return stays open
While in death, this life thread is broken  

Thus the conscious entity that cannot return
Is home again, free and ready to learn
And experience the spiritual-life
While preparing for another earthly-life

Because death is undertaken at the direction of the higher-self
The process works automatically for the lower-self
For when the soul withdraws its attention
The physical body goes into disintegration

The man knows himself to be as he was before incarnation
And although there is no more sense communication
Astrally and mentally the interplay can be more sensitive
Because freed from the body there is no more negative 

One day there will be understanding of the laws of abstraction
That will enable the one who is making the transition
To withdraw consciously and in full waking awareness
Out of the physical body into a higher consciousness

I wish you to remember these words at your release
"Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace."  


Tuesday, 11 September 2012


The Sounding of the Word and the finding of the Way

By Christine Morgan

Through the sounding of the word and through reflection upon its meaning, the Way is found. This is one of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali and such a beautiful and insightful injection. It is one of several sutras related to Ishvara, a term in Hindu philosophy for the Vishnu aspect, “the son of God, the cosmic Christ, resplendent in the heart of each of us”. The sutra instructs us to sound the Sacred Word of Ishvara, the OM, but at the same time not to interpret this too literally. The sounding of the Word is more concerned with developing sensitivity to the Law of Vibration. It involves heeding the Call of Ishvara. In other words, “the gradual tuning of the lower vibrations of the sheaths or vestures of consciousness so that they synchronise with the note or sound of the conscious indweller.”
The Soul is constantly transmitting the Word, the Call of Ishvara, from the abstract levels of the mental plane down the Sutratma to the disciple on the physical plane. [He can actually hear this Sound. - E] The disciple’s task is to develop the capacity of inner listening in order to emulate this sound and transmit it back up to the soul. When this occurs, harmony follows and the Word runs up and down the Sutratma between soul and personality causing it to vibrate with spiritual power. It becomes a living bridge from which the means to serve in the outer world can be drawn. At this stage, the disciple discovers his spiritual keynote and finds his place as a conscious part of the bridge of “souls and servers”. The Call of Ishvara has been heard and responded to, in turn, it can be sung out into the world to serve humanity.
The subjective ‘note’ of a person, a group, and even humanity itself, is constantly changing in response to the unfoldment of consciousness, an as it does, it affects the substance in which it resides, and the forms with which it shares the planet. This brings the importance of working ‘consciously in consciousness’ to mind, of discovering our individual “keynote” and how to work with it. We also have to discover the keynote of the group to which we belong – the group Ishvara and to use what Dane Rudhyar calls the “tonic power” of its sound. The word “tonic” is apt here for service is both an invigorating tonic in the medicinal sense – something that invigorates and restores spiritual health, and also tonic in the musical sense of tonal quality; for ultimately, service is the transmission of part of the orchestral sound of the Logos and the Symphony He is in process of composing.
As the Tibetan so inspiring puts it: “…sound permeates all forms; the planet itself has its own note or sound; each minute atom also has its sound; each form can be evoked into music and each human being has his peculiar chord and all chords contribute to the group symphony which the Hierarchy and Humanity are playing, and playing now. Every spiritual group has its own tune… and the groups which are in process of collaborating with the Hierarchy makes music ceaselessly.” This rhythm of sound and this myriad and notes blend with the music of the Hierarchy itself and this is a steadily enriching symphony… “the results of right breathing, of controlled and organised rhythm, of true pure thought and of the correct relation between all parts of the chorus.”
Coming right down to the dense physical plane, in the past there was a greater understanding of the purpose of the sound made by instruments, coupled with the infusing quality of the simple spiritual devotion of their creators. The church bell which called the faithful were therefore reflections of the artisans who made them and they were created with knowledge of the exact proportion of metals to be melted and shaped it would take for perfect resonance. Likewise, the gongs of Hindus for example would strive to harmonise with the archetypal form of the life of the deva who was to incarnate into the tones. It was a work of magnetisation of the metals with love and will, melded together with an understanding of the meaning of the messages which the bell or gong would bring to the devotees.
This is a point to bear in mind with our own use of sound through right speech. The tonal quality that we emit through speech objectifies our thoughts and feelings and directly transmits our state of consciousness into the world with corresponding effects. If we manage to build a sufficiently powerful thoughtform on the mental plane, a deva will incarnate into it and live there like a sea creature inside a shell, boosting its radiator power with its life. If we can imagine all of our thoughts being alive, for alive they are, then we will realise how important it is to allow their livingness to be translated into the right tonal quality when we use the vocal chords to transmit their energy onto the physical plane. The responsibility for the right use of the spoken word is an important aspect of the Arcane School training. The morning meditation is a means of tuning ourselves up to the call of Ishvara and then the challenge is to stay connected and in harmony with its sound throughout the day, letting it ring out through all of our thoughts and words to lift and serve others as opportunity comes our way.
By understanding our life and the service we give in terms of sound, we will find the key to bringing harmony out of conflict and building right relationships in the world. this is particularly so because “the fourth ray [of harmony through conflict] is the ray par excellence which governs humanity,” and this great Ray Lord holds the key to building bridges between spirit and matter, through the tonic power of sound. In Esoteric Psychology we read that the immediate task ahead for this fourth Ray Lord is a further “lowering of the thread” in the human kingdom—a symbolic phrase for the great path of return. The fourth ray-Lord is instrumental in lowering and revealing the path of return just as He was with the path of outgoing late in the period of planetary creation. At that time six divine instructions were given to Him by the Solar Logos, one of which is imaginatively captured in the musical injunction: Speak Low the Word. Speak low.
This lucidly describes the gathering momentum of sound penetrating the depths of matter and rolling out the path of involution for the descent of the sons of God into physical manifestation. Now, on the path of return, His keynote must be evoked and utilised by disciples and discipleship groups that they may each find their respective place of service on the planetary bridge and from that point, broadcast the Call of Ishvara deep into humanity’s subconscious. This is assisted by drawing upon the Fourth Ray Lord’s capacity to reveal the path through a quality summarised in another injunction given to him by the Solar Logos: Lower the thread. Unfold the way. Link man with God. Arise.
We should bear in mind that the call of Ishvara, transmitted through the tonal power of the fourth ray, doesn’t necessarily result in immediate peace and tranquillity to those who hear it and respond. [Some of us can actually hear this ringing sound in the head in the form of, humming, bells or flutes. - E] The Sacred Word can precipitate acute points of crisis and conflict in others, as they struggle to adjust to its vibration. The fourth Ray Lord is called among other things, The Trumpet of the Lord, and as serving groups proliferate around the world, the powerful sound that this Ray Lord emits through them is generating tremendous points of crisis and conflict in the collective consciousness of humanity, and pulling down old patterns of thought in order to establish a new polarisation towards the divine. As this alignment is taking place, confusion and even panic are widespread, prior to the settling of the esoteric dust and a new clarity of vision.
We are told that new vision comes through Mercury, a fourth ray planet that has the ability to draw harmony out of conflict through new vision. Mercury’s qualities are buddhic, intuitional and expressive of the Christ. “Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods [that is, of the Hierarchy of Souls], carries always the message of love and sets up an unbreakable inter-relation between the two great planetary centres, that of the Hierarchy and that of Humanity.” And this capacity is expressed in the final instruction given to the Fourth Ray Lord by the Solar Logos which runs: Sound forth the colour. Produce the notes and see them pass into the shades, which in their turn produce the sounds. Thus all are seen as one. the quality of this command is described as “the synthesis of true beauty.”
This is a truly glorious injunction and an esoteric group can augment this work of the Fourth Ray Lord simply by sounding forth the deep blue note of love that that transmits the Christ consciousness into the darkest pockets of human consciousness to evoke the goodness that is Ishvara, sitting in the cave of the heart of every man, woman and child. There he sits upon the twelve-petalled lotus of the heart, holding in his hand the “jewel in the lotus.” We are told that when the devotee becomes the raja yogin then Ishvara will reveal to him the secret of the jewel. When Christ is known as King upon the throne of the heart, then He will reveal the Father to his devotee. But the devotee has to tread the Path of Raja Yoga, and combine intellectual knowledge, mental control and discipline before the revelation can be truly made. The mystic must eventually become the occultist: the head qualities and the heart qualities must be equally developed, for both are equally divine.
When the disciple has blended the way of the mystic with the way of the occultist and found his keynote, the consequent purity of his nature enables him to use Words of Power with skill and understanding; and the disciple of the future will work in this way and build the new world with its culture and civilisation. Perhaps we will begin to understand from this, the beauty and power of the science of invocation and evocation and what it means to become a living instrument and sound forth into the world the Call of the Reappearing Christ. Sound therefore, is the key to evolution and the tone of our life clearly sounds throughout our aura and has its effect on others in either a constructive or destructive way.
In times to come humanity will work much more creatively with sound as a force of invocation and when the new energies of the fourth ray pour into humanity in 2025 we can start to look for healing tonic power of sound and a more constructive type of music that brings spiritual warmth and upliftment—that lifts the forces of the body upwards towards spirit. Sound will then become a creative tool for humanity to accelerate its spiritual evolution. As Dane Rudhyar wrote, “We recall the words of the Bhagavad-Gita, ‘Ishvara, the Master, whose magic power causeth all things and creatures to revolve, mounted upon the universal wheel of time’….. His magic power is what we called ‘tonic power’ in all things and in all types of music which are real. As we understand the revolutions of the ‘universal wheel of time,’ that is of the cycles of Life and lives…we shall know how to call down Ishvara into our songs…and how to kindle in others the flame of spiritual regeneration.”
One of the Christ’s new tasks as God the Preserver is to keep the “wheels in motion”, to act as the Word of God and enable the process of incarnation and opportunity to evolve to continue. For us today, our greatest service is to sound the Great Invocation and let the meaning behind its words ring throughout the entire world. The Great Invocation is the greatest sound we can participate in collectively at this time. as the Christ’s Own Mantram its “sound has gone forth” to the entire world through His enunciation of it and through its use by the Hierarchy. The Tibetan tells us that not only must its words go out throughout the entire world by means of its enunciation by men everywhere, but that its meaning must be expressed by the masses in due time. Then Christ can again “return to Earth” and “see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” Surely then, it is clear that purposeful use of the GI as an esoteric group is the best way to play our part in the bridge of souls and servers linking the subjective and objective worlds as one and aiding the Christ in His work. Let the group sound forth the Call of Ishvara.

Read more at:

Monday, 10 September 2012


Sometimes, many of us get to the point where we are thinking of committing suicide as an escape either now, or later in the future on the day when “things” might get too much to handle. Whether we think this way because of terminal sickness, whether our love-life ended up on the rocks or whether we are just fed up with life on earth in general, or whatever other reason, I think we all have the thought, or ask the question: “Is this right or wrong?” This might just be the reason why you are reading this right now, or you might have been led here by spirit for your eyes to see.
Because of my studies in esoteric science and philosophy, or metaphysics, I have access to knowledge that are not well known to members of the general public and I intend to share some of it without making the whole subject to complicated. 
Frequently, today, lives are preserved in form—both in old age and in infancy—that could be well permitted liberation.  They serve no useful purpose and cause much pain and suffering to forms which nature (left to herself) would not long use, and would extinguish.  Note that word.  Through our overemphasis on the value of form life, and through the universal fear of death—that great transition which we must all face—and through our uncertainty as to the fact of immortality, and also through our deep attachment to form, we arrest the natural processes and hold the life, which is struggling to be free, confined to bodies quite unfitted to the purposes of the soul.  Misunderstand me not.  I desire to say naught that could place a premium on suicide.  But I do say, and I say with emphasis, that the Law of Karma is oft set aside when forms are preserved in coherent expression which should be discarded, for they serve no useful purpose.  This preservation is, in the majority of cases, enforced by the subject's group and not by the subject himself—frequently an unconscious invalid, an old person whose response apparatus of contact and response is imperfect, or a baby who is not normal.  These cases constitute definite instances of an offsetting of the Law of Karma. [ESOTERIC HEALING p351]
Thus, according to common-sense and as nature dictates in its wisdom it looks like suicide has its place and it might even be normal or necessary under certain circumstances. Why should mercy killings only be done on animals?
In his Theosophical book, THROUGH THE GATEWAY OF DEATH, Geoffrey Hodson, [who was a Clairvoyant that had the ability to see what he was writing about], had the following to say:


The Selfless Motive

Certain deviations from the normal after-death conditions occur in cases of suicide and sudden and premature death. At the least three varieties of after-death experience follow upon suicide. When committed from unselfish motives [like in the attempt of saving somebody’s live], after the shock has passed which generally accompanies sudden death, the person settles down to the new life under the conditions previously [see later] described. There is generally no coma in these cases, and no time in which the person can become gradually readjusted to the altered conditions of life.

The Escape Motive

Those who take their lives in order to escape from unacceptable conditions [like sickness] may sink into unconsciousness immediately on leaving the physical body, and remain in that condition until the time of natural death. They then awaken and become subject to the appropriate laws and conditions. It is this fact of awakening when the natural term of physical life would have ended which suggests that, there is a time of natural death fixed—partly by our conduct, of course—for each one of us.

Victims of Desire

The experience of those who commit the third type of suicide is less enviable still. Gross and sensual, they have ended their physical existence in the full flush of life, driven by passion or fear. Their strong desires then keep them earthbound. They can see the replica in subtle matter of the physical plane and live in a half-world…. between this one and the next. Driven by desires and passions which they cannot satisfy, they seek gratification by entering places of sensual indulgence on the physical plane and trying to unite their consciousness with that of the drunkard or the sensualist indulging there. In this circumstances, the physical plane people experience intensification of their desires so that the relationship, even though they are ignorant of it, can be as harmful for them as for the earthbound souls seeking gratification through them.

Suicide, a Profound Error

To the Theosophist possessed of this knowledge, suicide is always a mistake. It temporarily solves certain problems, it is true, but it also raises new ones; for eventually, every obligation must be met, every debt paid, every pain lived through. “God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. [Gal. VI.7] It is wiser, therefore, to accept and endure the difficulties, no matter how painful they may be, than to perpetuate and intensify them by attempted evasion and the additional complication of self-murder, the karmic reaction from which may adversely affect successive incarnations.
Maybe we should take a look at what is a normal death first, before you make up your mind and before we research the matter further. Geoffrey Hodson gave the following information in the same book:


The Approach of death

If the existence of the faculty of extended vision be granted—not the negative psychism of the entranced medium, but a positive, trained power under the control of the will, just as is physical vision—then let us assume that we are in the chamber of death, watching with the “seeing eye” the transition from this world to the next of someone dying from old age or disease. We shall at once discover the answer to our question: “were the deceased aware of the immediate approach of death?” The answer is: “Generally, no.” The failure of the supply of blood, and so of oxygen, to the brain brings on unconsciousness, a process which is just like falling asleep. Even if there has been suffering at the near approach of death, that suffering ceases before the end.
What shall we see as the process of dying is directly observed? As the hour of dissolution approaches we shall see the life-force of the body being withdrawn from the extremities and centred in the heart, there to be visible as glowing golden light. After this, sensation in the lower limbs is greatly diminished. Then, as death draws nearer, the life-forces are withdrawn still further into the middle of the head, into the third ventricle of the brain, which is the seat of Egoic consciousness during physical life.
The dying person may or may not still be physically conscious. If unconscious, in a coma preceding death, he will be visible to clairvoyant sight out of the body in his superphysical vehicle. This vehicle is built of much finer latter than the ether, and in outline resembles almost exactly the physical body; it is, its counterpart. It differs in appearance from the physical in that the substance of which it is built is self-luminous, so that it glows as if lighted from within, and it is surrounded by an atmosphere which is visible as light in constantly changing colours.

The Superphysical Vesture of the Soul

These colours of the aura, as it is called, correspond to states of consciousness and are seen to vary with every change of feeling and thought. Indeed, there exist a veritable science I may refer to in passing—the science of the correlation of states of consciousness with the colours of the aura. A rush of sympathy for someone in pain or trouble, for example, suffuses the aura with green; intellectual effort floods it with yellow. Blue denotes devotional activity; lilac, spirituality; rose deepening to crimson, love. Red is the colour of anger and irritability;  brown, of selfishness—and so on. As stated, these colours are visible to clairvoyant sight, so that by looking at people’s auras it is possible to tell the kind of thoughts and feelings to which they habitually give expression, and thus to discover their temperament and character. Naturally, such a power is not used save by permission and for research purposes.

The Silver Cord

Thus, the aura will be visible around the dying person who, physically unconscious, is then outside his physical body and floating just above it, but is joined to it by a stream of flowing forces which shine with a delicate silvery light. This current flows between the heads of the physical and the superphysical bodies, thus connecting them. So long as it continues to flow, there is always the possibility of physical awakening. Once it is broken, as at the moment of death, there is no longer any possibility of return. Cases of apparent resuscitation are in reality only reawakenings into bodies that were not dead. This is described in Christianity as Follows: “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl [the etheric double] be broken, or the pitcher [the physical body] be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” [Eccles. 12:6,7]

The Cord Is Loosed

The dying person may return temporarily to his body and, on opening his eyes, may see some of the phenomena of the next world and make reference to people not physically present. When the actual moment of death arrives, the “silver cord” is seen to break and the man himself to rise, as though released from some gravitational pull. Although not absolutely certain, I am inclined to think that the exact moment of death for each one of us is fixed. Whether this is so or not, the moment comes, the cord breaks, the man is free of his body and can awaken in it no more. The signs of death then appear in it; its work is done.

The Past Life Reviewed

In nearly all cases man is as unconscious of dying as he is of falling asleep. He passes, as it were, upon a sigh from this world to the next. He is generally engaged in a process of review, in which the events of the life just closed pass before his mind’s eye in clear perspective, causes and their effects, successes and their results, failures and their outworkings, being seen and correlated. This process of review is very important, for from it is distilled a certain wisdom—the fruitage of the life just closed. It is for this reason that we should mentally, emotionally and physically be quiet in the chamber of death, lest by an excess of grief we disturb the loved one in this important process. He is now living in his subtler body, the body of feeling [emotional body], and is therefore highly sensitive to the forces of thought and emotion. Calmly and with self-control, our thoughts should rightly be turned in love towards him, and in blessing and aspiration for his progress inwards to the inner worlds. In Theosophy we are taught to dwell not so much upon our own great loss as upon his transcendent gain; and transcendent gain it is to be freed from the physical body and its limitations when once its valuable work is done and not before. Such, then, is the theosophical answer to the question: “Were the deceased conscious of the process of dying?”


The Awakening

The review ended, there generally follows a period of complete unconsciousness which may last from thirty-six to forty-eight hours, varying with the individual. Then awakening occurs and the deceased, frequently still TPH, Adyar] deputed to this particular work of assisting new arrivals. They welcome newcomers, explain the change, and help them to settle down to it as comfortable as possible. Few, if any, in these days enter that world without some hand being stretched forth to welcome and to assist them in the first stages. Such is the theosophical answer to the question: “How is the life after death entered?”

No Strange Land

What will be the nature of this Life? At this point I am going to say something which will perhaps be difficult to believe, but since I know it to be true and of great importance, I must state it. The world to which our friends have gone, and to which we will all go when our time comes, is no strange land; for we go there every night whilst our physical body sleeps. Sleep has aptly and truly been called the twin brother of death. We may go further and call them the same thing; for whilst the body sleeps we are awake in the body which we shall use after death. Our dreams are, in part, the confused memories of our life in that world which we bring back on awakening, such as, for instance, the pleasant, poetic, floating motion by which we move, thought-propelled, in the superphysical worlds. Hence quite naturally, the world of the life after death proves to be a familiar place. The difference between sleep and death lies in the fact that, in sleep, “the silver cord” which links us to the body is not broken. In death the cord is broken and, as we then have no link with the physical body, we can return to it no more.
The superphysical world and state of consciousness entered at death consist of two divisions or planes of Nature, the emotional or astral, and the mental. The former, the emotional, contains human and angelic inhabitants, and scenery and other forms visible to the deceased. The latter, the mental, also has its own inhabitants and phenomena, but the experience of the departed whist living there is more subjective and individual.

The Influence of Temperament and Character

The next general principle which I wish to advance is that the conditions in which a person finds himself after death depends largely upon his temperament, and upon the nature of the life he has led on the physical plane. We each see the world around us through the windows of our temperament. The sunny-natured, friendly individual awakens after death to a sunny, friendly world; whilst the gloomy, self-centred hypochondriac may awaken to a dull, gloomy and somewhat lonely world—not because that world is lonely, but because the self-centred individual does not inspire and is unable to give friendship. Happily, the pain, the boredom and the isolation which such people unconsciously created for themselves, spur them into changing their attitude towards life.
We will stop here and go back to our topic - Suicide.